Posts Tagged ‘Twelve Visions Party’

I've been involved with Mark Hamilton's Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years …

I’ve been involved with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years now and it just gets better with time.

I am grateful of the value I received from Mark Hamilton's Neothink literature …

I am grateful of the value I received from Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature and Neothink Society, as the knowledge gained from them can help the average person like myself with valuable life advantages that most people don’t know about and free their mind of mysticism and irrationality that one is exposed to all their lives.

But what is more exciting and important to me about Neothink is the establishment of the Twelve Visions Party because its success of getting into White House, in as early as 2012, can help provide all the people with true, unconditional freedom, pay no taxes, allow businesses in all industries and geniuses to create new and better technology, enabling all the people to buy goods and services at fractions of their costs today, the two most important of which are each individual’s health and each individual’s protection against initiation or threat of force, or fraud, using new military, police, and medical technology, to only serve one purpose:

Reading Mark Hamilton

Reading Mark Hamilton

It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man …

It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man (a monarch) to the rule of law (the U.S. Constitution).

It started with an invitation that is permanently changing my life and thinking

It started with an invitation that is permanently changing my life and thinking.

Always in financial difficulties I tried a few self-improvement programs, and thought, not so bad should have started earlier.

I've been involved with Mark Hamilton's Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years now …

I’ve been involved with Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for a few years now, and it just gets better with time.

After reflecting on the many years of physical existence on this globe …

After reflecting on the many years of physical existence on this globe we call earth and on this phenomenal portion of land called the United States of America, I have come to realize more than ever it is the mind of man that have caused the dilemmas and current conditions we are now experiencing.

In my heart, I feel deep gratitude for The Neothink Society..

Dear Mark,

In my heart, I feel deep gratitude for The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party, and The Twelve Visions World. In the beginning of my childhood, I was

Mark Hamilton and his literature has been and will continue to be a …

Mark Hamilton and his literature has been and will continue to be a life-changing force for myself and my family.

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party will eradicate the rule of…

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party will eradicate the rule of flaw-filled man and replace it with the Prime Law.

March 2025