Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton

i robert b learned in the Neothink literature a lot of interesting information and it all seems to be true most people do not realize these things about life unless brought to their attention bringing these things to light will help many people and in the long run help everybody it is all very enlightening.

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP

Out of nowhere during years of the most desperate financial and loneliest time of my life, I received a Orientation Booklet from Neothink after receiving a letter asking me if I would like to receive the booklet. At first I thought it was bologna, but I noticed the letter interested me so I asked for the booklet.

When I received the Orientation Booklet, I feel then, was when my life changed(this was a little less than four years ago). I couldn’t put it down. I read it and felt myself thinking, what if all this is true, wow, that’s the life I want to live. The booklet told me of things like, becoming wealthy, being more attractive to have a romantic love life, and many other things that I prayed for.

At this time, or prior actually, I spent years of not being able to pay my bills because of playing catch-up from a nasty break-up with an ex-girlfriend. Which led to long periods of loneliness because I never had the bucks to take a lady out or anything. Also at this time, I was a Born-again Christian I was kind of backsliding as they say, but I still believed in Christ as my personal Savior. During this time I studied the bible, and other supplemental books using the bible, and prayed, and prayed, and begged, and pleaded with god to answer me or help me. Nothing. I went to churches, talked to other believers, everything I could think of and, Nothing.

After I had the booklet a few days, and studied every word in it, I thought and thought, and saw that it was worth trying. So I scraped up the money to purchase the first heirloom pkg. It was the thickest book I ever had, but I studied it like a mad-man. Hours and hours everyday. I was so excited, I could hardly stand it.I couldn’t wait to get back to that book to learn everything I could. As I’m looking back on it now, I was very happy. I was happy and I was exerting myself in reading and studying like never before. I read that heirloom thru twice. I started applying things I learned and it was incredible at what I could do. Without even realizing it, I was becoming intelligent, clear thinking, and focused. I couldn’t wait to get the second heirloom pkg. As soon as I got it, same thing, I studied and studied, and I was so happy. I learned even more tools and more ways to enhance the tools I learned prior. Plus, I learned how to be myself with great pride and fulfillment. I wasn’t such a looser. Then, when I received the third pkg, well, I knew then, I will never ever go back to the stagnant life I was living before. It was amazing. I will not speak of the things within them, because that is for anyone to find out for themselves. I will say, the pure honesty and firm but gentle control within all those pages are so much more worth the nominal fee (note: at the time I was broke and barely came up with the money, not because it cost alot, but because I was broke) for the books or the effort it takes to study them. But I did it, and anyone else can too. You can actually make your dreams come true.

Dear Mark Hamilton

I want to take this time to write you, in response to the testimonial letter request.  I have listened to the Apprentice lessons and read portions of the Neothink writings.  I appreciate the effort it has taken you to put all of it into print.  You are definitely passionate about people and want to help in the effort for a better country.

I have not yet come to the place of endorsing any political movements. I am very dissatisfied in our current system of government.  I do not like the direction in which our country is being directed in.  It is sad to see a great nation be disassembled by greedy and self serving individuals.  History will reveal the Truth behind the endeavors of such people.  I reluctantly have given in to the idea that there is such efforts to bring America into the poor house, and make it a second rate nation.  My main hurdle in endorsing the TVP is that I have a difference in opinion on the views of several areas.  I have been a Union worker and craftsman for close to 30 years. I have watched the decline of the workforce and for the quality of “health and welfare”. Yet any old school journeymen takes great pride with what he creates with his or her hands. I have not liked the idea that TVP wants to take away something that I have believed in, and place great pride from all the people before me who have worked to make working class America.

My greatest difference is in the view of Jesus Christ and the claims he made. I see Jesus more than just a historical figure and place in time 2000 years ago. I believe in the teachings about the deity of Christ. He claimed to be the Creator, Savior, Alpha and Omega. I believe in who he claimed, being “one with the Father”.

It is my sincerest hope is that you find the peace in life that passes all understanding.

P.S.   I am intrigued by your writings and will read more.


Mark Hamilton.

Thank you for finding me. I was certainly looking, and LOOK I did, on receiving the Three Heirlooms.

When I initially received and answered the first mailing from you. I had no idea of what would follow.

The further invitation to join yourself and other like-minded people within. the Neothink Society. Plus the introduction to the TVP, are immeasurable.

I say this, as I HAVE found my FNE and I’m in the process of helping genuine others find theirs. Positive good times are coming and will evolve, naturally- through DTC.

Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life


Mark Hamilton has been a wonderful and positive force in my life. His courage and efforts as an honest business man have left me astounded with a picture of the world that is exhilarating, worry-free and full of the highest quality of love one man can give to his family, friends, and to others. Mark Hamilton, the TVP, and the Neothink Society have paved the way for a life and a country where the honest Value-Producer is king and the destroyer is justly ostracized.

Neothink helped me realize that one can have an exhilarating, independent, and full life without the use of deception, malicious manipulation, and force to get what one wants in “ruling class” abundance. Neothink has pointed out to me the endless value of the human being just for being… a human being.

Just like apes learned to walk, like the sky is blue, consciousness will win over our primitive natures and over those who choose to take the incompetent route to happiness and existence with the use deception and force.

Thank you Mark! Don’t give up!

May the Blessings of our Mastermind shower you in the coming years!

Stephen J. M

I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books…

 Reading the books written by Mark Hamilton gives me an inexplicable feeling of hope.  These books throw me back into my excited “childhood me.”  They allow me to access that part of me which is most genuine–the me who I was always meant to be–and connect her to the me I am now.  These books by Mark Hamilton help bring me to myself, thereby returning me to the hopeful excitement I felt and lived in as a child.  But I also have an adult’s ability to act on what I now feel and understand in order to re-create my life into something I can love.
   I receive so much value from Mark Hamilton’s books that often, if I’m feeling down, reading them refuels my hope and excitement in Life.  I believe the TVP is an exciting new political party which brings new hope and vigor to a tired process.  I highly recommend this literature,   the TVP, and the Neothink Society to all those searching for a new thought paradigm in a culture which continues to encourage “dumbing down,” as it gives much value. This may be your antidote to that problem.

TVP Founder Mark Hamilton on NTR May 30th 2010

May 30th 2010

Dear Mark Hamilton,

As with most people in the world I had been looking for something more in my life. After joining the Neothink Society I slowly began to see that I already had everything I needed in my life. I have also learned that life doesn’t have to be complicated and our efforts are usually misspent making things more difficult than they need be. I am still learning from you and the society and I have a long way to go, but I am a much happier and relaxed person. I appreciate my life so much more. The love I share with my wife has become so much deeper and continues to grow each day.

While I’m not yet actually a member of the TVP, I agree 100% with the premise. In fact, when I first read about the concept and in fact read the story of Miss Annabelle, I was bowled over and immediately filled with anxious anticipation. I look forward the success the TVP. Over the many years of my life I have watched the erosion of the my rights and the movement toward the socialistic rule. I had been becoming more and more concerned and frightened at the direction of government. It wasn’t until I learned of the TVP movement that my heart was lifted and I dared to hope that we might actually be able to get back to the way our founding fathers had intended and perhaps even better. I love my country, but I hate and fear what has been happening especially in recent years. The oppression must stop and I believe that the TVP can accomplish that.

In closing I would like to say that there is nothing malevolent about the Neothink Society. I fact the Neothink Society is a group that is full of the most honest and forthright people on the planet. They are the most helpful, giving, sincere, loving and hard working people you will ever meet. Neothink Society does not mislead or coerce anyone. It is an adventure in learning and discovery. Discovery of yourself. Who you are and what you are and what life is really all about. More people need to know about and learn about the Neothink Society.

With great admiration,

William H

To stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP

Hello Mark       

I am proud to be part of Neothink it has helped me in many ways. Listening to Mark and reading his twelve visions has done so must for me. When i was layoff from my job in December I did not quit.  I am starting a business online.

To stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP would be a disaster for humanity we would never over come.

The world would be lost forever.  To hell with those who want to stop Mark and the TVP.

It is up us to see that dose not happen.  The TVP stands for HONESTY, PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS for all. Not just for the elite it mean every person can live the LIFE they were meant to live.  Those people that do not like us because they want to keep all the power for them self.  Which is WRONG and UNJUST and will never happen.

Your Friend

Billy P

Mark Hamilton has written the most beautiful works

I was not on the right track of life before I received my first Neothink literature was offered to me.  When I received it I started reading it and saw something that was not taught in any school. I kept reading and finally saw what was missing from my life and it was pure reality and no lies or half truths. No made up history or anything else like I had found out about school books which are full of manufactured stories about our history.

 Neothink has given me my life back in a much better way. I follow no one but myself and that was the way I was meant to be.  Schools don’t and can’t teach that as the only things that public schools teach is how to be a follower. That only leads to a life of slow death.

Neothink does not hurt or lie to people…..quite the opposite is true. Neothink is only about helping regular people getting their lives back in the right direction to be successful, healthy and happy.

The TVP (Twelve Visions Party) has the same idea. Helping this country to get back on track to be what it should be.  That means not hurting people but helping its people.  The TVP can and will make this country a showpiece of how great the whole world can be.

 Mark Hamilton has written the most beautiful works that I have ever read.  He is truly a visionary of these troubling times that we all live in. He needs to be able to continue with what he and the whole Neo-Thing Society have been doing – HELPING PEOPLE!

I have been to one of their seminars and got to meet the worlds most loving and caring people. They were the nicest people that I have ever met. I am proud to be one of them.

I was once headed down, and I am now constantly heading up. That is due to being with Neothink and Mark Hamilton.  I thank him and love him and the whole Neothink Society.

 Scott Jordan – long time Neothink member.

To Mark Hamilton


I have been trying to write this for about two years. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the super puzzle, through your heirloom literature, Neothink® Society, and the Twelve Visions® Party.  I have received great value and have many new like minded friends. 

I have been with the Neothink Society for several years and have grown considerable.  I have used integrated thinking all my life.  It is wonderful to have friends that understand me.

I am helping establish the Twelve Visions Party® in Oregon, because, TVP will fulfill a need to empower the people to take back responsibility and control of their own lives.  The Prime Law Amendments into the Federal and Oregon Constitutions will and help to make all the people rich including the poor.

Again thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Judi C

March 2025