Posts Tagged ‘united states of america’

My name is Mr W and I believe that Neothink is …

My name is Mr W and I believe that Neothink is God-sent information to help me and other individuals understand how to develop their positive inner self; recognize our own potential; and utilize our own positive strengths. Even though I have been sick, my wife has been ill, my eye sight does not allow me to read for long periods, I am still benefiting from the spiritual teachings to become a better man, husband and citizen of this great nation, the United States of America!! I want to thank our leader, The Honorable Mark Hamilton for allowing me and my family to become a member of Neothink!!

After reflecting on the many years of physical existence on this globe …

After reflecting on the many years of physical existence on this globe we call earth and on this phenomenal portion of land called the United States of America, I have come to realize more than ever it is the mind of man that have caused the dilemmas and current conditions we are now experiencing.

Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society

Many years ago, I was very frustrated about so many things in life. I was confused and overwhelmed by conflicting information on all kinds of subjects from how to eat and be healthy to religious beliefs. Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? Why are there so many lives lost over religion? Why is the greatest country, my country, the United States of America, getting less free while the Soviet Union is becoming freer? Why are political elections full of outright lies and smear campaigns? Whatever happened to our representatives actually representing us, the people, instead of what they stand for? Why is the general population tired, stressed, and over-worked? Why, in this day and age, are some people healthy while others are not? Is anybody really happy? Along with my confusion there was so much blame being placed, people expecting others to live their way, politically correct expectations that constantly change to meet current trends, and guilt put on if one doesn’t conform.
Then several years ago, I was lucky enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society. From Mark Hamilton’s literature, I didn’t learn his version of how things are. What I did learn was how to think for myself again and have confidence in my own rational thinking. Now I can see for myself what is really going on by looking beyond the illusions that are created to trick me into thinking a certain way. I am now able to use my own realistic thinking to figure things out for myself for every situation that I need to deal with. I have always had this realistic logical ability to think and know what is right, but the media bombards us with conflicting information and conflicting societal rules that cloud every issue and as we grow up the increasing amount of conflicting information we receive creates so much confusion for our minds we unknowingly are forced to become just followers that quietly live our less-than-happy lives, pay our taxes, and pretend we are in control. This has been how a small group of people (corrupt governments) have kept control of a large group of people (the masses) for their own benefit.
Since Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have been a valuable inclusion into my life, I have taken time to go through most of the crap that my mind had gathered up in my lifetime and trash the stuff that was just plain wrong. Keep in mind all the things that I learned over those 40 some odd years were from parents, friends, teachers, TV, the media, etc. etc. Most of these people probably never meant to teach me things that are wrong, most just didn’t know any better because they were taught these things too. But the reality is, most of this stuff is just a bunch of wrong unquestioned crap. I tried to come up with a more polite word than “crap” but it turned out to be the most efficient description I could find in the dictionary. Anyway, now I am able to look at the information given, sort through the stuff that doesn’t make sense, and see how so many things are made to look good but when I really look at them, things just don’t add up. The more I looked at things, the more I began to see how this is a common practice, especially for the media, politics, and the courtroom. They use truths to paint a picture. They paint a picture of whatever they want others to believe. The problem is: they only use some of the truths or facts, the ones that support what they want us to believe and they pass this off as the truth. This is quite evident in the courtroom when one is only allowed to answer the question presented and not really allowed to tell the whole story. So where is the justice with this method of reporting the news or questioning a witness or defendant? I can now see this way of delivering the truth and it is just plain wrong. This way often destroys people and lives.
As children we are taught these wrong ways from the beginning. I was fortunate enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature so I could change the way I was taught to perceive everything. I am now able to see the falsehoods and separate them from reality. Now I look for honesty in every situation and myself. Everyone knows what honesty means. I know that each person has that little voice inside of them and deep down each person knows exactly what is right and what is wrong, no matter what we are taught. This is where the stress, issues, confusion, conflict, and the burden of life comes from: knowing deep down inside oneself what is really right and wrong and being told and taught to act differently. Now that I know how the world works I am at peace with myself. I would never trade all that I have learned from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. His literature has let me answer for myself all of the important questions I have had about love, life, freedom, happiness, and religion. The peace I feel within myself means more to me than anything. Now that I understand how the world works, I also understand how it should work and how it will work if the masses of good people no longer allow a few corrupt people to rule us by force. I know how to determine who my enemies really are, who is trying to fool me, hurt me, or take from me. I am no longer afraid of the devil and I no longer have any confusion about God, Jesus, the Bible, or the multitude of different faiths. I understand why people are fighting and killing over political agendas and religions. I also know how the world can be changed so we can all live a peaceful and happy existence and be safe.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party will mean to me the starting of a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life for all of us. We will be able to work doing the things we love and feel real pride in ourselves and the products, services, or entertainment that we provide to others. We will be able to have quality time with our loved ones, and no longer be stressed by the need to work so hard just to survive. We will no longer have things to complain about so that will also free up time to live, love, and be happy. We will be able to enjoy more of the fun things in life with our loved ones and friends because we will not be handing over a large percentage of our hard-earned money to a corrupt system that only wants to pad their own existences at our expense.
Products, services, and entertainment that we need or want will be provided by competitive private sector businesses owned by regular people like you and me. In order to compete, businesses will have to provide quality products and services to stay in business because we will be able to choose and purchase the products and services that we want. We will no longer be forced to contribute to things we don’t want. So if a company doesn’t provide quality at a competitive price they will lose business because anyone will be able to compete. There will no longer be governmental favoritism or a bunch of fees and taxes, or a structure to make us pay for services we don’t want, need, or use. This alone will allow everyone, even those who are poor now, live the life they could only dream of before. Without the government taking such a huge portion of our money, we will all be able to prosper. There will be plenty for all of us. No good person will get left behind, no matter what age or previous financial condition. The only ones who will be the losers are that small percentage of corrupt people that are presently living high-on-the-hog at our expense.
The biggest thing that I am afraid of is that the corruption in our government will find a way to silence whatever person, group, or movement threatens their corrupt livelihoods, so I suspect they will be getting out all of their dirty strategies, lies, and half-truths to discredit and quiet Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party. Putting our government back in the hands of the people will destroy their power and the good life they have been able to live at our expense. My logical brain tells me they are going to do and say whatever it takes to stay in power. They will use the media, IRS, FBI, CIA, and whatever else they need to accomplish this. We must see these actions (dirty tactics) for what they really are and not let them destroy our Twelve Visions. If they are able to quiet this movement we will all be the real losers. We will be destined to continue the downward slide we are on now toward more problems, unhappiness, terror, and financial stress.
They will work to keep us off balance by switching our attention from one subject to another so they can effectively keep us from being able to see what is really going on. They will continue to use the two-party system to effectively divide and conquer us as they have for years. They are experts at keeping us arguing for different sides so we can never unite and unseat them. And all the time they will continue taking more and more money and assets from us. When I look at the recent economic recession/depression, we have basically lost our property values and/or homes, lost a good percentage of our retirement accounts, lost jobs, lost lifestyle, and numerous other casualties of a bad economy. All the while, I see that all of the big governments, ours included, have taken more of more control of our assets while we have lost our proverbial butts and now we are going to be responsible for the national debts too. It is a sad state for all of us good people.
I know that they, our corrupt government, have created this situation and are taking over more assets and control by the minute. They control interest rates, laws, and taxes. They have used these things to create this economic crisis for their own gains and political power. They continue to favor special interest groups and companies, while penalizing others. This has been especially evident in the last year, not only to me, but also to the general public. They have bailed out some big companies and took a stake in them, and let other companies fail along with millions upon millions of jobs lost, homes lost, and retirement savings lost. I find it unacceptable that our government has so much power that they can pick and choose which of us prosper and which of us fail.
The other thing I am afraid of is World War III. We are actually in the midst of it and nobody is talking about it. It started on 9-11 with the bombing of the Twin Towers. That officially brought the United States into it. Unlike World War II and Pearl Harbor, it is a quiet war. Most people don’t even realize it is going on – but it is going on in the background. Just like the Hitler regime, there is a faction that is setting up to take over the world. The difference is they are doing it very quietly and are patiently planning to take us by surprise. Our current politicians are either unaware or in denial about this power struggle that has been going on for many years. The terrorist move on 9-11 did get our attention, but since then there has been a movement to stick our heads in the sand. This is exactly what these bad people want, for us to be unaware, surprised, and unprepared when the time is right for them to make their take-over move. The scariest part is we are still in the nuclear destruction years and it could very well happen. Just look at the sad state of sick thinking among the terrorists. We have a real threat building up that could either totally control us or totally destroy us and at the hands of a very small group of sick people who want to control the rest of us for their own power and financial gain.
This is reality: a small group of corrupt and powerful sick people are controlling the masses of good people. It is time for us to realize that the masses of good people will live peacefully without being governed by these bad people. The bad people always tell us they are the good guys and they know what’s best for us. And we have naively believed them. They claim the bad people are amongst us; the masses and they will protect us from them. Then they take protection money (taxes) from us. Sounds just like organized crime doesn’t it?
The most important thing I know is that almost all people are good. I do believe that the goodness of people will prevail over all else. I also know that the good people of the world, all want the same things. I know I want to have good people (we are the good people) in charge of the world so we can have real World Peace. I not only want to feel safe, I want to be safe. I want to no longer have the threat of nuclear destruction looming above me. I want to have individual freedom and the happiness I deserve. I want to be able to be my own unique self, to have a wonderful mate, family, and close friends that love me and that I can always depend on. I want to have prosperity and be able to live the life of my dreams, to own a nice home of my own, to work at something I love to do, contribute more than I take, and have time to spend with my loved ones too. I want to enjoy good health and have everyone else enjoy good health also.
If these are some of the things you want for yourself and your loved ones, please take the time to find out more about the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society so we can have the world we deserve. We can have the world we deserve if we just quit believing the bad people. And we need to start it here in the United States of America, the land of the brave, so the rest of the good people in the rest of the world can unite and do the same in their corrupt countries. This is how we will accomplish world peace, by the masses of good people uniting together to unseat the few corrupt powers-that-be.
I am whole-heartedly supporting the Twelve Visions Party because I know it will bring about the necessary political reform we need here in our great country. I love My Country but I am very unhappy with the corrupt structure our government has become. I know we can eliminate the corruption and take back our great country so it can once again be based on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all as our Forefathers intended. It is time for me to stop and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is my only hope for a better, happier, safer, and freer life for myself, my loved ones, and our future generations.
It would behoove all Americans to take the time to really find out what the Twelve Visions Party is all about and decide for themselves, as I have. Currently we have a two-party system that has been using the media to air their lies and paint a picture of the story they want us to believe. We have billions of pages of laws created to govern us with interpretation and force us to pay taxes. Most of our hard earned tax dollars are no longer working to benefit us, the people. All of our futures are at stake. Those Americans who do not bother to look at all sides of this critically important issue, and just blindly follow and believe the media, will be sentencing all of us, our children, our grandchildren, and future generations to a country and a world that is continuing in the wrong direction. We will be doomed to increasing corruption and declining health, happiness, prosperity, and freedom.
I hope you will join me in supporting the Twelve Visions Party. It is our only hope for a better life.
Diana H

Mark Hamilton wants all to learn

To whom it may concern:
Those of us who want to be a part of the neo think society believe in the way that Mark Hamilton wants all to learn to be moral, and to take better care of our selves and our family’s. By being the best person we can be. As we are suppose to be living in the free country, we should be able to make up our own minds, as to weather we want to live our lives as we wish, as long we do no harm to ourselves, or other’s. This nation was built on the idea of being free to live our lives as we see fit
As for the Government we could use a lot less senators making way to much money telling us what to do. I believe the Government should do a lot of soul searching. Let the farmers grow the food they want, if they grow enough we could put an end to world hunger. Why pay farmer’s not to grow food. What are you who run this country thinking?
If the Government wants to do something to help the United States of America let stop all the bail outs of companies who ran there business into the ground. Now we all know how the American people are tire of loosing their jobs and worrying about how hey will take care of their family. Put food on the table, take care of medical expenses that they can no longer afford.
In neo think society they teach how to run a business that will prosper, not how to run a company that is only out to take what they can and then run. When the business goes broke from bad management.
I worked for the Sterns Technical Textiles Co., better known as The Stearns and Foster Co. I put 30 year into this place. When I first started in 1971 it was a great place to work. The owners treated us as family. Good pay, god benefits, they gave us bonuses at Christmas time. Then in Mr. Foster passed away and they sold the company to a man that literally took every penny he could and put it in his pocket. He would pay the bills for the supplies we needed, He wouldn’t repair the building when it need it. He didn’t care that is was an unsafe place. He didn’t care that OSHA would find him. He knew he wouldn’t pay it any way. He did this until he went into bankruptcy, then the bank took over and kicked him out, but it was to late to safe the business.
He didn’t pay the utilities bill until they turned the power off. Then we would be off of work until he paid it. This is the reason American citizens are up set with the government bailing CEO’s that ran these company’s into the ground.
There are a lot bail out’s that shouldn’t of been. Such as the auto industries, AIG, Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae. As far as I see it you are rewarding them for bad behavior.
So those’s of us that want a better life have found it through neo think society. Every one has the right
to live the way the want to. We choose neo think society. The better way of life.
S. M

Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society

Many years ago, I was very frustrated about so many things in life. I was confused and overwhelmed by conflicting information on all kinds of subjects from how to eat and be healthy to religious beliefs. Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people? Why are there so many lives lost over religion? Why is the greatest country, my country, the United States of America, getting less free while the Soviet Union is becoming freer? Why are political elections full of outright lies and smear campaigns? Whatever happened to our representatives actually representing us, the people, instead of what they stand for? Why is the general population tired, stressed, and over-worked? Why, in this day and age, are some people healthy while others are not? Is anybody really happy? Along with my confusion there was so much blame being placed, people expecting others to live their way, politically correct expectations that constantly change to meet current trends, and guilt put on if one doesn’t conform.
Then several years ago, I was lucky enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society. From Mark Hamilton’s literature, I didn’t learn his version of how things are. What I did learn was how to think for myself again and have confidence in my own rational thinking. Now I can see for myself what is really going on by looking beyond the illusions that are created to trick me into thinking a certain way. I am now able to use my own realistic thinking to figure things out for myself for every situation that I need to deal with. I have always had this realistic logical ability to think and know what is right, but the media bombards us with conflicting information and conflicting societal rules that cloud every issue and as we grow up the increasing amount of conflicting information we receive creates so much confusion for our minds we unknowingly are forced to become just followers that quietly live our less-than-happy lives, pay our taxes, and pretend we are in control. This has been how a small group of people (corrupt governments) have kept control of a large group of people (the masses) for their own benefit.
Since Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have been a valuable inclusion into my life, I have taken time to go through most of the crap that my mind had gathered up in my lifetime and trash the stuff that was just plain wrong. Keep in mind all the things that I learned over those 40 some odd years were from parents, friends, teachers, TV, the media, etc. etc. Most of these people probably never meant to teach me things that are wrong, most just didn’t know any better because they were taught these things too. But the reality is, most of this stuff is just a bunch of wrong unquestioned crap. I tried to come up with a more polite word than “crap” but it turned out to be the most efficient description I could find in the dictionary. Anyway, now I am able to look at the information given, sort through the stuff that doesn’t make sense, and see how so many things are made to look good but when I really look at them, things just don’t add up. The more I looked at things, the more I began to see how this is a common practice, especially for the media, politics, and the courtroom. They use truths to paint a picture. They paint a picture of whatever they want others to believe. The problem is: they only use some of the truths or facts, the ones that support what they want us to believe and they pass this off as the truth. This is quite evident in the courtroom when one is only allowed to answer the question presented and not really allowed to tell the whole story. So where is the justice with this method of reporting the news or questioning a witness or defendant? I can now see this way of delivering the truth and it is just plain wrong. This way often destroys people and lives.
As children we are taught these wrong ways from the beginning. I was fortunate enough to come across Mark Hamilton’s literature so I could change the way I was taught to perceive everything. I am now able to see the falsehoods and separate them from reality. Now I look for honesty in every situation and myself. Everyone knows what honesty means. I know that each person has that little voice inside of them and deep down each person knows exactly what is right and what is wrong, no matter what we are taught. This is where the stress, issues, confusion, conflict, and the burden of life comes from: knowing deep down inside oneself what is really right and wrong and being told and taught to act differently. Now that I know how the world works I am at peace with myself. I would never trade all that I have learned from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. His literature has let me answer for myself all of the important questions I have had about love, life, freedom, happiness, and religion. The peace I feel within myself means more to me than anything. Now that I understand how the world works, I also understand how it should work and how it will work if the masses of good people no longer allow a few corrupt people to rule us by force. I know how to determine who my enemies really are, who is trying to fool me, hurt me, or take from me. I am no longer afraid of the devil and I no longer have any confusion about God, Jesus, the Bible, or the multitude of different faiths. I understand why people are fighting and killing over political agendas and religions. I also know how the world can be changed so we can all live a peaceful and happy existence and be safe.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party will mean to me the starting of a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life for all of us. We will be able to work doing the things we love and feel real pride in ourselves and the products, services, or entertainment that we provide to others. We will be able to have quality time with our loved ones, and no longer be stressed by the need to work so hard just to survive. We will no longer have things to complain about so that will also free up time to live, love, and be happy. We will be able to enjoy more of the fun things in life with our loved ones and friends because we will not be handing over a large percentage of our hard-earned money to a corrupt system that only wants to pad their own existences at our expense.
Products, services, and entertainment that we need or want will be provided by competitive private sector businesses owned by regular people like you and me. In order to compete, businesses will have to provide quality products and services to stay in business because we will be able to choose and purchase the products and services that we want. We will no longer be forced to contribute to things we don’t want. So if a company doesn’t provide quality at a competitive price they will lose business because anyone will be able to compete. There will no longer be governmental favoritism or a bunch of fees and taxes, or a structure to make us pay for services we don’t want, need, or use. This alone will allow everyone, even those who are poor now, live the life they could only dream of before. Without the government taking such a huge portion of our money, we will all be able to prosper. There will be plenty for all of us. No good person will get left behind, no matter what age or previous financial condition. The only ones who will be the losers are that small percentage of corrupt people that are presently living high-on-the-hog at our expense.
The biggest thing that I am afraid of is that the corruption in our government will find a way to silence whatever person, group, or movement threatens their corrupt livelihoods, so I suspect they will be getting out all of their dirty strategies, lies, and half-truths to discredit and quiet Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party. Putting our government back in the hands of the people will destroy their power and the good life they have been able to live at our expense. My logical brain tells me they are going to do and say whatever it takes to stay in power. They will use the media, IRS, FBI, CIA, and whatever else they need to accomplish this. We must see these actions (dirty tactics) for what they really are and not let them destroy our Twelve Visions. If they are able to quiet this movement we will all be the real losers. We will be destined to continue the downward slide we are on now toward more problems, unhappiness, terror, and financial stress.
They will work to keep us off balance by switching our attention from one subject to another so they can effectively keep us from being able to see what is really going on. They will continue to use the two-party system to effectively divide and conquer us as they have for years. They are experts at keeping us arguing for different sides so we can never unite and unseat them. And all the time they will continue taking more and more money and assets from us. When I look at the recent economic recession/depression, we have basically lost our property values and/or homes, lost a good percentage of our retirement accounts, lost jobs, lost lifestyle, and numerous other casualties of a bad economy. All the while, I see that all of the big governments, ours included, have taken more of more control of our assets while we have lost our proverbial butts and now we are going to be responsible for the national debts too. It is a sad state for all of us good people.
I know that they, our corrupt government, have created this situation and are taking over more assets and control by the minute. They control interest rates, laws, and taxes. They have used these things to create this economic crisis for their own gains and political power. They continue to favor special interest groups and companies, while penalizing others. This has been especially evident in the last year, not only to me, but also to the general public. They have bailed out some big companies and took a stake in them, and let other companies fail along with millions upon millions of jobs lost, homes lost, and retirement savings lost. I find it unacceptable that our government has so much power that they can pick and choose which of us prosper and which of us fail.
The other thing I am afraid of is World War III. We are actually in the midst of it and nobody is talking about it. It started on 9-11 with the bombing of the Twin Towers. That officially brought the United States into it. Unlike World War II and Pearl Harbor, it is a quiet war. Most people don’t even realize it is going on – but it is going on in the background. Just like the Hitler regime, there is a faction that is setting up to take over the world. The difference is they are doing it very quietly and are patiently planning to take us by surprise. Our current politicians are either unaware or in denial about this power struggle that has been going on for many years. The terrorist move on 9-11 did get our attention, but since then there has been a movement to stick our heads in the sand. This is exactly what these bad people want, for us to be unaware, surprised, and unprepared when the time is right for them to make their take-over move. The scariest part is we are still in the nuclear destruction years and it could very well happen. Just look at the sad state of sick thinking among the terrorists. We have a real threat building up that could either totally control us or totally destroy us and at the hands of a very small group of sick people who want to control the rest of us for their own power and financial gain.
This is reality: a small group of corrupt and powerful sick people are controlling the masses of good people. It is time for us to realize that the masses of good people will live peacefully without being governed by these bad people. The bad people always tell us they are the good guys and they know what’s best for us. And we have naively believed them. They claim the bad people are amongst us; the masses and they will protect us from them. Then they take protection money (taxes) from us. Sounds just like organized crime doesn’t it?
The most important thing I know is that almost all people are good. I do believe that the goodness of people will prevail over all else. I also know that the good people of the world, all want the same things. I know I want to have good people (we are the good people) in charge of the world so we can have real World Peace. I not only want to feel safe, I want to be safe. I want to no longer have the threat of nuclear destruction looming above me. I want to have individual freedom and the happiness I deserve. I want to be able to be my own unique self, to have a wonderful mate, family, and close friends that love me and that I can always depend on. I want to have prosperity and be able to live the life of my dreams, to own a nice home of my own, to work at something I love to do, contribute more than I take, and have time to spend with my loved ones too. I want to enjoy good health and have everyone else enjoy good health also.
If these are some of the things you want for yourself and your loved ones, please take the time to find out more about the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society so we can have the world we deserve. We can have the world we deserve if we just quit believing the bad people. And we need to start it here in the United States of America, the land of the brave, so the rest of the good people in the rest of the world can unite and do the same in their corrupt countries. This is how we will accomplish world peace, by the masses of good people uniting together to unseat the few corrupt powers-that-be.
I am whole-heartedly supporting the Twelve Visions Party because I know it will bring about the necessary political reform we need here in our great country. I love My Country but I am very unhappy with the corrupt structure our government has become. I know we can eliminate the corruption and take back our great country so it can once again be based on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all as our Forefathers intended. It is time for me to stop and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is my only hope for a better, happier, safer, and freer life for myself, my loved ones, and our future generations.
It would behoove all Americans to take the time to really find out what the Twelve Visions Party is all about and decide for themselves, as I have. Currently we have a two-party system that has been using the media to air their lies and paint a picture of the story they want us to believe. We have billions of pages of laws created to govern us with interpretation and force us to pay taxes. Most of our hard earned tax dollars are no longer working to benefit us, the people. All of our futures are at stake. Those Americans who do not bother to look at all sides of this critically important issue, and just blindly follow and believe the media, will be sentencing all of us, our children, our grandchildren, and future generations to a country and a world that is continuing in the wrong direction. We will be doomed to increasing corruption and declining health, happiness, prosperity, and freedom.
I hope you will join me in supporting the Twelve Visions Party. It is our only hope for a better life.
Diana H

The evil forces trying to stop Mark Hamilton


I am not an American Citizen. But I do respect a lot the United States of America and ALL of their people. These same people, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, should be allowed the opportunity to have the choice to elect or to reject Mark Hamilton and its Twelve Visions Party, along with its Neothink mentality and its Neothink Society. Whatever happens in the United States of America affects the rest of the world, especially the economic and financial issues. But as a citizen of Mexico, that meaning, as a Mexican National, whatever happens in the U.S.A. affects more powerfully my country and my people that many other countries. That´s why I am most concerned of what happens within our neighbor of the north.

The Neothink movement and its Twelve Visions Party do offer what no one has offered to the American People: biological immortality, ending a political system that has stopped many scientific breakthroughs that had cost thousands if not millions of lives, not only within the U.S.A., but in the whole planet. And that is not a mistake as someone told me once: THAT´S A CRIME!!!

I do not mean talking American politics because I do not feel, neither I do have, the right to do so, because I am not an American Citizen. But I am a citizen of the world and thus I am very concerned about American politics because it affects the rest of the planet.

These people, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, care for the individual and therefore put the individual before any other entity. If a government ignores the individual it may fall into a tyranny even though a democracy may have chosen someone or some Congressmen/Congresswomen, Governors, Majors, etc. through the polls.

The U.S.A. is facing probably the most difficult and hard times since its creation in the 18th Century. Worst times may be on their way for the American People and for the rest of the world. As an Economist I consider a horrible Economic/Political/Social/ Storm are on its way very soon in the United States of America. Only a person who has experience, wisdom, will power, real and true knowledge, as Mark Hamilton does have, can be the best option to order things in our northern neighbor. As a Mexican National, and being witness of many, many Mexicans who struggle and suffer in that country I DO CARE, and I do have the right to say what I think. I do not have the option to vote to elect the next President of the United States of America, but if I did have it, I would definitely and without any hesitations CHOOSE AND VOTE FOR MARK HAMILTON TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I have never met him personally, but I have read a lot of what he has written. I wish I could write as well as he does. And although English is NOT my mother language, I do consider what he writes as master pieces of thinking. Therefore, I can say that Mark Hamilton is a great visionary, probably the great leader that the U.S.A. had always needed as its President and Commander in Chief, but had never have. I do now people for what they write and by how they write. Writing is not an easy matter for a lot of us. And in this area, Mark Hamilton rules above all of us. He has a lot of good to do for the people, because he is a compassionate person that really cares for the people. Isn´t that what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote in the USA Declaration of Independence ”a government for the people, by the people…?

I do not know how the politicians in Washington allowed other things coming before the real needs of the American individuals. It´s time for a real change, and I not meaning what President Obama “wanted” as “THE CHANGE WE NEED”, because to this day that change IS NOT A GOOD CHANGE, BUT A BAD ONE. Just ask a lot of unemployed Americans what do they think now of “THE CHANGE WE NEED” slogan, and if Obama has successfully fulfilled his Campaign promises. I don´t think he has. The future of the American Economy is as darker as my hair: black.

My grandparents here in Mexico suffered a lot after our Revolution. Times were very hard and earning a living was extremely difficult for them. The same happened for the American people who lived just after the Great Depression of 1929. Why falling again in a new economic depression? Mark Hamilton has the right plan in this extremely troubled times to solve the great economic problems menacing his country. He is young and he knows how though flourish under hard times. That´s why I think he is the only best person to drive his country into a new and prosperous future. And now, the dark forces of his country want to suppress him and knock him down because they see in him a powerful menace to their interests and to the status quo. And that is not taking care of the real needs of the American People, least of each and every American Individual.

Here in Mexico, I have suffered and still I am suffering the attempts of evil people to stop me anyway, anyhow. I do know what it feels being attacked. I do remember once being told by a Mexican waiter, who told me these words when I tried to study a MBA in the U.S.A.  A lot of years ago: “WHEN THEY SEE SOMEONE LIKE YOU, THEY WANT TO DESTROY AND TO RUIN YOU”. The same is happening with Mark Hamilton and I do regret that sincerely.

The evil forces trying to stop Mark Hamilton and his movement should let him and his Twelve Visions Party along with its Neothink be let openly to be elected or rejected in the ballot boxes by the American People. Otherwise those forces will only proof their true nature: criminal minds trapped in their own matrixes of dishonesties, crimes, and falsehoods. Those minds, if successful in destroying Mark Hamilton will only proof their tyrannical and despotic natures. Not respecting Mark Hamilton’s right to be voted for or against by his own people, would be the worst crime these evil people would have committed ever.

I remember a great philosopher having written something like this: “When they tried to silence someone, they are recognizing his superiority.”

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart


Hello Mark,

I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I feel blessed to be a part of the Neothink Society and the TVP. I am so glad that I live in the greatest Country in the world, The United States of America, where Freedom of Speech is the greatest and most powerful right that we possess, and that same right gave you the power to write down and publish your thoughts and views so that anyone if they choose to can read them and learn how you feel and what you think about any subject. That is just amazing to me, when you stop and think about how many other people around the world don’t have this as a basic right.  
And In this day and age where it is very hard to trust, where lies and half truths come spewing from sources that we should be able to trust, and should be protecting us, we soon find out just the opposite. So who do you listen to? I say listen to your heart, listen to yourself. Listen to and read everything you can get your hands on, and when you start to get the whole story or the complete information, things become a lot easier to figure out.
With the information I have received from Neothink I feel a little safer and happier knowing that there are people out there with other plans, and that there might be a chance for some POSITIVE Hope and Change in the future instead of the hope and change that is going on right now, you know the hope and change where The Media lies to us and the Government spends the Nation into a 3rd World Country. They are really going to screw us if we don’t do something quick.
Sorry about the rant. I just wanted to say that I have learned a lot from this information and it is a definite eye opening experience, and I am very glad that I was lucky enough to stumble across this information and be able to be a part of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.

Thank you for believing in me and sharing with me this amazing information.
I am truly Grateful.

Jason F.

The career politicians used their strong arm


The United States of America was founded on the ideal of a government by the people, for the people and of the people. Sadly career politicians have taken that government away from the people. It is now; the government against the people, who it is suppose to represent.

The career politicians used their strong arm government IRS to tax us unfairly and spend money for their pet projects against the people’s will. They use other government agencies to keep the people pushed down killing new businesses and controlling existing businesses.

They try to control the MEDIA thus eliminating free speech. The government tries to control every aspect of our lives. If the founding fathers were alive today they would encourage an armed overthrow of such a government as they did in 1776. Fortunately today there is a man with a vision to restore America to what it was suppose to be, a country ruled by the people and not politicians. The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.  The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY wants to take government out of our lives so we SOAR to whatever heights we want to achieve! We want government back to what it was originally intended, and that was protection only from outside enemies. The TWELVE VISION PARTY wants America to again be a government by the people, for the people, and of the people. We want a FREE AMERICA, free from government interferences. I’m glad we have THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and let us get back to our TRUE America!



I support both the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

I have read much of the Neothink literature and am very familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  I would encourage everyone to research the literature and TVP political platform.  Both have very optimistic and enlightening ideas about government, culture, society, justice, equality, responsibility, accountability, and self-leadership and individual rights.  Some ideas expressed seem grandiose but are not unbelievable, maybe just slightly revolutionary.  But that’s how Ideas with great power are often seen (as Revolutionary) because Ideas have varied effect depending on whether or not they threaten or assist someone.  Mark Hamilton is a visionary, an American, and a responsible citizen.  As such, he is trying to forge a better future for all of us.  “I support both the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party because their ideas possess great hope and strength for the future United States of America.”

March 2025