Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

To my friend and mentor Mark Hamilton

To my friend and mentor Mark Hamilton,
Mark, I believe you have given me more to live for than any one in my life, with the exception of my Mother and Father.

Neothink Literature

Here is what I can write about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.
I love all the literature from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton is a genius! I studied very hard with the multigenerational book and I love it in a big way. It’s so amazing and why not be a member and enjoy life to the fullest by discovering your child of the past. Take it from me as I am a proud member of the Neothink Society! The TVP is the best part! How about getting rich without lifting a finger! Even better yet discover your child of the past who is waiting to be ressurected deep inside your soul. What a beautiful feeling! The wonders never seize in the Neothink Society. You have nothing to loose but a lot to gain. Take it from me I experience the great joy and exileration of discovering the child of the past. Go for it my friends and you will be glad you did. Make the leap into a new mentality called Neothink! Have fun out there my dear friends. The love in the Civilization of the Universe is outstanding,indeed!

Mark Hamilton’s twelve vision party is the real Free Party!!

As, we live in a world filled with illusions, a miracle has come our way to free us from our shackles of slavery!! Tvp is the mighty sword cutting all illusions that have held humans from advancing in life.

Tvp has given me hope in life again!!

We can live Happy pursuing our essence, Thanks to the prime law.
The twelve vision party’s prime law : “The purpose of human life is to prosper and Live happily.”

Tvp guarantee’s this through the Prime Law : “The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton’s Tvp we can live happy and free.

Free from corruption, free from stagnation, free from disease, free from guilt, free from altruism, free from initiatory force, and free all technology which will then make us all Rich and Free!!
Tvp is our savior!!

Thanks Mark Hamilton for saving my life !!
Thank you for teaching me how to be a self-leader creator..

Thank you for your gift to Humanity “TVP”!!

Love, Karen Quin

Hi, {TVP, Testimonial}
My name is Ralph Menchaca. I belong to the Twelve Visions Party, and also belong to the Neothink Society. I am a Visionary member of the TVP, and Visionary for TVPCA. With this, I acknowledge, and thank Mark Hamilton, for the Membership, and the one-year, Mentorship meetings. Mark Hamilton is a great Mentor, and a Self-Leader, for Leadership that you can find nowhere else. I wish also, to Compliment, Mark Hamilton, for the enormous Values, received to my life, my Lively-hood, my Sense of life, and a Desire, and Determination to Succeed, and become, Wealthy, Healthy, and Prosperous, for myself, and my Family. Now, allow me to Invite you to come and Join-in, the Neothink Society, the Clubhouses, and most of all, to Join the Twelve Visions Party.
Take the opportunity, to participate in the Party! Come and live the life, you were meant to live, in a Prosperous, Twelve Visions World!

Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track

Hello to all concerned
This is in recognition to the wonderful work that Mr. Mark Hamilton the Neothink Society and the Newly formed TVP party. It’s high time that we as mankind come up to date and stop living in the past with outdated ways of thinking that has stagnated and arrested peoples creativity to the point of boredom, This is one of the reasons too many people turn to violence and all kinds of scandalous activity to get their thrills! They have not been taught the know how or given the tools to be successful in life. For the most part they have only been taught all their life how to toil for other’s, sacrifice their time and energy to the so called “Higher Cause. A lot of us have herd the faze, “you are what you eat” well I’m here to add that “You know what you’re taught” i.e.. If you’re taught bull…t than you know bull…T! If more people realized that since we live in the so called REVELATION time period then its time the people of our beautiful planet change with the times, expand the consciousness and understand the JIG IS UP. The Truth IS Being Revealed! Why do you think kids rebel so much and disrespect elder’s? one of the reasons is that they are wiser then ever at an earlier age. They see the fact that there is no Big Fat Man in a red suit squeezing down some nasty chimney to deliver toys to EVERYONE ON EARTH IN ONE NIGHT!. the fact that information about some explorer 100’s of years ago is not necessarily going to give them the skills to get gainful employment or to put food on their plate for themselves and family. etc.etc. That all those years in school didn’t teach much survival skill but mostly taught how to “FIT IN “
with the crowd to help someone else fulfill there dreams and get wealthy
while you mostly learn to follow and not become a leader yourself.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, teaches how to become a self leader, to know how to direct your own steps and that all of humankind have the right to live, be happy and prosper, not just a privileged few! Since its known the universe is forever expanding then our conciseness minds are forever as well and that if we don’t go with the flow of the universe (natural nature) then one is going against it!( WE know its not nice to fool “mother nature”) doing so will and is an uphill battle that will sap your life energy, make you older before your time as well as a host of other “difficulties” Its ok to learn from the past but you cant live in it. you can live in the now and for the future! I can go on indefinitely. I’ve haven’t even began to get deep, the point is Mark Hamilton, Neothink..I call it (NEW EVOLUTION OF) think time has come to take our world to true change for the better not just a new cover on the old “Jar of BULL…T Check out the Neothink Society & TVP party and see for yourself The purpose of life is to live be happy and prosper is it not? Then why is it that so many people think that you suppose to wait until your old and used up and that is your GOLDEN YEARS when you have fun for the time you have left and that’s it? think people!
Thank you Mark Hamilton, Neothink & TVP for helping me be on the right track for the New era! Neothink & TVP IS the product that we all want and need weather we are at the point of realization or not!

May you live forever, Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton, although we have not yet met in person, the impact your, the Neothink Society, and the growing TVP have made on my life has been profound. In attending the New Jersey convention in March 2010, I caught a glimpse of what it felt like to have the lens of my glasses cleaned for very first time. I caught a glimpse not only of love, but of love in its purest form, as it is born out of rational thought and out of self awareness, and awareness of the world around us, the state it is in, and why.
I feel so much gratitude for each and every letter I receive from either you or your movement, and will continue to strive, to best of my ability, to contribute towards the world you are creating, by pursuing my essences within at least two of these three realms, and continue receive bountiful moments of pure love and happiness, as a result of the wisdom you have imparted and continue to impart.
May you live forever, Mark Hamilton.
With love and sincerity,

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society I know about…

To: Mark Hamilton,
Thanks to the Neothink Society I know about the illusions that have very subtle
affects and effects in my daily living in society and throughout the societies on whole across
the Globe.
I have decided to peer through all illusions get rid of all the “BULLSHIT” all floods of lies
deceptions that are coming at me through:…People, Business’s, Places, Things. Media, Politics,
Religions, etc and otherwise than the already mentioned.
I live to be of sound mind of the all in my essence on the planet. TVP Neothink Society flows through the ebbs of the universal cosmos the truth is what I seek unconditionally.
What is truth? Where is truth? Who is truth? Why is truth? How is truth? When is truth?
Truth is now! look within go straight to the heart find LOVE COMPASSION you and all the
talents GOD has bestow to you
Wake up to you!!!… in the all GOD CONSCIOUSNESS of the COSMOS to all that is now reading this evolve now.
I know by now most of you have herd about 2012. If you have or haven’t now is the time to
plug-in seek out TVP and the Neothink Society Mark Hamilton’s work.
The power I have, is in the know of how my powers work throughout all illusions. I hope you
understand my words in this writing Get Out Of The Illusion.
Thank You! Mark Hamilton I am awake!
Princess Gibson

Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life

Hi. I just wanted to say how happy I am that I got involved in the Neothink Society. I used to hate life and people. I had no direction and thought life was pointless and at times wished that it would be over. Now I’ve been shown a different kind of life. Mark Hamilton’s books helped me learn to love life and helped me find a direction to go in. I’m now going to be starting school and majoring in microbiology for research into human health. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will change the world for the better. People will be happy doing what they love in life and creating values for the world without being held back by all the unnecessary laws and regulations that are suffocating us today. It is important that TVP be allowed to grow. If it isn’t, the world will continue on this downward spiral and all the problems of the world will continue to get worse as they have been. I want to have children and bring them up in a Neothink Society where they can be happy and grow up properly. Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement have absolutely saved my life. It means everything to me that this continues to grow and make the changes that are necessary in this world for happiness for everyone. I don’t even want to THINK of a world where this isn’t a possibility! It’s far too important. The Neothink Society and the TVP give life real meaning… for everyone. Writing is not my strong suit, but hopefully this will show how important Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society, and the TVP movement is to me, my future family, and the world. Let’s stop doing things the same old way we always have…it’s quite literally killing us all. It’s time to do things right. Let the TVP grow.
Jennifer Naething


It has been almost 5 years since I first heard of Mark Hamilton. I have read his three heirloom volumes. I discovered some things that I had know all my life but never could put a name on. I discovered other things that really opened my eyes. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer with a mentality advanced far beyond most of us. Now that he has created the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) the powers that be will do their best to destroy him. The dishonest Media and the dishonest Politicians see him as a threat to their existence. The past year should open everyone’s eyes to just how corrupt, dishonest and out of control our government and the news media have become. The TVP is the best and perhaps the only hope of our country’s and perhaps the whole world’s survival. The TVP will put an end to the Government for the Government and against the people and change it back to what it is supposed to be. That which the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America foresaw. Government for the protection of the individual rights. I spent 8 years in the service of this country and even though I am in the twilight of my years, I would still fight for her today. I feel that is what I am doing here is fighting for my country and for Mark Hamilton. If the Politicians and the Media are not stopped they will destroy this country and all of us. The Twelve Visions Party must succeed.
Jerry P.


Hi Mark Hamilton,
I want to start off first by saying I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR THE TWELVE PARTY AND NEOTHINK. THE TWELVE PARTY HAS BEEN A GUIDE LINE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY. We knew that there had to be more to life than what we was living neothink can help all of humanity.
WE REFUSE TO GO BACK TO LIVING LIKE WE WAS IN THE DARK AGES. WELL YOU CAN HELP YOURSELF TO THAT LIFE. Mark I want to thank you for pointing us in the right direction. I can honest say that you have always been up

March 2025