Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Mark Hamilton and the TVP

I wanted to send you this email to say fear not nothing can stop this just know this in your heart I send you the golden Christ light to surround you with God’s ultimate wisdom and protection I was sent to you by your Father from the Twelve Visions World you need true people around you and as of the TVP you have your people that are the foundation for you and what you are trying to do Like I said you are more then welcome to hire me as your body guard I am trained Pro mixed maritial arts fighter I have personally survived many attacks in life and I still stand strong if I told you what I went through for the past 15 years it would bring tears to your eyes I am A suvivor and nothing the AC can throw at me can stop me they tried and failed I have more strength from the attacks we will win this battle its over already I am not saying it wont be hard I am just saying if we have to go to battle lets do this now I have no fear what so ever and I cover you in all that God has gifted me with life is a battle so lets not fear this lets take out those who chose to try to fight us they dont stand a chance we have to bring forth the light of the Twelve Visions World the people of the earth need this together we go forth to win the war GOD BLESS YOU MARK I AM GOING FORTH IN ALL THAT MY SPIRIT HAS WILLING TO LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR THE CAUSE THAT BRINGS FORTH THE BLESSINGS OF THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD!!!!

Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Neothink means “life” to me. It means absolutely EVERYTHING to me. Everything, Mark Hamilton, The Multi Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party, All means the Universe to my heart. All of what I have gained here is beyond what everyone who is not yet a member will ever know. You will never discover it “out there”. You can and, on the inside, will discover the eternal values offered to you. The Society’s smartest men and women alive are here. No, that is NOT a “pitch”. It is THE real deal. I seriously mean that. You don’t know what you are missing outside the Neothink® Society. That is why, right now, I say to you, dear reader, is to please, check out what we have to offer. You can always go to and request FREE information regarding what we offer here. You can also request to become a member of the most powerful bond on earth today. The website immediately gives you a sneak peak at what we offer here, what we do here and what we stand for. It also tells you somewhat at what you stand to gain here. You stand to gain EVERYTHING here no lie, no bull, just honest values beyond what you can imagine as a non member right now. You can also immediately begin to discover what the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is about over at The value is enormous over here. If I can say anything about TVP or Twelve Visions Party, it will make ALL the people RICH including the poor! No, this does not exclude you for this includes you. But I will tell you, the society IS exclusive to all non members. If anyone wants the eternal values offered in here, they must become a member to receive the values. For example, the membership has a fee, but you get 1 multi general manuscript a month free. The live Neothink® Clubhouses’ social-life advantages and interactions are free and our website, that normally costs a fee to maintain, is free with membership. You can find the details at You can also request to become a member here as well. Back to the Twelve Visions Party or TVP. The TVP will make all ordinary citizens rich, healthy and safe including the poor and the elderly and unemployed. You will find free information on over at
What does this all mean to me? EVERYTHING! I learned to love life. I learned to deeply appreciate life! I learned to love and respect myself. I learned to CREATE VALUES! I learned to grow without limits which involves taking complete, 100% responsibility for my own life indefinitely! Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings, specifically the Multi Generational Manuscripts of The Neothink(R) Society. I found my essence here in the society. I have discovered precisely what it means to be happy what it takes. You can be eternally happy and I mentor others here in the society to achieve it. I am a famous society insider. I am deeply happy and it grows every day. I have never been as smart and as integrated as I am right now. That will soon enough evolve beyond where I am at right now. I know I absolutely can be, do and have all I desire, period! Mark Hamilton is our prime mentor and has the honest power to mentor everyone into the creation driven life they were meant to live. That involves partly a life or romantic-adventure! I am living that. I have many, many friends all over the world who support me and I support them. I have a career, the living career of my dreams that I can only accept living indefinitely with for life. You can too in here.
I must only live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. We are going to rid society of the corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them, too. I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He empowered for the eternally happiest best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything, period. He demonstrated to me and the others that he is right on with a loving father’s essence. He earned my eternal respect and that is that. He taught me to play at life as an adult. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now I am the Ten Second Miracle Mentor in The Neothink(R) Society. I am well known across the planet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before learning HOW to do that in here! I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. In fact, I have checks written to me in my name here in the society. A fellow Neothink brother invested over $1000.00 USD in me and him to acquire real estate in business for ourselves but not by ourselves indeed. We are shortly going to make our very first real estate deal. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not, and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform what others opinions say is impossible. I don’t understand “impossibility”. Cant anymore. Religious people would say, ”all things are possible with God”. Thank you my business partner, Terry. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth. Now let go and do it more than we are now!!!
To make a long laundry list short: If absolutely necessary, I would step in front of speeding bullets for him. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The TwelveVisionsParty (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Lovingly and Sincerely,
Patrick B

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton…

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic. But after reading the three multigenerational manuscripts, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world. Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!). I have always felt out of place. I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in! Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person. I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another! I practically became a hermit.
With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton. I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be. Some things I need to work on, can be really hard! But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.
I have seen the future thru the TVP. This is the way the world Should be. With all the Love, Compassion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.
Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world. I cherish everything this man has made known to me. For the wisdom to pass on. So we can all be really free to soar!!

Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton,…

Dear Mentor Mark Hamilton, I decided to take time out from my busy schedule to let you and the world know . How I feel about the work and the sacrifice you have made to give knowledge, wisdom and understanding to so many that have been mentally beaten down cast aside and left it on the curb of ignorance, in a world where those of superior knowledge have taken unjust advantage of those less fortunate. We have been the doormat of the elite Not just here in America but throughout the civilize world community. Thanks to you ,this sleeping giant is no longer asleep and he has awaken with a new advance mind set ,we call Neo-Think and its conduit the TVP .These two pillars, will bring peace ,health, love, prosperity and happiness to the world ,It will turn poison into medicine and rocks into gold. Once we realize what Mark Hamilton represent we will seek to follow in the footsteps of our Mentor and become the giants he knows we can and will become, I’m just happy to be part of a movement that will reshape the world .I am a witness to this modern day miracle and will do all that I can to be like Mark Hamilton and unite with those that understand the special bond between Mentor and student, for we are one in the struggle to free and heal the human mind and body
Peace and Love Arthur (Amhotep) B

My Journey With Neothink Society

Where do I begin ….. well back in 1995 my whole world changed we my family lost my older at the age of 45yrs to cancer & kidney failer . I had just started to know him well , he was always doing his own thing . After his death I married in 2001 to a man who made my life a living hell . Seven years I wasted my life with a man who didn’t love , respect or even cared if I was hurt or sick . My parents health got worst , my job took its toll on me and my friends could do nothing but tell me how wrong my ex was for me and stopped talking to me .
In 2006 a special letter came to me from a person who seemed to know alot about me better then I knew myself . This letter came at a time when I was ready to take my own life because I couldn’t any reason for me to live the way I was . To have happiness in abundance , peace without distruptions , excellent health with little effort , romantic love for ever .
Basically anything I want in life ….. No one is in control of me BUT ME !!!! The TVP is long over due , change is coming and it won’t be stopped this time . We have to change the way things have been going if we don’t all will feel pain of what WE AS A NATION HAVE MESS UP ….. AND ALLOWED THE WRONG CARETAKERS TO CONTROL . All Mark Hamilton has done is opened eyes and hearts to plain HONESTY . To block that is to self inflict your own wounds . I’m never going back to the life I once had ….. He helped me to see and I greatful to him always and for ever
Sylvia F Taylor -Akonor

Mark Hamilton is definitely a pioneer

What the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) means to me is putting the choice in people’s hands to act on what our instinctive human nature is: Love, peace, freedom, and creation of wealth, values, and prosperity. Only through the TVP will we see this happen. I live in a city where I see, day in and day out, people living in anguish and despair because they have lost their job or their government benefits have been depleted, and I see hope disappear from their eyes — only replaced with a sadness and a dejection of the heart. As a result, the crime rate has increased with crimes of desperation, such as robbery and hurt on other individuals through acts of initiatory force. The reason, I believe, people force harm on others is because they don’t know any other way to do things to bring peace of mind into their lives. Lately, we see the corruption and dishonest propaganda from greedy politicians who don’t value the lives of the public and who continually use the media to brainwash society into a mold they see fit. The TVP, putting more fulfillment and wealth into everyday lives will see an end to almost all acts of crime and terrorism. These actions put into effect will lower and then end taxes, and put the money back into its hard-working citizen’s hands.
The TVP, under the Prime Law, will bring those things to cease. I see injustices and those being tried in courts unjustly and punished for crimes that do not bring any harm to anyone. Yet the greedy politicians believe it is for the “social good.” Yet they become hypocrites because they then turn around and do the same thing they punish the small person for. But it is alright for them to do it because they are somehow privileged in this regard. The TVP will take power out of the hands of greedy politicians and back into the power of the people using market businessmen and women — the very people who seek to build the economy and create values in our lives, not destroy it. I believe that this is the only way to feel a worldwide peace that has been promised to generations before us. Now we have the capabilities, technology, and worldwide support to see this reality become actualized. If you ever want to feel that peaceful feeling of relief, then the TVP will be here to show mankind how we can do this.
Mark Hamilton is definitely a pioneer and an individual who purely and honestly loves mankind. He isn’t looking to make money off of the world’s hard work and honest living, but rather is showing the world an honest and true way to live — one where we are true to ourselves, each other, and our families. Only through the TVP will we live in a loving and peaceful world, one where cures for disease and poverty will be brought to light even more. The greedy, parasitical politicians won’t do this, instead they say there is no cure for cancer or diabetes (only a treatment for these diseases) because they fill their wallets with money made from the big pharmaceutical companies. If people cured these diseases using natural remedies, then big pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt because no one is buying their drugs. Drugs only make people’s lives harder and more difficult to progress and grow to the fullest potential a human being can. With these limitations in place, the Politicians become an unstoppable force and continue to lie to the public for the “social good,” to enslave mankind so that the only way out of our problems is putting our hopes and dreams in this modern-day government system. The TVP will finally bring power back to the democracy our forefathers intended, and our government will become the machine it was meant to be — to bring wealth, peace, love, freedom, and prosperity to all mankind forever and ever!
Love and Peace!

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades to make the TVP a reality for us all. The two party system in force now is really a battle field that accomplishes riches and privileges for only certain classes of people who don’t need them. The TVP will make it possible for everyone to benefit. Since reading the Society’s manuscripts, I have hope for a better future for all of us. Thanks to all who have been working toward this wonderful goal.
B. Finch

Learning a New Life

When I first was approached by Neothink, I was intrigued and looked forward to seeing what the Neothink world consisted of.
I did not ask questions. I waited impatiently for the first book to arrive. I read the entire book in three days and went on to reread it twice more, while I waited for the next semester at UAF to start.
I am a social work student at UAF. I work in human services with severely emotionally disturbed children.
When I see how bad the world treats children, I look forward to the coming of the TVP and the new world that will come from it. I see so much pain in the children I work with that I try to offer emotional support to them so they feel someone cares–that they are not abandoned by their parents who can no longer deal with behaviors that they created in their own children.
My vision for the new world is a world where children will no longer be emotionally scarred by those who are suppose to care for them and that those who have been scarred can find healing in the new world order.

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life

The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life.
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed. Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.
My name is John M. S from Phoenix, AriZona. When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America. My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through. I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels. Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life. I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite. The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” “What values will I gain?” In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me! Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching! Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality. Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me. I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had. You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?” “How can I improve this situation?” As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!
Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness. I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself. I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings. Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?
Why not simply be Honest? Is Truth different from Honesty?
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth. Honesty on the other hand is unchanging. It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –
. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’
Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .
To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”


With Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom, I had found the right integrated people that believe in good things for the people, in a peaceful world and of becoming the Twelve Visions World. Reading the HL, I also learned of their TVP, I just can’t wait to see TVP up and going. TVP will provide complete freedom to the people. That is fascinating. I am self-employed, always improving my services for the public, and I had witness how government’s agency had taken my hard earned money due by their regulations. I only know, what I been witnessing in the political arena that it’s anti-civilization system are not reaching their maximum capacity of intelligent to protect us the people. TVP will provide not only protection for the people, but freedom, happiness, wealth and peace.
Love for my all my sis and bro
Phoenix, AZ

March 2025