Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

MARK HAMILTON and the society has change my life for the better…

Hi my name is Alice
when I was first introduced to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY. I was a little skeptical about the society but I reader the letter and got the books and after reading all three of them . I could see all the honesty and love for all the people in MARK HAMILTON and not just for some people but all people all over the world. and meeting MARK HAMILTON and the society has change my life for the better I am happy and have a love for life it not a burden to live I feel free in my mind and soul. it a joy to live and to see the future thru the TVP. I’ll learning to lead my on life and not let other people tell me how I should think or be have more confident in my self lost fears doing things I would not have done if I had not met Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society they help me to use my mind in ways I didn’t know I could. we need the TVP it will be life changing for all the people the poor, middle and the upper class for the better.don’t be afraid of Mark Hamilton or the NEOTHINK SOCIETY use your head think for your self. don’t listen to what other people have to say 95%of them don’t know anything about Mark Hamilton or NEOTHINK SOCIETY they are afraid of what they don’t know so you find out for your self. I have learn it better to find out for your self about any thing you want to know first hand that way you know what you are talking about and not talking out of fear of the unknown

Thanks Mark Hamilton for your diligence in helping people.

When I first started reading Neothink literature I was shocked to find how honest it was. It was and still is uplifting, and has opened my eyes quite the bit. My honest opinion about Neothink and the TVP is simply this. We as a people need this very thing to bring us out of all the negative forces we have going on today. I can’t put it more simply. This has taught me many lessons for the better, and now my life is just dandy. I used to think there was no hope for honesty. Now with Neothink all that has changed that and I see things in a different light. I was a truly downtrodden hateful person with no hope of any real future. Now I have a wonderful fiancée, good job, and moving to the top. My next project is to make a music magazine. This will continue to open doors for me as I use Neothink techniques.
Everybody needs this in there lives so they can understand what the world has to offer them. This is not another scam or scheme. This is just the truth so why not use it. It worked for me and everybody I know is saying look at him go.
Thanks Mark Hamilton for your diligence in helping people.

Mark Hamilton is a genesis

One year ago I started my journey with the Neothink Society. My life has changed for the better. At work I have great relationships with my supervisor’s. I used to hate go to work
but Neothink showed me how to look and see my job at it’s essence.
Mark Hamilton is a genesis. He has taught me how to be an integrated thinker. I have learned the secret to life and can never go back to the way I was.
I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party. The foundation of the TVP
is the Prime Law. In today’s society man has turned our constitution upside down. Man and our leaders put themselves above the law.
WE NEED CHANGE! The TVP will bring the needed change because it replaces man with Prime Law. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in me. I am so thankful that I am a member of the Neothink Society. All the best!

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

My name is Ralph M, and I want to give you an Important message.
I’am a present member of the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party, {TVP}, Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society, all have a Blessing, and a Vision, for every American, and anyone that wants to create Wealth, Build their Health, and Live a Life of Prosperity. A new Future for you, your Families,and your Loved ones.
The Ultimate Success – of the Twelve Visions Party {TVP}, can be achieved, Now, For the Future.
Thank you, Ralph

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Hello America,
I have been with Neothink for around nine years now. I owe a lot to Neothink as I am a different person now. I see reality and I can recognize the lies and non sequiturs that are being used to confuse us all. Before Neothink I didn’t see or recognize any of that so I just followed along as we are all supposed to do.
I am my own person and love not having to follow anyone any longer. I follow only my own mind. This Neothink has brought me out of the typical “work rut.” Neothink is for us all and wants to help us all get away from what we all seeing happening to this great country. I dont like the direction this country is going to, so I am fully behind Neo-Think and the TVP. There is absolutely nothing dishonest about Neothink or TVP. We are all here to help.
No smoke and mirrors, no lies, no non sequiturs. Just the plain and whole truth. Neo-Think members are the most loving and honest people you will ever meet. So please keep your minds open when you see the TVP coming and please get some info so you can learn what we are all about. I hope you will join us! You are all welcomed!

I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature

Testimonial of TVP from Darin P:
I want the world to know what the value of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Twelve Visions Party are to them. The value they are to my family and I are the same they are to you.
At a time when people I trusted in the Assembly’s of God churches had tried to abuse me out of racism and unprofessional personal problems, Mark Hamilton, his literature and the TVP were there showing me why they were like that with me, guiding me by their literature into the life I was meant to live, and did not realize it.
I moved out of that area after I found out that the environment was sick due to isolation and stagnation and that this sickness was the reason they attacked me and other innocent people.
Isolation creates stagnation and stagnation makes people sick in body, mind and heart. Some areas are simply unhealthy to live in, i.e. the “boon-docks” out in the middle of nowhere where people are sick, hiding from the general population, and have no minds. I have witnessed that such people are mystical, primal and evil. Bicameral, undeveloped and anticivilized. Just as Neothink literature revealed to me.
Some may be offended at my descriptions of these human beings, but sick people need help and some people you just can’t help. They are my descriptions and not put downs.
As that environment tried to suppress and use me, as they do their people, i.e. as guinea pigs to study and learn from like they were still in the Dark Ages, Mark Hamilton, his literature and TVP placed value on my life and I realized who I was…that I was more normal than they were, and took me in a new direction showing me who I was as I began to tap my deepest motivational root.
If you live around sick people, you will catch their virus unless someone gives you medicine. That medicine was MH, TVP and the awesome multigenerational manuscripts as it kept me sane as I saw before me in their literature that I was and what was happening to me in a sickened and dead environment.
The people that started trouble with me were people I trusted because they carried a sacred name, Christian. They were sick and dead racists and adulterers and that is why they started trouble with an innocent person. Sick people can only see their sickness. They cannot fathom the innocence of their victims.
I value the honesty and value of human life that Neothink has for humanity. I believe that they literally saved my life because I was naive to the evils of small and isolated communities and trusted the Christians who also carried the same viruses due to cohabitation with them. Pastors and evangelists catch the airborne viruses of their laity and congregations because they are among them. But Neothink saved me from getting their sicknesses and I moved once I saw that they were evil people in and out of church due to the stagnation of their environment. I separated from the sick people.
Now I have my own business in real estate and my 2-girls are going to be safe from the diseases of the anticivilization. It was not God or Christians, whom I trusted in, that saved me from their evil families, i.e. the undead, it was Neothink because their values stand out among the world, including to Christian values.
For example, Christians teach love, but they don’t teach that it is unhealthy to love sick people. Sick people want to die and take you with them. MH and TVP showed me the morality of self-value and to apply this to their relationships.
Now that I am safe from sick and deprived people, my success is at hand. I have my own Mortgage Specialty business showing people the face value of their mortgages to save them from poverty. It’s a Neo kind of mortgage professional service that I know will replace the bicameral real estate agencies as the years go by because they work by slow and old standards.
Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are unlike civil authorities today who have to create illusions in order to rule because they lack the genuine honesty of this Club. If you try to be something, you’re not it. People like honesty and if you’ve got it, people will listen to you. MH and TVP integrate honesty into business and life in general because they have honest motives. This is why they are rising over the present rulers. People are finding out that this Club has the answers they need. Come and see for yourself.
People that have to resort to lies and smut on honest and deserving people don’t have the natural honesty it takes to help people grow and live life in liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
If there were no more Mark Hamilton or TVP, like God’s Hand, helping this nation and world, due to a scandal from present authorities, this world will end in nuclear holocaust. Without Neothink, look in the future of a nuclear blast killing off you and your family because that is what Neothink are stopping from happening to this world. Not the Christian churches, but Neothink, are saving you and your families through science and not mystical religion. Get real, people. Get a dose of reality.
But don’t let fear of war scare you straight. Let the values of neothink show you who you are and how to have world peace.
Mr. Darrin M. P
Neo-Realty Investments

Mark Hamilton You Are a Treasure

Mark Hamilton,
You are a treasure!
Your work is a huge societal value…without question————-unfortunately, there will be questions (tons of them)……..are you and are we ready? The time for the TVP to be heard is now for sure!
Best regards,
Paul S

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature

Dear Mr. Hamilton:
When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.
When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.
That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.
Truly yours,
Maria C. R

Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me

What Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me.
This man, his movement and his teachings have been the most valuable thing I have ever received in all my life. We must all ignore the unjust ramblings that the media and the current government establishment will stir up because how could they possibly understand what they have not experienced for themselves. They are mearly threatened by what they do not understand; but as we all know, this is a free country and just because the government and the media does not understand an individual and what he represents does not give them the right to mislead the public into persecuting anyone. Especially when someone has not broken any actual laws. Mark Hamilton is a genius. He is a true man of value with a business (Neothink Society) and a movement (TVP) that has every right to continue operating in any way he sees fit so long as he is not committing actual force against others, which he most certainly is not. For me personally, I would be lost in a sea of confusion and depression without the knowledge and skills taught to me by him and other members of the Neothink Society. Thanks to Mark I have successfully eliminated every addiction that plagued me; including depression, drugs, cigarettes, drinking, and a loser mentality that has kept me down for as long as I can remember. I am a better man today than I believe I could have ever become without his help.
I feel healthier and happier than I ever even new was possible. I have found and managed to hang on to the woman of my dreams because of this, and I have discovered the business savvy within myself to succeed even in the roughest of times thanks to Mark Hamilton. I owe everything good in my life to Mark because he took the time to talk to me and help me overcome my personal demons. And he does this for every single person who asks him to. Without people like Mark Hamilton this world would surely be a much darker place for us all to endure. And without groups like the Neothink Society, we would lose the strength of diversity that defines us as a nation. Without movements like the Twelve Visions Party how could we possibly make changes for the better. I cannot wait to have an actual additional political party to provide more options to the American public for debate and problem solving to keep this country great. We owe Mark Hamilton a debt of gratitude just for existing as such a valuable, love-filled and giving person that he is. I thank you Mark Hamilton with all of my precious heart for what you have done for me. Without people like you, my life and our nation would surely suffer to no end. Your movement represents, for me, the chance at a truly rewarding life filled with love and happiness. No more dark days of uncertain fear and woe; but instead, an increasingly wonderful journey to a greatness never imagined by this nation of ours before now.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me. I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

March 2025