Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

When does the TVP become a permanent party to vote on?

When does the TVP become a permanent party to vote on?
Jun. 1, 2010
The TVP will not be permanent. The results of the TVP will be. TVP is a party which fully intends on dismantling itself once it achieves its objectives, unlike all other parties which strive to be in power. With the Prime Law Amendment, the power will be taken away from man and placed into the rule of law, thus making the “political party” concept a part from past history.
However, I assume that is not what you meant by your question. I think you meant to ask “when will TVP become able to be voted for?” You will have a TVP presidential & vice presidential candidate in 2012. As far as other candidates to vote for, I can’t tell you exactly when, but candidates will be stepping up soon.

Will this be long term organization to come?

Will this be long term organization to come?
Jun. 1, 2010
It depends on what you consider as “long term.” Relative to past political movements, no it will not. The World is ready for TVP and as soon as the World realizes that the TVP will succeed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take, due to the highly complex dynamics that it is dependent on. The TVP can’t come fast enough for most of us, but I can tell you that it will succeed at the right time and that is expected within my expected life span.

More Valuable Than a 4 Year College Degree


My fortunes changed to such a high degree I consider Mark Hamilton and his literature to be more valuable than my 4 year Microbilogy degree. The techniques are real, easy to understand and apply and extremely valuable. You become your own Self-Leader no longer looking for others to help you. Also the Twelve Visions Party is making all the peo0ple rich, including the poor. Thanks again to Mark Hamilton and the TVP.

TVP Movement


Dear Mark
Again!thank you very much and for the TVP will upset this world of illusion,from mysticism a virus,which can be puff out to what it is nothing!
By have a TVP here in my country is the only way to go.
Thank you for letting me stay in the new Neothink Society site.
I will post another message tomorrow my friend.

My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man


Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Through this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child who never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for this opportunity, Thank you for your courage; And to whom this may concern, I Theodore L have formed a relationship with Mark Hamilton my mentor and the “Neothink Society” This is a open honest relationship that to my experience have held true to the directions, principles and integrity promised, to deliver positive growth in Business, Society and Health.
The honesty is accessible to all that are willing to use the Twelve Visions World. The new thinking is bringing order into the lives of many people blessed with the vision of TVP. As The Twelve Vision Party dispel the  laws of unhappy gravity, by employing the laws of  liberating, civilizing lift. Here is the New World Now!

In the bond, Theodore L

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . .


The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . . . .
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed.  Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.  
My name is John M. S. from Phoenix, AriZona.  When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America.  My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through.  I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels.    Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.    
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life.  I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.  
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite.  The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.  
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” – “What values will I gain?”  In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me!  Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching!  Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality.  Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me.  I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had.  You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?”  “How can I improve this situation?”  As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!  

Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.  
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness.  I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself.  I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings.  Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?  
Why not simply be Honest?  Is Truth different from Honesty?   
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth.  Honesty on the other hand is unchanging.  It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –

. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’

Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.  
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .

To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

Love to read!


Dear Mark Hamilton
I have read the three heirloom packages, three time so far.
I change my life from stagnation to the Neo-Think mode and it feel great to be alive.
The child of the past is shining in me my dear Mark.
The TVP is a excellent idea to dump the goy politicians for good.
What a waste to my family, which I love very much, but want to stay behind, since there are Jesus freak.
I know who the real Is reality Jesus is, since he light up the power of our consciousness.
TVP is like a moth to a flame.
TVP is indeed, the prime law
.The fundamental protection of all our cousin in the Twelve Visions World.
Again, Mark Hamilton is the best.
Good night my friend!

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing…


Hello Mark

I want to mention here how’s my journey with Neothink and Twelve  Visions Party.  Before I do that I really want thank the author  and founder of these integrated honest societies.

Mark Hamilton when he started actualizing the Hamilton’s world thru these noble societies, he meant it for all mankind, he sacrificed a lot of his efforts and assets to achieve the awareness of mankind and my involvement with Neothink and TVP is making me who I’m today ,I’m  almost living the life I meant to live and living the child of the past, I can say that I’m playing to make living, truly these are the most missing things in our lives .

And for you out there, don’t take my words, get involve ,read Mark Hamilton’s  lecturers  ,start seeing beyond the created illusions     ,start living the  life you meant to live ,like millions of people who’re finding their child of the past ,who’re making living playing .

I can tell you this the findings by reading Mark’s lecturers are limitless, after all we’re in the Neothink and TVP Society living the Hamilton’s world.

Thank you Mark for fathering us.


I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H

March 2025