Posts Tagged ‘ultimate success’

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

My name is Ralph M, and I want to give you an Important message.
I’am a present member of the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party, {TVP}, Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society, all have a Blessing, and a Vision, for every American, and anyone that wants to create Wealth, Build their Health, and Live a Life of Prosperity. A new Future for you, your Families,and your Loved ones.
The Ultimate Success – of the Twelve Visions Party {TVP}, can be achieved, Now, For the Future.
Thank you, Ralph

Neothink Man

Every day I contemplate what it would be like to live as a Neothink man in Mark Hamiltons’ book The Superpuzzle. Imagine living in an environment where every individual integrated honesty and reality for the greatest benefit of themselves and others in society. I have only experienced this feeling when I have been with other members of the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is a major puzzle piece necessary to advance society into the Twelve Visions World. The ultimate success of the TVP will create the environment that individuals need to live life for the greatest benefit of themselves and society. The people are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo that has not been previously available. I personally have been involved in a struggle for survival that gives me the first hand knowledge and perspective to relate to the man or woman working for the survival of their family. We in the TVP have the honesty and passion to shift the balance of power toward a peaceful and productive world of the future as described in The Superpuzzle. This is my chance to make a difference.
Live long and prosper,
Michael B



My name is Ralph M, and I want to give you an Important message.
I’am a present member of the Neothink Society.

The Twelve Visions Party, {TVP}, Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society, all have a Blessing, and a Vision, for every American, and anyone that wants to create Wealth, Build their Health, and Live a Life of Prosperity. A new Future for you, your Families,and your Loved ones.
The Ultimate Success – of the Twelve Visions Party {TVP}, can be achieved, Now, For the Future.
Thank you, Ralph

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all your hard work and honesty

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all your hard work and honesty. I was not surprised by your work, rather, I felt vindicated.  For once in my life, I found others that think like I always have, although never so eloquently and completely integrated. Religion was never my problem, I could never rap my head around that stuff. I just wanted to be a good person, extracting the value in all things to make sense of it all. Thanks to your work I have discovered that the common denominator to my lack of ultimate success was fear. Everyone around me just wanted to go with the flow and I wanted More, I want to live forever and create. People think that’s scary. I know it’s not!

Overcoming my fear of rejection, I recently approached a value creator with a business idea to take his work and product sales to the next level. He has exhibited classic Neothink in his work. We now have the very basics, common denominators to the health and longevity for each of us as individuals in his personalized health care according to our blood type/geno type.

The eatright4your type people were very excited over my business plan and we will enter discussions soon.

Thanks for the push in the Right direction.

Carl T. J

March 2025