Posts Tagged ‘united states constitution’

My Testimonial

My apprenticeship had taught me that the Twelve Visions Party envision a profoundly free, wealthy, healthy, and safety society that is protected by rules of flawless laws. I strongly believe that the more successful the American people remove the American politicians and law makers from making, interpreting and executing laws the freer, the wealthier, and the healthier that our people and nation will becomes. In 1215 A. D. the Europeans Magna Carta had begun a trend that restricted the rule of man which had made a prosperity climb for the European people which was for better living conditioning. In 1787 A. D. the American colonies crafted up a document, which was the United States Constitution of the thirteen original American colonies that restricted the rule of man from a foreign nation so they can enjoy an Unitarian prosperity in their new world and from a old world of tyranny, which this brought the majority of Americans to join a middle class static of this country. Which to me there was neither an upper nor a lower class group of people only a middle class. I believe that of the success of the Twelve Visions Party and this coming Amendment to our U. S. Constitution of the Prime Law that man will be completely remove from the man rule over others or from rule of man. This would make all of the people back to that one class of people, including the poor. It is an American author that dramatically advances another evolutionary period for the American people from the rule of man with his Prime Literature of the Prime Law, which Mark Hamilton

Hello Mark Hamilton,

Hello Mark Hamilton,
This is really deep. I don’t consider myself apart of the wordily things in life therefore, I stay away from the corruption of our society. It has been a pleasure being apart of the Neothink family and I do look for honesty and righteousness. I can offer this one advice. We are human beings with Civil Rights, Constitution rights, and Human Rights according to our government.
With this said, use your knowledge to fight the government to have those rights. What I mean about this is use their laws to fight them back. Start with the United States Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights codes of conduct and prove they are denying you of justice and equality. I’m here with you; I support the cause but have not been financial able to participate like I wanted. Stay strong and keep the faith and we will overcome.
Thank You,
Charlotte DeVance

Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society and Lies

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders, but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable!!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.
Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? I have, and there are links to that answer, please take a look. With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO!!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting a true patriotic American, Mark Hamilton!!!
DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at its finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!
We must stand permanently firm against “The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.
With profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

A letter from Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
About a year ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton. Little did I know at that time how much that letter was going to change my life.
Upon receiving that letter for an offer to purchase literature that would forever change my life, I sat on pins and needles waiting for its arrival. Once it arrived I sat down immediately and started to read it. As I read the first book it piqued my curiosity and I couldn’t read it fast enough. I found myself forgetting about the Internet getting rich gurus that were the only ones getting rich and not me and completely got involved in that first 1000 page book. After that first book I ordered two more books.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton he lead me to join the Neothink® Society. Since joining the Neothink® Society I have made many friends. These friends are in my state, in the country and yes even in Canada. These friends are integrated honest and loving people that realize the government is amiss and want to change that.
They realize the corrupt politicians with their spend all attitude of our money for their so called do good image is not helping America, but hurting America by running us financially in the ground. Shortly after joining the Neothink® Society I realized I had to help change this trend also.
I understand the need within me for my family, friends and the rest of the country to change this corrupt government and bring in a fully integrated and honest system of government.
The only way to bring this system of government in is through the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States . You can see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform and the Prime Law, plus much more, on the website. Adding the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end the corruption in the government which will bring in honest integrated value creating Business Men and Women.
The Prime Law is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and the members of the Neothink® Society. As an amendment to the United States Constitution it will bring universal wealth, health and peace, which has never before been known on the planet. Thank You Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.
The media is controlled by a parasitical elite class. The news programs are to report news, and news is both positive and negative, is it not? I pose this question then to all, “Do you really believe that of all the news reported in the media the majority of it seems to be negative?” You can rest assured that when the Twelve Visions Party® starts to attract media attention there will be nothing positively reported. Those that take the time to research the Twelve Visions Party® and learn what they really stand for will know the other side. Those that blindly follow the media will only have the one sided opinion of the media.
AMERICA the time is now. Wake up before it is too late.
Once again, Mark Hamilton, thank You
Bruce D H

Twelve Visions Party testimonial


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders , but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!! This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body !!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why? With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!! All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S. population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry Flower.

Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton


Precious friend/ mentor Mark Hamilton,

It is with great appreciation/ admiration/ salvation that I write this testimony to the concepts/ objectives of the “The Twelve Visions Party” and Neothink Society.

With Prime Law amended to the United States Constitution, the path to permanent lasting peace, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness will be open. I stand in shock and awe at the political slaughter of American rights/ liberties by our own leaders. To be more correct, they are not leaders but criminals/ traitors, for they foster/ promote sloth and laziness and usurp unearned power from all U.S. citizens. This is unacceptable !!!  This will only lead to more debt/ taxes on an ever increasing scale, until the government/ banks will own everything and we are slaves in our own land. Over my cold dead body!!! This slavery/ debt cascade will spread across the Earth, turning the whole Earth into a “Prison Planet”.

Our current Republic, is being changed into a socialistic/ communistic society by are own elected leaders. Have you every stopped and studied about it and asked why?

With a pending crushing negative future looming ahead, why would any rational human being support the current trend? Most would not. The deep disturbing fact is that we are being lied to. Yes, you read that correctly, LIED TO !!!!  All U.S. media has been corrupted/ controlled in ever increasing amounts since the 50″s. They have a hidden agenda, THE NEW WORLD ORDER.  Most people do not know they are being manipulated by lies/ deception/ omissions of facts. More and more people are waking up and supporting to true patriotic Americans; Mark Hamilton, his father, brother and associates !!! DO NOT ACCEPT what you may be told by the “Media” about “The Twelve Visions Party”, Neothink Society or Mark Hamilton. They have badgered/ harassed him and his associates in the past trying to create AN ILLUSION (Lie) that they are hucksters and a threat to U.S. citizens, and must be stopped/ shut down. While the real threat is to “The Established Order”, and they create a lie to defend their criminal way of life to try to get the majority support to unfairly/ unjustly/ criminally shut down their opposition. This is government manipulation at it’s finest, recognize it for what it is, and do not be fooled !!!

We must stand permanently firm against ” The Established Order”. Remember, only 15% of the U.S.

population supported The American Revolution, yet it happened. This truly is an American Revolution, but unlike the first, there need not be any violence, It will be done by your support/ vote for “The Twelve Visions Party”. With Mark Hamilton’s great works/ vision we will change our teetering government from one of force/ power to one of caring/ service, forever.

with profound honesty/ sincerity, Henry F

I want to first thank Mark Hamilton for sending me that first letter and finding me.

I want to first thank Mark Hamilton for sending me that first letter and finding me.  Thank You Mark.  Since that letter my life has changed dramatically.  Before that the only interest I had in politics was complaining about the way the government is running things just like everyone else was doing, that has changed.

Since then I have been involved in writing the Oregon State Bylaws for the Twelve Visions Party®.  I have also participated in the writing of the TVP® Oregon State Platform.  I even went to Chicago for the Twelve Visions National Party Convention in July of 2009 and helped launch the National Twelve Visions Party®.  I do not plan to be in the political movement for the rest of my life, no just long enough to get the Prime Law amended to all the state constitutions and the United States Constitution.  When that happens government will be forced to change to a protection only government, not like today’s government that is spend, spend, spend and ram bill after bill down our throats without our consent.  That is when my work will be over in politics.

Then and only then will I be able to pursue my passion.  That passion is to have my own business, or even multiple businesses.  I want to create values for myself, my family and the rest of mankind.  I want mankind to rise out of the poverty and uncertainty it is in now and into the wealth and health it should be in instead.  The literature I have received has all the tools I need to get all this accomplished.

The way of my thinking and looking at the world has changed dramatically for the better.  The lessons I have learned and the lessons I have yet to learn have given me a new outlook and vigor for life.  Once the Prime Law is in place this will happen with amazing speed.  Once again Thank You Mark.

Bruce D H

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

          Thank you Mark Hamilton! Your Heirloom books have been of tremendous benefit to me. They have enlightened me in a myriad of beneficial ways. I am now able to recognize those who truly have my best interests at heart. The information in your literature has helped me to be able to “connect the dots” regarding so many of the basic questions I have always had about our purpose of life here on earth. As a result of my exposure to your writings, I am now a more positive person, with a renewed focus on enjoying life while looking forward to a happy, healthy, and prosperous future.

          I really enjoy my association with the like minded people I have discovered as a member of your Neothink Society. I feel the other Neothink Society members I have met are good people. I believe their main purpose is to contribute to making this a better country and world, with happiness for all people their ultimate goal. I always leave our meetings feeling uplifted and better off because of the interchange of thoughts and ideas intended to make our lives better.

          I am looking forward to the growth and expansion of the Twelve Visions political Party. We have gotten away from the ideals of our “Founding Fathers” who created the near perfect United States Constitution. The current state of affairs is evidence that it is time to get back to the “Founding Fathers” wonderful plan and guide. Of the existing political parties, I believe only the Twelve Vision Party has the spirit and substance that will get this nation back on track so “We the People” can live the lives we were meant to live!

Thank you,

~ Bruce A.

March 2025