Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

An open letter to Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Warriors

I was inspired to write this message after reading the newest Neothink Warrior Newsletter. This letter was sent through email.


These newsletters are intense and full of pure love, passion, and integrations. I can’t express enough the gratitude and appreciation I feel for you and the role you are playing in this supper puzzle. As well as the rest of you. I am so grateful for these opportunities and these wonderful relationships.

Everyone in this thread is a power player. Everyone in this thread excelling at a rapid pace and it’s only going to get faster…and I LOVE it!

I wanna say something however and I say this with Honesty:

I have been “slacking” on my communication and slacking on my responsibilities to this elite group, the Neothink Warriors. I have not been giving my 100% effort towards this. I have not been giving 100% effort towards myself or my beliefs either. Those days are over. I’m moving forward, RUNNING forward, with integrity and fully integrated honesty. We are reaching the bouncing off point..the tipping point..whatever you wanna call it we are at that point..I can feel and I bet you can too.

I don’t have any excuses for why the Warrior website is not up yet. Here is the truth though. It is not up because things have not been in place, not lined up to launch it. I wanna share with those of you on this thread that I have not only made a website to host this newsletter but I’ve also put together an entire community for us warriors. This community is not for chit chattin and dilly dally but oriented around projects and getting things done..moving things forward to protect MH ,TVP, NT and to build them rapidly at the same time…thats what we warriors do. But the community is not ready yet. It’s “physically” ready, up and running, and has been sense about 3 days after I took on the project but this will be started right and It will be powerful and the most effective it can be. It will be fully ready soon so just be patient with me and know it’s working out to our ultimate advantage.

Everything in the society is fairly loosely knit and not moving forward at a quick enough speed to make what we want to happen come into reality in the time needed. We have 30 months to get a TVP president elected and don’t have even anywhere possibly close to enough people stepping up and fully committed to this movement to make this happen. Yes, we are making AMAZING progress and yes we are moving fast but not with full power and full control..not like we could be. It’s time for this loosely knit society to come together and move forward as one solid force knocking down barriers and climbing over mountains to get what we want. It’s time to get rid of these limited beliefs we have, this disease of mysticism. We will have a TVP president elected in 2012. We will complete project life in just a couple years…all we have to do is get ride of these limited beliefs we have that are holding us all back from making this a reality. If you disagree with me and believe you have no mysticism and limited beliefs, well that is a limited belief in itself until you have the results to prove it.

I’ll be honest with you I have LOTS and LOTS of limited beliefs and lots of mysticism in my mind that has held me back..maybe more than all of you who knows but we all know we have these limited beliefs and its time to stop being so..kind to each other..for lack of a better word and push each other and push each other and push each other into new realms of consciousness..into Neothink. We must push each other as a family pushes it’s family members. A mom doesn’t let her son just slide by in school below she pushes her child into be the best he can be and yeah they get into arguments and disagreements but we all know the next day they have a hug of agreement and move forward together as soul mates. A family is only as strong as it’s weakest member..that holds true to an extent within our family we have here in the Neothink Society. I believe we need to push each other out of these very limited beliefs and out of this anti-civilization and its ruthless grip of dishonesty and irrationality.

Who am I to come out of know where and say these demanding things? I’m a young neothink man speaking my heart, my true feelings, and what I observe…and a young man that want’s to live forever. I’m doing as I preach and pushing my family, my soul mates forward…I want to see us flying our jets to meet each other to discuss our next moves. I want to see us smiling all day, living the lives we were meant to live. I wanna see us all evolve into what a God-Man really is. I wanna see succeed and win at everything we do..and the only thing stopping this from happening is our limited beliefs. We are in control of this world..we have the anit-civ by the go-nads and it’s time to be ruthless. Mark has shown he is ready, TVP is ready, Neothink is ready. Ready to unleash, ready to unleash a ruthless wrath of honesty..and there is nothing to be afraid of. We have control of the situation..the war. Are you ready?

I believe in Mark Hamilton and this Neothink Movement. I believe in the power of evolving into the Neothink Mentality and the power of removing limitations. I believe in every one of you because you know what I know and have read what I have read. I believe Mark has givein us more than enough of what we need to make this happen and I believe EVERYTHING we need to succeed already exist on earth..we just need to pull it all together…and that is what the Neothink Society is for. I’m also willing to die for what I believe in.

We have to be completely OBSESSED with this, this movement and more importantly this upcoming election, and it must be in the sweet spot..we all know this.

We have 30 months to get TVP president elected…

It’s time to run family.

Lets run for F. R. W, lets run for Mark Hamilton, lets run for humanity, lets run for our friends, lets run for our families, lets run for our soul mates…lets run for ourselves. We have in our hands the ONLY product EVERYONE on earth eventually needs..Neothink…the only thing that will save earth and allow the Civilization of the Universe to actualize. It’s up to us..period.

with honesty and love,

Trenton Seymour


New Jersey TVP Convention Mar 10

I attended the Twelve Visions Party of New Jersey’s 2nd Convention and was not surprised to find so many smart loving people. The presenters, entertainers, the workers at the hall were all bubbling with energy and hope for America before the day was over. We were joined by Steve Rapella and a video address by Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party. What loving men and mentors. They spoke of each of us in America becoming self-leaders yet following the party to success for all the People to join the greatest get rich program ever! It truly is. We will see prices drop and quality improve as America’s government is returned to its proper function of protection only. Not a social good country but one of individual freedom as planned by our forefathers. Mark Hamilton has the love and passion of our forefathers. He believes in men and women and knows how we can all prosper and live happily as we are supposed to. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in America and freedom for all. We must return to a place of prosperity or we fall harder than we now have.

Sincere thank you Mark,
Jill Reed


Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades

Mark Hamilton, his family and others have been working for decades to make the TVP a reality for us all.  The two party system in force now is really a battle field that accomplishes riches and privileges for only certain classes of people who don’t need them.  The TVP will make it possible for everyone to benefit.  Since reading the Society’s manuscripts,  I have hope for a better future for all of us.  Thanks to all who have been working toward this wonderful goal.

B. Finch

TVP® From the Heart-Kerry Hatfield

The Twelve Visions Party…

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

The Twelve Visions Party (TVP…focused by market business persons) will very soon come to be the “logical-grass-roots” choice (spearhead) of the future in and for most cultures (countries) around the world because politics does not work…it has never “worked”. Why not?

Higher authorities (political, etc.), the world over, exist to usurp the societal wealth and values from entrepreneurs (market businessmen & businesswomen) and all of those (in dead-end, specialized jobs) who would wish to be (via their dreams, our dreams). The politicians buy votes (with money they do not earn), assuring their power, to control and rule over us.

Societal usurpers do fill a void (mutant & hallucinating) in our “conscious” brains (minds) thus providing the decision-making, dictating that we, seemingly, continue to desire. That must change and it will change because the TVP is not focused on a person or even many persons…it is “whole new level of thinking” (that does not include mysticism) that will focus and provide civilization the power of self thought, self realization and thus self determinization. Dissatisfaction is very strong with the present state-of-being and will be the determinant driving the TVP forward…the time is now!

Politicians (and other higher authorities) are increasingly viewed as a problem (rightfully so) by individuals desiring an opportunity to forge ahead (gain wealth). And, whom (“sane-thinking” we are talking about here) on this planet doesn’t want that?

Sadly, many disillusioned individuals have already disengaged from, are in process of giving up OR worse yet…have already given up their dreams, as usually backed by a good plan, to legitimately gain traction (get ahead…gain opportunity & wealth) in this illogical, upside-down anti-civilization that we struggle, survive and exist in. Living the life we (the majority of us) were meant to live is less likely these days (ie.: financial worries, etc.) and lifestyle is almost not attainable…“if” it is achievable…is it sustainable? (ie: will the politicians, and other higher authorities, create more laws, rules and regulations to take our wealth away…that assumes that we have some? The answer is…yes, they will continue if we allow them that luxury). The American Dream and dreams in most countries around this planet are vanishing…….however, there is hope……there is the TVP!!

We (my wife and I) will celebrate with our family the 1st birthday of our first beautiful Grandchild, a Granddaughter, on August 23, 2009 (tomorrow). What a little joy she is…what happiness she brings…amazing is a word that doesn’t begin to express how we feel in her presence.

We want a never ending exciting future especially for her, but, also…of course…for our children and ourselves.

We want the exhilaration-of-life (future), not the burden-of-life (past and present).

The TVP brings us clarity of what needs to be our priority and focus now!!

Thank-you…Mr. Mark Hamilton for working tirelessly in bringing this wonderful alternative (the TVP) to us…what an awesome, societal value!

We need it, we want it, we support you, we are with you, we are engaged!

Again, thank you for all that you and the primary TVP teams have done and are doing…sincerely,

Paul & Ariadna (Ara) Severin


Larry Johnson Jersey Central A-Team. The 12 vision party represent the first time ever a full body of integrated knowledge that can change our mentality and our way thinking that has us in a rut. It is the vehicle of real change, reality based down to the fundamental principals. The prime law is the law that will guide us as a people i am so grateful for this law. I am so proud to be apart of this great movement, that will expose the root cause of all this unnecessary death and destruction coming from the corruption

and lies from career politician who tells have truths out of context. ” MAKE ALL the PEOPLE RICH including THE POOR “ This slogan must be taken to the people in a massive marketing campaign , let it become part of the people’s knowledge bank. a rallying cry for honest business men and women and the workers who put more into society than they take out. We must rally the grassroots around Mark Hamilton and the 12 Vision Party. any successful movement weather Lenin in Russia or Mao in China the condition was ripe to rally the people for change, to protect them from the enemy. This wall will begin to be built as we go public, and flooding our clubhouse houses with new

members is paramount and a major task right now, not when you get a check in the mail but now let’s start the motion this is a very exciting time because change is good. To see something beautiful come into being, that we as a whole is creating. We must out compete the ruling parasitical class, career politicians who in reality talk about change

but are dead set against change. We must win the minds and hearts of the American people, by presenting the 12 Vision Party as a alternatives to the present lazy politicians who only answer to the people’s problem is to raise taxes. This laziness must be exposed by presenting a political business model that the 12 Vision Party represent. Mark

i was part of the movement in the 60′ & 70′ the black liberation movement which was narrow in scope but genuine in our attempt to find solution to our day to day struggles, and to bring about change in America. One of my proudest moment as i was growing and coming to some understanding of the prime literature was when the new website went up and i saw how you integrated different men of creation was included, and to see Malcolm x included brought tears to my eyes. In the early 70′ we thought by replacing

black faces in high places would change our conditions, conditions are worse know than when i was a child. the streets are lest safer know. I learned threw experience that was not the answer, to our problems. since being introduce to Neothink with it broad scope accounting have given me a honest understanding of were real power comes from and that is people’s power threw integrated thinking. Mark i stand with you a 100% in this struggle against evil, for the freedom of our minds and souls When we were kids and wanted to make sure we were together on anything that we were going to do, we would ask each other to give our word. and we would say ” word is bond” if we thought one of us was not telling the truth we would ask each other to give their word “give me your word” if they said word is bond we knew that the truth was being told and we valued that as the highest order at that time. and we was totally together at that moment in time. i give you my word i in for the long journey that we must travel.

Tbone w/ love Larry Johnson

The Twelve Visions Party® is in actuality the World’s Peace Formula.

Dear Mark,

Here is my TVP® Testimonial:

Thanks for your Mentoring.

You’re Friend,

Ralph Merritt

Member Manager

Power Thinkers of Salt Lake City, LLC


The Twelve Visions Party® is in actuality the World’s Peace Formula.

Once the Prime Law® takes effect and becomes an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,

Then Society will soar to new exciting technologies and overall values which are now suppressed by corrupt laws.

No longer will the individual be held back from progress by bad regulations and political agendas.

The government will be based on honest business and protection only for everyone.

The Twelve Visions Party® is the Key puzzle piece to having a truly free Society.

Ralph Merritt


There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Dear Mark,

I did this last night before I got your e-mail. It is from my heart. You have brought so many

wonderful things into my life that I will help you to do this no matter what it takes.

If you need more . simply ask. But I find myself driven to write somedays, and I love to do it. One of my FNE’s surely!

I’ll get started on one about what will happen if we do not take our country back and the TVP fails. That will never happen though. We will succeed at this, because we must.

Do protect yourself and your Family first. Businesses and material things can always be re-created, but We need your genius to help guide us. As long as you survive the TVP will

also survive. WE will make it so. I personally will never ever give up on creating this as long as there is breathe in my body!

You cannot stop a thing when it’s time has come.

As desperate as they will get, they will not and cannot defeat us. People will recognize the truth when it is put before them.

There has never been a way for the average person to take action before.

Now there is. That is why the TVP will prevail.

More to come…….more more and MORE.

Unconditional Love……….. to help MH to…. create eternal value.

Clarie R

How would you like to change the world and the society we live in?

Hi, my name is Jody Jay Watson. How would you like to change the world and the society we live in? By joining us in the Neothink society and supporting our political campaign the “Twelve Visions Party” you can totally change this world you live in and dictate and control your own life. Mark Hamilton the creator of the Neo-think society has given us that opportunity to do this. I am creating the life I desire to live. I now build my own furniture and create fantasy artwork on the pieces. You can check out my Study room and Bedroom videos on my youtube link at . I also taught myself to build my own website and created my own business . I do fantasy artwork and sell on t-shirts, ballcaps, posters, etc. You can view my website at . I also just recently published a poetry/artwork book in full color. You can view it at . These are a few of the things I have accomplished so far in the society. I control my own destiny and dictate my own life. We were not intended to sit around and wait to die and get out of this life. We are creators and are capable of doing anything we set our mind to. My next goal is to start a new self defense system to gear toward women to help them better defend themselves. I have also lived disease free for almost 13 years and do not have a need for medication or going to a doctor which I haven’t in the last 13 years. I live a good life and enjoy it. Would you like to join Mark Hamilton, me, and the rest of the Neo-think Society and change the world where you can create the life you really want to live? Or do you want to be controlled by politics and religion and go to your grave quick and get out of this life. The choice is yours to make. Join us for a better happier more fulfilled life, or sit around in a dead end rut job, miserable, and wanting to hurry up and die.

50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode. The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself. The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.

Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:

I tell him:

“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites. Just go to”

He replies:

“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow. I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.


Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:

No, I changed my mind. I will show you my reply to David right now. Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:


Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.

Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!

Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.


March 2025