Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Thank You Mark Hamilton


The Call to Arms…

It is all falls upon ourselves in taking full responsibility for our own actions.
Thereby making it impossible to get caught up in playing the victim’s game…
We negate the authorities…that want to enslave our value producing selves.
This is whole purpose behind Mark Hamilton and his greater vision for humanity. No one is excluded when we de-politicalized three branches of government .To make it truly work for the people in the visionary principles of TVP; and Mark Hamilton at its head.
The slogan being “Everybody get Rich…including the poor! Now that is truly revolutionary as was intended in Thomas Paine, “Common Sense”…call to arms!
No victimhood…but individual-self empowering-hood!

Mark Hamilton my mentor is a hero in my life…

I Carlos Davila am typing this few line to let know how happy I am of the TVP. TVP is bringing the best in me little by little, when i had lost or hope and had given up in life, TVP is bringing the best in me in a so logical way and so pure. TVP has provide information that has help me in areas that the bible was not able to deliver. The ideas of bringing out the best in common people so they could relive an take their life back is knowledge that us human kind have been starving for. Mark Hamilton my mentor is a hero in my life and I appreciate all his work, is been worthwhile being in acquaintance with such a brilliant man. The TVP party has the best ideas i have ever encounter any where concerning the health of this planet, in all aspects of the word, is a complete picture that will bring the best in everybody on earth to be free of war, hunger, lack of anything and have everything our heart desires. I wholeheartedly feel and am sure that the TVP is the solution to this nuclear thread hole, too bring the conditions we all yearn for, in a business/science/art civilization . THANK YOU,YOURS TRULY, Carlos D

I would like to start by thanking Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart

hello my name is Domenic L and i would like to start by thanking Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart. Learning about Neothink, the twelve visions party (TVP) and applying the knowledge has done more for me my family and all loved ones including my pets, more good than any combination of any and every part of my life. without Neo-think, T.V.P or Mark Hamilton i would still be stuck in the rut i was not being able to pay my bills, getting upset, angry annoyed, frustrated and most of all worry has dissolved in my life. now i feel happy energized rich and so glad to be alive. I would trade nothing for what i have learned and now gain. Mark thank you so much from the entire Lonardo family

Hello Mark Hamilton

Hello Mr. Hamilton. I really hope things are going well with your efforts with the TVP. When i read Miss Annabelle’s Secrets i could not put it down. I was so into this story i was reading dozens of pages a night. I read it in about one month. It was really moving and inspirational. I can picture this story actually happening when you become President.
Would it be better to write a testimonial like i am talking to you or a third person, please let me know so i can do whatever i can to help.
My other question is about GIN. There is an audio on the website about getting help from our upline, i could use a little help. You are the one who invited me into GIN and you are my mentor and i can’t wait until i can meet you in person someday. I met Kevin and Ron Ball in NY City for a live event and it was great, they are uplifting to talk to. Back to my question. What kind of help can you give me about becoming a founding member? I was focusing on being a founding member so much i would get excited and happy the instant i thought about being a founding member. All through the month of September, this went on for many days. I was saying some affirmations like I am thankful for being a founding member in the global information network. When i seen my account in the back office there was not anyone signed up under me. I was feeling so excited like it already happened before this. Any help would be greatly appreciated as you know there is only a couple of days left to achieve founding member.
Can’t wait to meet you in person.
Thank you very much… your apprentice Glen

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…

If anyone is looking for a way to change their life to something better. If you are looking to become a more powerful human being. If you want more happiness in your life. If your seeking wealth. If you want a clearer way of seeing things. If your looking for anyway to improve your life, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are quite possibly what you are seeking. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I am thinking on a totally different level. I am no longer afraid of what life sends in my direction. I am truly powerful.Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.
Sincerely, Steve S

Many thanks to you Mark Hamilton

I hope that my testimonial is clear in that I was slowly falling apart until I became associated with the Neothink Society. Personally speaking, I believe that I have learned to live a better life. I was close to giving up. My Dad passed away, a co-worker died, and things just kept going like that, on and on, sometimes things got better but it just seemed like happiness was just not there for me. I have since gone after my Friday night essence and I hope to have very nice piece of music to show for it. I believe we all deserve better lives in this Twelve Visions World. One of the songs on this album is dedicated the TVP. The title to this song is “Checks and Balances”. It explains to some degree how “We the People” are just puppets, hamsters on a wheel. We have to know who the neo-cheaters are, and why they exist It is time to reclaim Health, Wealth and Happiness. I learned that if you take care of yourself, you also take care of others. Many thanks to you Mark Hamilton

Now that we have Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society

Mark’s values of life energy, existence, fulfillment, discovery, advancements, and sustenance is enlightenment of ones self-consciousness. My life has been in a deep guided rut and just didn’t seem to change. I always thought there should be a better way of doing things. Now that we have Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society I know it will be 100% better. I am sure with our self-consciousness and seeing ahead we will move into the new universe much happier.
With Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society and the Founder of the Twelve Visions Party (the TVP) will make our country better than what we see today.
I think with Mark’s ideas of work and how to run a company’s business and the love of his life is a great tribute to everyone here in the good old USA.
Keith O.

I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done

To the Neothink Society
I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done and are doing to make man kind better. I believe that twelve vision party the tvp will make life better and more successful in life than ever before…the way it was suppose to be from the beginning.
thank you Mark for being the business minded genius you sure are.

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP

Dear Mark,

Thank you, Mark, for your genius in creating the TVP. You give us hope, confidence and the ability to meet people with like minds. Without you we could not have the TVPNJ launch which was a one-in-a-million experience. The convention center vibrated from all the energy that was in the room. It was both fun and informational. We met and learned about our leaders and met so many TVP members but the most exciting moment for me was finally seeing and hearing you. Your message and your presence albeit through the internet was mesmerizing and we were all concentrating so intently that you could have heard a pin drop. I cannot wait for TVP to be in every states. We need TVP to once again give the citizenry the life that we all deserve.

I am honored to be a member of TVP and Neothink Society. It certainly has added a wonderful dimension in my life.

March 2025