Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

I believe in the TVP because it represents what many people in America believe in.


I believe in the TVP because it represents what many people in America believe in.  We conserve and build for the next generation.  Any Office worker, entrepreneur, or doctor, we all strive to make our world a better place one-day at a time.  Achieving and striving is at the heart of all our efforts.  As a Kansas native conservation and honesty are at the heart of all my efforts.  Let’s make our world a better and safer place for all the generations that follow.  Without the TVP we may never see honesty in business.  The 12 Visions Party is believing in ourselves and America for all it can stand for not adding to a government that I have worked for and watched decay.  All my family members are entrepreneurs

 and I hope to make $$ at my home business soon.

HOPE (Christa Leigh W)

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation.The overburdened regulations that this present administration is putting upon it’s citizens is going to destroy this society as we know it.Neothink and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) are the only ways we can correct this situation and really “free” man and create a true ‘utopian society”,where even death itself will be eliminated.Let’s look to the truth and unveil the illusions that the media and government are trying throw at us as a people.When people see the marvels of this society, it’s story will spread world-wide.With your help we can make it happen!!!!

I have seen the future thru the TVP


My name is Anita Smith.

When I was first introduced to the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton, I was a bit skeptic.  But after reading the three multigenerational manuscripts, I realized I wasn’t alone in the way I perceived the world.  Human compassion for one another, (or lack thereof!!).  I have always felt out of place.  I felt I belonged in another time, because I just didn’t fit in!  Not because people didn’t like me; NO; I’m a very friendly, compassionate, sensitive person.  I didn’t fit, because I didn’t like the way people treat one another!  I practically became a hermit.

With what I am learning from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.  I am coming out of my shell, and becoming the person I always knew I should be.  Some things I need to work on, can be really hard!  But I noticed, a lot comes to me naturally.

I have seen the future thru the TVP.  This is the way the world Should be.  With all the Love, Companssion, Honesty, Freedom, and Life.

Silencing Mark Hamilton will only make me realize even more, that we have no freedoms in this world.  I cherish everything this man has made known to me.  For the wisdom to pass on.  So we can all be really free to soar!!

I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party

One year ago I started my journey with  the Neo Think Society. My life has changed for the better. At work I have great relationships with my supervisor’s. I used to hate go to work

but Neo Think showed me how to look and see my job at it’s essence.

Mark Hamilton is a genesis. He has taught me how to be an integrated thinker. I have learned the secret to life and can never go back to the way I was.

I believe that the United States needs the Twelve Vision Party. The foundation of the TVP

is the Prime Law. In today’s society man has turned our constitution upside down. Man and our leaders put themselves above the law.

WE NEED CHANGE! The TVP will bring the needed change because it replaces man with Prime Law. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in me. I am so thankful that I am a member of the Neothink Society. All the best!

Dave Koppenhaver

What Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me.

What Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me.
This man, his movement and his teachings have been the most valuable thing I have ever received in all my life. We must all ignore the unjust ramblings that the media and the current government establishment will stir up because how could they possibly understand what they have not experienced for themselves. They are merely threatened by what they do not understand; but as we all know, this is a free country and just because the government and the media does not understand an individual and what he represents does not give them the right to mislead the public into persecuting anyone. Especially when someone has not broken any actual laws. Mark Hamilton is a genius. He is a true man of value with a business (Neothink Society) and a movement (TVP) that has every right to continue operating in any way he sees fit so long as he is not committing actual force against others, which he most certainly is not. For me personally, I would be lost in a sea of confusion and depression without the knowledge and skills taught to me by him and other members of the Neothink Society. Thanks to Mark I have successfully eliminated every addiction that plagued me; including depression, drugs, cigarettes, drinking, and a loser mentality that has kept me down for as long as I can remember. I am a better man today than I believe I could have ever become without his help. I feel healthier and happier than I ever even new was possible. I have found and managed to hang on to the woman of my dreams because of this, and I have discovered the business savvy within myself to succeed even in the roughest of times thanks to Mark Hamilton. I owe everything good in my life to Mark because he took the time to talk to me and help me overcome my personal demons. And he does this for every single person who asks him to. Without people like Mark Hamilton this world would surely be a much darker place for us all to endure. And without groups like the Neothink Society, we would lose the strength of diversity that defines us as a nation. Without movements like the Twelve Visions Party how could we possibly make changes for the better. I cannot wait to have an actual additional political party to provide more options to the American public for debate and problem solving to keep this country great. We owe Mark Hamilton a debt of gratitude just for existing as such a valuable, love-filled and giving person that he is. I thank you Mark Hamilton with all of my precious heart for what you have done for me. Without people like you, my life and our nation would surely suffer to no end. Your movement represents, for me, the chance at a truly rewarding life filled with love and happiness. No more dark days of uncertain fear and woe; but instead, an increasingly wonderful journey to a greatness never imagined by this nation of ours before now.

I am a member of the Neothink Society


I am a member of the Neothink Society(NTS), a daily reader of the literature of Mark Hamilton, and a member of the Twelve Visions Party(TVP) because I living the life I am supposed to live within a anti-civilization. The fact that I have Prime Literature to read and absorb has cause me to have 10 second miracles in my life. I live my life with as much honesty and integrated thinking as I can because of my mentor Mark Hamilton, the NTS, and the TVP. I believe every conscious human being should be, do, or have anything and everything that they would want in life. Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP is the bridge for all humanity to cross over to the Twelve Visions World where pure Love and Honesty, Peace and Prosperity, and the Celebrations of life including making the people rich including the elderly and the poor, along with great Health and Happiness forever! I read the Prime literature to remove from my mind the illusions put on so many of us by the ruling class, parasitical elite. The Visions and Insights of the Prime Literature are profound in my life and the First Immortals Trilogy is so real that my emotions go to another level of happiness! The Mini day, Power Thinking, Puzzle building, the Neothink mentality are becoming ingrained in me and it feels so good! Thank you Mark!! My life would be so mess up if I was not a member of the NTS. I mean I would be lost physically and mentally. Because of the NTS and Mark I’ am not setting negative goals, I believe in myself and use Integrated Thinking . Because of the glorious TVP which is a Vision of Mark’s in the irreducible fundamental concepts which is the Prime literature I believe Purpose of Human Life is to live prosperously and happily. I believe the function of government is to protect the Individual from force, fraud or coercion from any individual, group or government. Mark’s, the TVP and my beliefs are not the case in our world today. Integrated Thinking is the way to success, happiness, exhilaration, and pure love and honesty for life. The TVP is the Party that will depoliticized our present form of government and release the geniuses of our nation from the regulatory web of our government to create values and meet our every needs including millionaire living, excellent health and our forthcoming Jobs of the Mind. With Neothink in my life I am able to live my life rationally and honestly. I am a integrated thinker and believe everyday is a blessing to be alive and able to create values that benefit myself and others. When I think about the Clubhouses, Business Alliance, the state of the art websites, the TVP Convention and conference calls, Prime literature conference calls, and National conference calls, I become thrilled and privileged to be apart of the most loving, honest and integrated thinking group of Self Leaders that I have ever known. We are at the ground floor of the beginning of the Super Society. I would not even conceive of such a place if not for Mark Hamilton, the NTS and the TVP. Thank you so much!!

For further information about Mark Hamilton, the NTS and TVP go to


Darrell E. B,

Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple

There is no doubt about it, the Neothink literature is beyond brilliant and obviously the work of above genius Individuals, i.e., Mark Hamilton. In his multi-generational authorship he explains what you were meant to be and not what society has condemned you to be. Hating society is not what Neothink is all about, it’s about change that promotes the growth of the individual.

Barak Obama is all about change and society is slow to accept it. Their first reaction was the media creating an alter-Obama that plagued him in his campaign and even more in his Presidency. You can’t believe everything the media says, because there is no doubt that Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will receive the same negative exposure.

The truth of the matter is that Mark Hamilton’s literature alone will change the way you look at yourself and the world. Neothink is about being creative and introspective and seeing life and society in a whole new light. One person at a time everyone will come to embrace the Neothink ideas. It really does come down to “If you love your job, you’ll never have to work another day in your life”. Too many of us never find a life of abundance and love, but Mark Hamilton does. He’s shared it with me and now he’s ready to share it with America. Thanks to Mark Hamilton I can say the air seems to be fresher and the sun shines a little brighter. He has made a tremendous effort to make my and your lives better.

Mark Hamilton stands for integrity, honesty–plain and simple.  Neothink could be called “me-think” or “I-think” because that is the whole point of the society–to make one think on his/her own.  TVP gives us true HOPE.  All of us know that the politicians in Washington have not “gotten it done” for quite some time.  The two parties are at such loggerheads that only more power, more control will satisfy them.  We need a government based on love, reason, and “no initial force.”  Thank you, Mark.

Dale A. W

It is with great pleasure and appreciation

Dear Mark Hamilton:
It is with great pleasure and appreciationthat I write this testimony of what you, Neothink Society, the literature, and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) has done for me.  In the year 2007, you and the programs literally saved my life.  After years of working diligently on improving my life through education and surviving an abusive marriage, where I left and raised my boys on my own for over 20 years, I was ready to give up.  Then the readings and information from your programs gave me the insight and clarity to continue.
The dishonest U.S. government continues to take my freedom away and control me through unjust taxes and laws that only reward the politicians.  Even with a Master’s Degree, it has been impossible to live a life that I was meant to live.  One only needs to take the illusionary veil off the current criminal system to clearly see what cheating acts it is committing.
I encourage anyone that questions you (Mark Hamilton), the Neothink Society, and TVP to simply read the literature and decide on their own accord  (don’t be swayed by the created crisis junkies) and evaluate what amazing benefits and the truth that exits in Mark Hamilton’s programs.
I owe my life to Mark Hamilton and I am very grateful for his mission, along with our paths connecting.
Your apprentice,

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton

I know the name “Twelve Visions Party” may seem a little “hokey” to those not familiar with Neothink literature, but have a little “vision” of your own and read Mark Hamilton’s description of what the Party is really about. If a person takes the time to read the information, I don’t see how they could not get excited about the TVP! This could do more for the “average” person, and our country as a whole than anything since we became an independent country. This type of thinking would then most likely spread around the world as others saw what it did for the “average” person in this country.

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) – do yourself possibly the best favor you’ve ever done for yourself – DON’T LISTEN to the media, the politicians, or any “talking heads”. Take charge of your own life, use your own amazing mind. Read the Neothink literature.

No matter how smart you think you are, don’t make the common mistake thinking you have nothing to learn (I see this in many of the technical professionals I’ve worked with).

Thank you Mark Hamilton for spending the biggest part of your life putting it all together and coming up with Neothink. Life is now awesome!!!


Phil G

Twelve Visions Party is the answer

Dear Mark:

I was introduced to The Neothink Society by Martin H.  I have only been with the Society a few months, but I am already beginning to see the difference the books are making in my life.  They are teaching me how to integrate, power think and utilize my mini-day schedule to become more productive and successful.  I have met several Neothink Brothers and Sisters through the website, face book and the WA State A-Team.  I have a ways to go to finally understand all of Mark Hamilton’s teachings, but as I continue to read his books, integrate his lessons, I am able to grow my essence.

Twelve Visions Party is the answer to bringing our country back around to a state of stability.  I love the fact that TVP involves all the people, not run by one political party.  There will be no more poverty.  We will be able to live harmoniously among ourselves.

Silencing the truth is wrong!  Mark Hamilton is on the right path to bringing government back to the people and away from the corporation with the Twelve Visions Party.  Through the organization of the TVP, Mark Hamilton integrates the truth and empowers others to grow their essence.  I believe Mark Hamilton is on the right path to turning our country around with the Twelve Visions Party.  I support Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party without blinking my eyes but with my whole essence.

Thank you, Mark for the opportunity to share my testimonial with you.


Sheila F

March 2025