Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Having the Neothink knowledge has put me on the path of LIFE

Neothink an enhanced way of thinking which creates advantages and profits. Having the Neothink knowledge has put me on the path of LIFE and has provided increased amounts of Happiness and Intellect. This enhanced way of thinking towards LIFE will last forever and will continue to create health, wealth and prosperity once the Twelve Visions Party comes into play.
The TVP is our, as human beings ticket toward Individual/Universal advancement in all aspects of life. The TVP will allow all individuals to be self-leaders, advance into the Neo-Think mentality and live the Life of LOVE, WEALTH and HAPPINESS for an ETERNITY!

The Neothink Society, the TVP …

Mr. Hamilton.
I am disheartened to think that a supposed ‘free’ society such as that the United States portrays to be would do such a thing. The Neothink Society, the TVP and you and your father’s hard work to provide information to people who want to live a better life and to have options other than our own federal government lays down as ‘the only way to go’ has opened my eyes to another way of thinking and it has been very refreshing to know that people can and will stand up to the status quo of this country. We are taught in school that we have the freedom to think what we want, do what we want (within the limits of the law), to believe in whatever religion we want, speak what we want, etc, etc. The Neothink Society is doing just that and we should (and I will) stand up to keep that right alive and well for the society as well as you Mr. Hamilton. I am a disabled Air Force Veteran who served this country with honor and worked to keep those above mentioned freedoms in tact. I will do the same for the society and yourself and best of luck in defeating the dishonesty.
Anissa W

I believe in the TVP

I believe in the TVP because it represents what many people in America believe in. We conserve and build for the next generation. Any Office worker, entrepreneur, or doctor, we all strive to make our world a better place one-day at a time. Achieving and striving is at the heart of all our efforts. As a Kansas native conservation and honesty are at the heart of all my efforts. Let’s make our world a better and safer place for all the generations that follow. Without the TVP we may never see honesty in business. The Twelve Visions Party is believing in ourselves and America for all it can stand for not adding to a government that I have worked for and watched decay. All my family members are entrepreneurs and I hope to make $$ at my home business soon.
HOPE (Christa Leigh W)

Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wish to try express to you in words how truly grateful I am, to you and your family for this chance you have given me to change my life for the better. Without your help through your writings and my precious collection of M.G. Manuscripts I would not have ever been able to see through the illusions.
As I recognize my mysticisms and begin to rid myself of them, I feel a comfort inside of me that I have not felt before. Even though many areas of my past have disintegrated, as well as my old relationship, I see a new picture piece that will fit into place in this large puzzle and help to change many lives for the better.
I feel the most wonderful opportunity is right before me, without your writings I never would have seen the common denominators that helped me to see where I wanted to go. An opportunity that is so large, I find myself at times crying tears of joy. I also realize that I can have more than just one piece in the beautiful puzzle that we will integrate together through our efforts and values that we put into society, with the TVP and you Mark Hamilton us safely into a better world, and to the pure honest good of humanity.
I wish to give my thanks to the Neothink Society and to the many members who have put so much of their time and love into building and sharing their many values and integrations with other members. I will always honor this time in my life and look forward to meeting other members in the future.
With the Twelve Visions Party and all of the Neothink Society members I feel so much hope for the future of my family and my grandchildren.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.
Brenda H

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach.

Mark hamilton and his Twelve visions Party are above reproach. His late father, Frank R. Wallace was the author of Neo- Tech. I have been a Neo – Tech owner since 1987 and have found it very helpfull in my life and finances. There are amazing technologies just under the surface of our society which are just about to burst forth – 100% free energy for all men – commercial biological immortality and many others. We just have to get rid of those that are keeping it from us. TVP will do all this and more. Power to Mark and TVP!!
Chuck B

Thank You again Mr. Mark Hamilton

I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for opening my eyes to the fact that I am not alone in the world, with the way I think that we as a world need to change things. I was brought up to believe in our government, and with the recent recession I can’t believe in something that could have brought us out of recession right from the start, and giving money to business that have bad business practices to start with is not a way to get things back on track. Mr. Hamilton and the TVP Is the only way that we as a people will ever get the world headed in the right direction. Since our own world leaders want nothing more than to control us, then it is time for change, and someone or something that lets us control ourselves. Unless we take control back then our world will self destruct, with the help of our so called leaders and the media putting it out that this is what we need. Thank You again Mr. Mark Hamilton and the TVP for opening my eyes up to what can be a better world for all. Larry G member of the Neothink Society

Thank You Mark Hamilton

My Mentor
First i want to thank you to have accepted me in your society since may 2008.
I use to read wonderful success from others members.
I believe strongly about everything written on the mails that the society have sent to me, especially my orientation book which mentioned my gifts and will help me to unleashed them .
I have all my hope in our society.
Truly the society take off on my face a thick veil and make me stronger in belief on the society .
But my testimonial would not be reduce at that point.
Please i am waiting for the enlistment of my gifts and the realization of other promises on the books to complete my testimonial.
Thank you to take your precious time to read my message
Your apprentice Messiah
TVP Testimonials

Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions has changed my way of thinking…

I first found out about the Neothink Society a few years ago. I was very interested in reading about the 12 visions and it opened my eyes to a lot of truths that I never thought about before, but I am now finding validation of them with the news and what’s going on in the world through the media. Mark Hamilton and his 12 visions has opened my eyes to realizing that I want to put values into this world also and help our society to progress in a healthy and productive way. I am grateful for Mark for having the courage to bring truths out that most people would be afraid of saying, but if we as a society are to survive, we need to become aware and to wake up to what is really going on in our world and to bring about the changes needed to improve it. I want these changes for myself, my family and for society as a whole.
Mark Hamilton’s 12 visions has changed my way of thinking on a lower, only-of-myself level to caring about others throughout the world as well and wanting the best for each individual. It’s clear now that by helping others we are only helping ourselves as well.
To silence Mark, his literature and the TVP would be dooming all of us now and future generations to a life of stagnation and desolation.
I applaud Mark for his courage, honesty and love for all of mankind.

Mark Hamilton, thank you

I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Twelve Visions World where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!
Darrell E. B,

Mark Hamilton and the TVP

Recently a realtor was sharing an experience with me after returning from an assignment. He shared that while out taking photos of a foreclosed home, a gentleman from next door approached him with regards getting some information about buying a home in this market. The ironic thing about this situation however was the strange odor that surrounded this man. The neighbor smelt as if he was smoking; not the ordinary cigarettes but a drug or substance of some sort.
After hearing about this experience, I immediately recalled another sharing that I had from a co-worker. She had moved out of her parent’s home when she was twenty one years old and moved into a neighborhood where her father grew up. Her father however, who felt that she left home too soon, often offered to give her a ride home from work so that he could spend some time with her. On the way home she told that her father while driving would point out to her the different places where he spent his time while growing up. One of the places that he indicated to her was a little shop in the neighborhood where he frequented to buy ‘drugs’.
When I first heard that story, I was in awe. It was challenging for me to accept the fact that drugs were so readily available or that a father would proudly share with his daughter that he indulged in it.
In contrast it is so refreshing to think about a time to come when we would live in a world free of illegalities and abnormalities that are dealt with by simply sweeping them under the carpet or by turning a blind eye. A time when we can have a government that we can depend on to enforce protection laws. A time when a government such as the one that the Twelve Vision Party (TVP) can bring about, will place human rights at its helm. A time when a government party such as the TVP would have what it takes to deal with law breakers, crimes and to enforce protection laws to make for a better nation and for a better world.
Just be!

March 2025