Posts Tagged ‘unanswered questions’

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me. I can hardly begin to explain in words the values that have been provided to me through this society.I used to be a searcher. Always looking for the real meaning in my life. I never accepted a lot of ideas and ways of mainstream society. I intuitively always felt that things weren’t right on many levels in our society. But, I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I had a feeling of dissatisfaction and malaise while always wondering what it is I was searching for. I was looking for answers. Then came Neothink. It was an epiphany for me. I was never the same. Everything I read and learned made sense to me. They answered the intuitive unanswered questions I was looking for. Life now had meaning for me. I had a new found hope. I hope that the Neothink society can continue to grow and eventually be accepted by mainstream society. We will all be better off.I want to live in a Neothinking world, like in the novel “Annabelle’s Secret”, which is the best book I ever read. Nothing would break my heart more than to see this all this destroyed.Mark Hamilton is an awesome guy and would make a wonderful leader one day. Please give him a chance. You know how corrupt our government and media is. You can’t trust what they say. Marilyn Siddiqi

Mark Hamilton, Keep Up the Good Work

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to thank you for all of the time and energy you have put forth with information to help me understand so many unanswered questions, doubts and concerns I have been carrying around for so many years. I received the information with an open mind and it all made so much sense to me. I am a changed person and know that I have passed on and shared the answers with my family so we can grow with happiness and contentment. You are a good person and have compassion and caring to do what you are doing. Keep up the good work and I know with your strong vision you will succeed in making it all come to be.
Thanks again,
BJH – Oregon

When Mark Hamilton invited me to read his manuscripts

When Mark Hamilton invited me to read his manuscripts, he cautioned me of the challenge I would face to ‘make the leap,’ leaving behind old beliefs and that all the ‘greats’ have made the same leap to enter a higher way of thinking. This challenge of the ‘status quo’ terrifies many, even if just for the sake of change, which is continually resisted by the masses. However, it intrigued me and piqued my curious mind, as I have never been one to take the road of least resistance. Instead my life has been the road less traveled and I have endured the hardships that go along with not going along with everyone else.
Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts reached into my brain and my mind and shifted the way I think. All the pieces that did not fit, the unanswered questions, the ‘why’ of life and so much more, were laid out like a treasure map for my mind, my purpose, my destiny and revealed to me how, why and where my dreams were lost along the way. As you may imagine this has been simultaneously sad and victorious as I grieve that I did not know these things so much sooner in my life and that everyone does not know what I have come to understand. I now see the world with compassion rather than contempt, hurt rather than hate, rejoicing rather than repenting.
With this world now moving away from the written word and entertained mostly by videos and catering to a 10 second attention span, I imagine the wisdom, Mark Hamilton has to share with the world will not be delivered or understood by all. As is typical the most opinionated of his work have not read any of his manuscripts but have unkind things to say about this charismatic enlightened fully conscious individual. Moreover, the structure of position and power causes those in positions of power to dislike or be uneasy with anyone who has a ‘following.’ This is a historical fact and history proves what many have done to enlightened individuals. This creates a misperception to the masses as I know clearly Mark Hamilton claims no glory, in fact the opposite is true. He has sacrificed everything to dedication of truth, most distinctly truth to the written word. All who read his words are changed. The fingerprint of envy would like to have this ‘power’ but it is granted to the pure in heart and the clear conscious, who are motivated by love.
People have tragically and passively allowed external authorities to misuse their power over us.  While the function of our government is to ‘protect and to serve’ it has burdened us with restrictions, policy, regulations, taxes and politics in the name of the ‘social good’ for so long, the American Immune System no longer recognizes an invader and cannot distinguish allies from enemies. This lack of distinction can cause extinction and we are watching it happen. Very few people used to discuss ‘politics’ now no matter where you are you will overhear a conversation about the condition of our government and our country.

Despair has brought people to their knees seeking solace in the Temple only to find false doctrines leaving them more confused and baffled by their teachings, intensifying the internal wrath and justifying ‘killing for God.’ Not noticed is the separation of church and state allowed a two-fold punch to the decline of this great country; while the state now disclaims its sovereign rule over morality, it has its own playground of immoral, unethical proceedings against the people they claim to serve.
If the President were to go on television and read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, how would he then proceed with all that is being said and done today?
We have the greatest hypocrisy of all time with the three- ring circus of politics, false religion and western medicine exerting its power over us and devaluing human life
The purpose of life is to live happily and prosper. The function of government is to provide the conditions for people to pursue happiness as is stated in our documents.
The people have the unalienable right to amend and restore the proper function of government and to restore the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
Neo-Thinking, this new thinking is not new but was delivered two thousand years ago. The person bearing this message was murdered and many fear this form of treachery.
Laws are made for the lawless. For the honest person living life happily, what laws shall you erect against him? This is the effect of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts in my life. I find things insufferable that I used to believe I had no power over. This is the lie. I no longer believe a lie, but I know the truth about many things. I am dedicated to it.
The Twelve Visions Party is already underway, by those who understand these things and the rights we have, are ready to exercise these rights, not just a American Citizens, but as living in this universe, in this galaxy, on this planet, as self guided, honest value creators for society and our families. No government has the function of stopping honest people from standing up for the truth and pursuing happiness,  If they do, they are the tyrant.
Any attacks on Mark Hamilton, whether verbal or otherwise is exhibiting discomfort of the truth and honest people. This is the main thing people need to see. For those of us who know Mark Hamilton well, as we have been personally mentored by him and have seen how this man operates, feel extremely honored and privileged to have had this extreme pleasure and opportunity. This goodwill has been very contagious and meeting other readers of his manuscripts has in many cases created bonds closer than with our own biological families as it is a place where our heart sings.
In a similar way that I would retaliate if anyone hurt my family, I feel sorry for the person who thinks of bringing any harm to Mark Hamilton, as there are many of us who understand the complexity of one who reveals truth and hidden agendas. Is this Country still by the people and for the people? We move in the knowledge that this is still the truth of our Nation.
In our neo-think society, we edify one another and rejoice in others successes. We work together in love and desire to teach the world the same because we see the church and the state have failed in doing so.
The truth needs no defense but we will defend it at all cost!
By Marlene H


I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society


All my life I have worked very hard and never really got ahead. I am a middle class American that follows the rules and I do what I can to survive a comfortable life. The problem is that every year it get’s harder and harder to get ahead because the regulatory government is taking more and more from me. Prices are sky rocketing and medical insurance is outrageous. I have always figured that there was a way a middle class hard working American could get ahead in life and live the way he wants to instead of be limited by regulations and the lack of money. I never did figure out how to do that until I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society. Following Marks program opened the skies to a whole new light. Along with many other facts of reality, the Twelve Visions made a whole lot of sense to me.  This is what I have been searching for my whole life. A way to produce values for those around me and a way to get ahead instead of struggling all the time. There were no illusions like the political, religious and media world today. Just the facts of the past and the present. Mark Hamilton spent a big part of his life preparing this for people like me. The material and Society he has built is one of a kind. The best part of it all, it is the truth. All the unanswered questions that I have had almost my whole life have been answered. All the hard work Mark Hamilton put into his work to bring the truth out from under the political and religious networks is fantastic. It finally gave me some hope  and something to believe in. Now with the TVP movement going forward, I actually want to get involved. I have never wanted to get involved in any kind of political activities before. The TVP is out to put the right into our world and take away the wrong of the world in today’s government. How exciting is that! Pretty exciting to me. No more illusions or lying from officials just so they can get a job that makes them look good and gives them big fat paycheck with our hard earned money. All the wrongful spending  just because they won a popularity contest. Doesn’t seem right to me. I am really looking forward to the TVP movement to take hold of our future and we have Mark Hamilton to thank for that. Thank you Mark Hamilton for letting me be a part of your movement and I look forward to a better future.

A Hard working American,
David Michael I

Mark Hamilton is one of the noblest, honest, and heroic humans on this planet


My Testimonial

As far back as I can remember, my child of the past and I, had been searching, searching for that something I could not identify at the time.  Until, one day about six years ago, that which I was searching for found me, it came in the form of a letter. It was addressed to me from a man named Mark Hamilton.  From that time on, until this day Mark became the major factor in my life.

His honesty, his openness, his to The point showed me what really is.  Sadly to say, my parents, although they tried never could show or tell me what is, because they did not know.  The Educational system could not, because they did not know, Religion.
could not they were too blind, my Government could not. Mark Hamilton could, because he had the knowledge a New way of looking at life. He was and is able, not only to show me, but millions of others around the world.  That all of those unanswered questions that mankind has do have answers.

Mark is a great teacher, a teacher that transcends all of this planets teaching.  Mark is a value creator, that out produces, out performs, out competes all other competitive concerns, this he teaches to all he comes in contact with.  My life has changed in every aspect ,now I also know how to create values not only for myself, but for the rest of society Mark…is the one human on this planet, that can and will take All mankind, each and every human on this earth to the very, pinnacle of where mankind should be.  There are many negative individuals, that do not know Mark Hamilton or his…works, but still spout negatives, with a lack of anything positive to offer.  To those individuals with those biases I submit: Mark Hamilton is one of the noblest, honest, and heroic humans on this planet.  Mark take your place with the other great masterminds of mankind, past and present, Mark has many publications to aid and guide mankind to that pinnacle of life,t o a new world.

Roy M

March 2025