Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Neothink is simply a new way of thinking


my name is Dominic Leonardo and I am here to welcome Mark Hamilton and the neo-think twelve visions party to extreme. Neothink is simply a new way of thinking nothing more. without Mark Hamilton and the tvp we as adults will not have another chance to achieve our true goal in our life time, lets do it for not only the ones we love, share space with or live with but for our children thank you for this opportunity

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mark,

I am a very practical person and I won’t participate in something if I don’t get results from it.  I have found the literature, website, mentoring meetings and clubhouse workshops very valuable and enjoyable since 2005.

 The most valuable part of the literature has been, 1) the Mini day Power thinking system that has enabled me to be more organized and productive, 2) the opportunity to broaden my view of how our society could improve.

 The mentoring meetings made it very real to me that together, with your leadership and vision, I and other Neothink members could really make a difference in our and others lives.

 The opportunity to meet and learn from other members throughout the United States on the Neothink website was not only enjoyable and educational; it was profitable for my business.  I gained customers and distributors for my products.

 My passion in life is to help myself and others to be successful in every area of life.  The clubhouse meetings and workshops have allowed me to experience that.  I founded the San Francisco Region Clubhouses and often lead the workshops.

 The final piece of the puzzle that is Neothink is the creation of the Twelve Vision Party.  It is very exciting to me that you encourage members to think about how the country has been run and how we could make a difference by participating.  I believe it is important to take care of our own country now, rather than continue to rescue other countries, thereby wasting our money and people with no results.  The TVP can help our citizens to be more active in stabilizing our economy and helping all of us to be more prosperous.

Thank you Mark for your vision, compassion and caring.


 Sharon Willenborg,

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!!

Neothink society means to me a new hope!!! A new civilization full of HAPPINESS  free of rulers FREEDOOM Ho!! what a joy!!!!

 TVP is the road map that will take us to the Twelve Visions World where we belong Mark I can see the light of the liberty the bell is RINGING WE ARE READY.

 This testimonial was written by 67 years old NTWARRIOR


With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different

For too long Religion and Politics have been crippling the minds of people all over the world.  Here we have a man Mr. Mark Hamilton who through his writings is allowing men and women from all walks of life to free their minds from the brain washing that has been going on for far too long.  It is just mind boggling to me how so many of our present leaders; be it Political, Business, or Religious are so unscrupulous and no one in the media or anywhere else is doing much to shine a light on the deception of these leaders.  Twelve Vision Party – TVP wants for everyone; health, wealth and happiness.  It is a party that is based on honesty, which is lacking in most organizations out there today.  Why would anyone want to stop a movement like this?  Could it be because it may just bring an end to the control they have over the masses today. 

Mr. Mark Hamilton whose name is synonymous with Neothink & Twelve Vision Party – TVP must given the opportunity to be heard.  TVP is nothing but a breath of fresh air, when considering what we have at present.  Candidates hired by you to carry out your business and seek your interest are not thinking about how best to represent you, but how they can best cement their place in the position the find themselves by taking bribes and kickbacks.  With Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party – TVP, things are going to be much different.  Give TVP and Neothink a chance where peace, prosperity for all, long life and happiness and above all protection of person and property will be paramount.  Thank you Mr. Hamilton for all your effort.




Hello Mark Hamilton

First I would like to express my gratitude for what you have shared with me and many others. To me what you shared with me is simply amazing. In the beginning my first thought was this is a lot of money. Now I would pay 100 times what I paid for your Multi-Generational Manuscripts. They gave me something money can’t buy. What a wonderful feeling to know you have control of your own life. Your Manuscripts changed my life gave me a wonderful new way to think. Integrated with honesty and love. What an amazing life I see for myself in the coming future. Even though I am a disable vet and living on a small pension at the moment. I believe in the COMING NEW TVP WORLD OF WEALTH HEALTH AND PEACE THROUGH OUT THE WORLD.

I can’t thank you enough for what you have shared with me. I’m in your debt till the TVP BREAKS THROUGH TO THE NEW TVP WORLD BECAUSE I AND MANY OTHERS HAVE HELPED MAKE THIS A REALITY WITH YOU Your NTWarriors

Thomas S

Neothink and the TVP have a conceivable plan

I had taken an interest in Neothink and the TVP over a year ago. I firmly believe in them and what they stand for. Our country’s ruling class has been dishonest with us as a society for as long as I can remember. It’s refreshing to see a dedicated movement aimed at changing this dishonesty. In my opinion, the politicians in this country are among the most dishonest and corrupt people in the world. I think its safe to say that many in our society share those same sentiments. That could be one of the major reasons that voter turnouts in political elections continue to be around 50%. They have proven that time and time again. I think that government has their hands in too much of our business and certainly too deep in our pockets. 

 Neothink and the TVP have a conceivable plan that would allow all people in our society to prosper and live happy and healthy lives with no more government intervention than that of protection.

To stop The Neothink and the TVP movement would eliminate a valuable choice that would otherwise have been available to us. A choice that would give us an opportunity to participate in positive changes for all of us. Attempting to stop Neothink and The TVP would also be a clear indication of how much “Freedom of Choice” really means to our ruling class.

In closing, I want to say that I will continue to be a supporter of Neothink and the TVP and what they stand for.

Marty G

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party…


Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party, I can now look forward to the future of the USA.  It seems to be obvious that our elected officials can no longer think for themselves, and just follow the leader (the sheep syndrome).  When politicians only vote their parties line, it is time to vote them out.  I do believe the TVP will bring forth candidates that think for themselves and make decisions based on the good of America.  However I will do as Mark Hamilton has taught me to do.  I will look at all candidates and vote for the one I think will do the best job to make America great again.   Thank you Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

Dave L

I believe in Neothink & TVP

Upon finding that I could be my own self leader & act on my own creativity was empowering to me. I wish many to find this very same thing as myself.  Everyone has been conditioned to follow & do as they were told. The mysticisms & illusions people are fed from religion and the govt is inexcusable. I always thought there had to be reasons for many things since so much did not make sense to me with the way life had been. I believe in Neothink & TVP & I stand for Neothink & TVP. The benefits of Neothink & TVP are immense. Mere words do not do justice to adequately describe the greatness of Neothink & TVP to me. I am over whelmed with positive emotions & so grateful for all that has been returned to me from my childhood by Neothink.

With deep gratitude & love,

Rhonda J.

The RULING CLASS, and their Mainstream Media will not like the TVP

The RULING CLASS, and their Mainstream Media will not like the TVP, and will try their Damndest to discredit Mark Hamilton, try to paint him as a charlatan. .For your own sake our Fellow Americans know that these individuals have endeavored to keep you and your children literally IGNORANT so that they could continue Rapping your pocket book , keeping you as their SLAVE because you Dear ONE are stupid enough to continue to allow them to.

The Neothink society and The TVP …

The Neothink society and The TVP really will be sum of the greatest things I was involved with. Mark Hamilton, his business, and the values it brought me are nothing less than life saving. Without it i would’ve been lost in this world we live in today. Now I and my family will live like we were meant to.  If The TVP is a success i have no doubt everyone else would too. I know someday soon society will realize this and the race will be on.

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, and The TVP THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!

March 2025