Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Go Mark Hamilton! The hero of the day!


There is nothing like Neothink. I have looked elsewhere.  The TVP has objectives that are superior in both value and complexity to those of the present system. The intelligence and precision needed to achieve a Twelve Visions World fits well with evolution. Neothink is possible because of pure love of life and unobstructed thinking. It is designed to help humanity in ways our current government and any other form of government ever could. Freedom and empowerment to the businessman and entrepreneurs is what we all need. We all need of each other but not with the current system that blocks creativity, and wastes more money than it portrays to save.

Neothink is meant to make the people better able to do business and prosper. Its literature raises the competitiveness and conscience of its readers. Without Neothink, the world has no competitive advocates for human prosperity through reason.

Go Mark Hamilton! The hero of the day!

thank you for sending me the letter…


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure whether I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day.  I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application.

A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Multigenerational manuscripts by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Multigenerational manuscripts before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people.  Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.  I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.  I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice

Bob McC

Meeting MARK HAMILTON and the society has changed my life for the better


Hi my name is Alice

When I was first introduced to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I was a little skeptical.  But I read the letter and got the books and after reading all three of them, I could see all the honesty and love for all the people in MARK HAMILTON and not just for some people but all people all over the world.  And meeting MARK HAMILTON and the society has changed my life for the better. I am happy and have a love for life it not a burden to live I feel free in my mind and soul.

It is a joy to live and to see the future thru the TVP.  I’ll learning to lead my one life and not let other people tell me how I should think or be  have more confident in myself lost fears doing things  I would not have done if I had not met Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society they help me to use my mind in ways I didn’t know I could.  We need the TVP it will be life changing for all the people the poor, middle and the upper class for the better. Don’t be afraid of Mark Hamilton or the NEOTHINK SOCIETY use your head think for your self.  Don’t listen to what other people have to say 95%of them don’t know anything about Mark Hamilton or NEOTHINK SOCIETY they are afraid of what they don’t know so you find out for yourself. I have learn it better to find out for your self about anything you want to know firsthand that way you know what you are talking about and not talking out of fear of the unknown. and what tvp mean to me and my family is a better life in the future where the people needs is more important than making rules to control the people with all these laws that only is taking your rights and we the people have no say so .just do what they say do or go to jail or something like that .but with the TVP it will be all about the people right to live life to well and happy

Twelve Visions Party To The Rescue!


Thank you Mark Hamilton for starting the Twelve Visions Party. I am so glad to be a part of something so life changing and wonderful.

This country needs a new political party that is For the people and By the people more than ever! The TVP is finally the cure to the corruption and abuse coming from Washington. Finally We, the people have a voice to represent us.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and TVP!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton’s work truly expresses pure love for all humanity


Mark Hamilton’s work truly expresses pure love for all humanity. “We all should be rich and live a happy and healthy life”. He is an honest, truthful, a dedicated man. He has great character and shows in the multigenerational manuscripts he developed. He worked on this material for decades for us. This is the gold at the end of the rainbow. His material is valuable. His perseverance to bring us this valuable knowledge has paid off presently (to all who have been fortunate to possess it) and will pay off in the very near future with the movement of the TVP.
The Government’s lying, cheating, robbing, stealing, making of bad laws, the regulations, and the abuse of power will stop. The TVP will end this all. We will be free. We will prosper. We will be happy, that happiness will revitalize our health us as a whole, our kids, grand kids, and families. They are important to us and their happiness makes us who we are as well. Remember “pure love” that is what Mark Hamilton has for us all.

The movement of the TVP means everything to me. Our health, wealth, and safety are very important issues. The TVP has the answers to our problems. We have suffered, our families have suffered, and to the Government “we have no voice”. The Government has no feelings for us, no health, no wealth, and safety is not important to them. To the TVP we are loved and respected and our needs will be met. With the TVP‘s love we can live the good life; healthy, wealthy, happy, and safe. We deserve it. Long live TVP!!

Mark Hamilton The Extraordinary Visionary


May I use this chance to express myself on the enriching Neothink Material created by Mark Hamilton that greatly widen my knowledge and experience in life and in the business world. Mark Hamilton himself is a hard working businessman working tirelessly to share his revolutionary Ideas with those willing to recognize the values of honesty, Integrity and value creation. He is a thriving business man doing his best for humanity. Mark is a great mind and a large heart one of the best products of this great Nation, United States of America. Mark Hamilton’s approaches to business and life creates hope for essence of belonging and desire to live life to the fullest. Imagine a world where sickness is eliminated, depression and stress are destroyed, where poverty and death does not rule anymore. I long to live in the 12 Visions world of extreme prosperity and TVP is making that happen. With this mentality in everyone, you know what next, then our society will purge those corrupt ruling class of lazy and dishonest “rulers” and “leaders”, although the “leaders” in society are hardly worthy of that title. They abused their power for long enough and their power is coming to a permanent end. If only they could possibly see that through what is taught here in the society, they can make a LOT more money with each passing month. It happens for people and can happen for you and them too. to see what I am asking go to I feel most fortunate to have had Mark Hamilton as my mentor and as my “partner”. He is empowered for the good and best and it cannot be reversed by anyone and anything. He demonstrated to me and the others that best is yet to come on the Essence of living. He earned my eternal respect and that is hearty. From his teachings, all that seriousness to survive is replaced with Adult play. Yes! with my Friday Essence I can play again as an adult and produce value to the world even while playing. He taught me to make Ten Second Miracles and now those things that look quite hard to breakthrough are now coming into perfect place. I am empowered to stand on my feet. He taught me to make major marketing breakthroughs. Because of me applying what I learned I now make money in business! That NEVER happened before. It all started through exposure from Mr. Hamilton. I love life, I know how to succeed and I am acquiring extensive resources. I have people calling me just to know how to help me succeed. People I never dreamed of coming close to now invite me to socialize with them. We are boldly manifesting who we are. Envy and jealousy cannot, will not and can never stop us now. Our prime knowledge protects us and forever empowers us to perform greatly. I don’t understand “impossibility”, Can’t anymore. Thank you my mentor, Mark. I love you brother. You did a lot for me and I cannot return the “favor”. You are a genuine man who is worthy of great things and massive wealth.
Mr Hamilton is a rare gem to find, seeking out the weak in order to teach them how to empower themselves in a world that careless for them. The Multi Generational Manuscripts contain the tools to make life eternally increase in the absolute best that I want. I am CREATING an increasingly happy life with this knowledge. I love learning! The Neothink(R) Society is my home and my baby. I am eternally protective of it. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) forever has my support for a long as we need it.
Thank you,
Dr Dicta Ruff D.N

Mr Mark Hamilton


My name is Alain Barbera, I’m 53 end believe my journey taut me to see the life and events as they are. After many disillusions, I chose to come to America to change a life imposed to me.
I did better here, but before long I could for see us going toward a change that I fled from. Ones again my life got sour, instead of progressing I regress. I thought I was alone to see the truce about all those lies we are being fed with. Then came Mark Hamilton, Mark show me the light I was looking for, he told me I was not alone, the hope came back, now I believe again. I can raise my kids in a much better future, give them the life they deserve. All together inside the TVP,WE ARE GOING TO DO IT. Mark have all my respect and my love. ALAIN.

Life Changing Material – Mark Hamilton


I learned to be a self-leader as a result of Neothink®. Before Neothink® and the subsequent TVP I was a loser going nowhere. I took responsibility for myself and made myself a better, healthy, wealthier and happier person as a result of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink literature. Anyone can do that by learning these easy practical techniques for living. Instead of philosophical intangible opinions and quotations, the forces of Neothink® and Twelve Visions Party (TVP) are real, long-term and help individuals with hundreds of life lifting advantages and techniques.

I have a burning desire to write political pamphlets and/or political articles for the public to read

I have a burning desire to write political pamphlets and/or political articles for the public to read. My “problem” is that I do not want to legally infringe on the TVP in anyway so I am afraid to start writing. Can I write for you by submiting articles to you as my editor and get compensated for my writing. I believe that this is my FNE. Please get back to me with any ideas or a green light to write.
Jun. 1, 2010
I greatly appreciate your desire to write for the TVP. Unfortunately, we are not hiring writers at this time. You may write for TVP freelance and submit your writings to be considered for purchase, but I must tell you that we just do not have need or resources to actively pursue writings from outside writers, but you never know. You may be a brilliant writer and be a viable asset to us as a professional writer, so please do pursue your FNE and write what you are interested in. You are always welcome to submit your writings to us as a professional.

We do have a great need for individual visionaries to write about TVP, but it has to be voluntary. You will find thousands of personal TVP testimonials on the web and you will also find articles & blogs online that our NT Warriors write. The NT Warriors is a very powerful group of volunteers that is formed out the NT membership. If you want to help out the cause and at the same time use your FNE, you are absolutely welcome to join the NT Warriors. You are also free to write on your own about TVP and Neothink.

The only thing you must do is credit Mark Hamilton for concepts from his writings and you must not copy sections of or complete NT literature without notifying the original author and getting his permission. Also, as a NT member you must not change or misrepresent concepts of the NT and TVP.

Thank You,

Michael Dilworth

Is it time to go National with the TVP?

Is it time to go National with the TVP?
Jun. 1, 2010
Yes, it is time to take TVP national. It is actually already happening and momentum is building. It is a dynamic process.
March 2025