Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Thank you for this opportunity…


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for this opportunity, Thank you for your courage; And to whom this may concern, I Theodore Long have formed a relationship with Mark Hamilton my mentor and the “Neothink Society” This is a open honest relationship that to my experience have held true to the directions, principles and integrity promised, to deliver positive growth in Business, Society and Health.
The honesty is accessible to all that are willing to use the Twelve Visions World. The new thinking is bringing order into the lives of many people blessed with the vision of TVP. As The Twelve Vision Party dispel the laws of unhappy gravity, by employing the laws of  liberating, civilizing lift. Here is the New World Now!

In the bond, Theodore L

Thanks Mark Hamilton


Mark Hamilton and the TVP has given me peace of mind.If I didn’t know about the Neothink world I would be scared to death right now.I would have no hope.We have to give the people hope to fight the Progressives and politicians we have now. Without hope for a better world a lot of people will give up We have to give them that hope.We have to show them the truth.We have to show them what WE stand for. We have to give them the PRIME LAW. If we could get a couple of states to start using the PRIME LAW we could show the rest of the states what we are all about.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

self leader


Hello all
It’s truly being exposed to Mark Hamilton’s books it transform you to the very positive way it put you on a stage where you realize how much power and ability ,creativity,control lead you self and that will lead to the most health and happiness .
you really will be doing your self the biggest favor ever by being among the most integrated ones ever found and mentored be Mark Hamilton and being a pert of the Twelve Visions Party TVP.
Love you all
Issa .F

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I would like to step up and say how much being a part of Neothink and TVP has helped me be a better person and helped me find the true meaning in my life. I have just started to peruse my FNE that I had started when I was younger. It is a big step but I have made a way for it to open up to me more. I am so glad to be a part of all of this and plan to make sure that things are happening in the favor of what we have learned from all the great information and Neothink. It is with great honor and privilege to be a part of such a intelligent and creative group.
Renee M

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear, Mark Hamilton thanks to bring this big benefits for all of us. It’s just amazing how better the world will be with the TVP taking over this corrupt gov. system and bring to us the life we meant to live!  My only religion is a peaceful fight and I will not give up my rights to live!!! I Know I’m going down I have no chance to achieve biological immortality yet, but it does not matter how many trials of life I gotta go on  with your TVP  my vision going far and far !!  we will be victorious!!!
Thank you to keep add values to the society!! let the genius be free and raising from the ashes to lift this anti-civilization for a better world for all of us please!!!!

Hello Great One


Hello Great One,
This is Gregg F. One of your great Neothink apprentices. I want to thank for coming into my life when life wasn’t all that great. I always knew there was another world where humans thought and saw things the way I did. There you were! Since joining the society; you’ve open mind from bicameral tendencies to endless possibilities. The literature and visions you’ve shown me have brought my mind out of the dark and in to the light! I can’t thank you enough for helping me break through illusions and really seeing what is. I’m very pleased to see that TVP is full speed ahead. This movement could change my life, plus everyone around me. People can say what they want. You’re the answer. The only answer if our civilization want to move ahead into the Twelve Visions World. It’s time to get rid of old and began with the new. That’s you! Don’t feel alone. We are here if you need us. Again, thank you for showing me the right road to travel. Your road is way smoother than that of our present anticivilization. I know it will be kind of a rough battle. At the end I know you will prevail! Sometimes, in order to get through the woods. You got to chop a few trees down. I’m in it until the motor stop. Thank you again.

Gregg F

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart


Hello Mark,

I just want to start off by saying THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I feel blessed to be a part of the Neothink Society and the TVP. I am so glad that I live in the greatest Country in the world, The United States of America, where Freedom of Speech is the greatest and most powerful right that we possess, and that same right gave you the power to write down and publish your thoughts and views so that anyone if they choose to can read them and learn how you feel and what you think about any subject. That is just amazing to me, when you stop and think about how many other people around the world don’t have this as a basic right.  
And In this day and age where it is very hard to trust, where lies and half truths come spewing from sources that we should be able to trust, and should be protecting us, we soon find out just the opposite. So who do you listen to? I say listen to your heart, listen to yourself. Listen to and read everything you can get your hands on, and when you start to get the whole story or the complete information, things become a lot easier to figure out.
With the information I have received from Neothink I feel a little safer and happier knowing that there are people out there with other plans, and that there might be a chance for some POSITIVE Hope and Change in the future instead of the hope and change that is going on right now, you know the hope and change where The Media lies to us and the Government spends the Nation into a 3rd World Country. They are really going to screw us if we don’t do something quick.
Sorry about the rant. I just wanted to say that I have learned a lot from this information and it is a definite eye opening experience, and I am very glad that I was lucky enough to stumble across this information and be able to be a part of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.

Thank you for believing in me and sharing with me this amazing information.
I am truly Grateful.

Jason F.

I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society


All my life I have worked very hard and never really got ahead. I am a middle class American that follows the rules and I do what I can to survive a comfortable life. The problem is that every year it get’s harder and harder to get ahead because the regulatory government is taking more and more from me. Prices are sky rocketing and medical insurance is outrageous. I have always figured that there was a way a middle class hard working American could get ahead in life and live the way he wants to instead of be limited by regulations and the lack of money. I never did figure out how to do that until I found Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions in the Neothink Society. Following Marks program opened the skies to a whole new light. Along with many other facts of reality, the Twelve Visions made a whole lot of sense to me.  This is what I have been searching for my whole life. A way to produce values for those around me and a way to get ahead instead of struggling all the time. There were no illusions like the political, religious and media world today. Just the facts of the past and the present. Mark Hamilton spent a big part of his life preparing this for people like me. The material and Society he has built is one of a kind. The best part of it all, it is the truth. All the unanswered questions that I have had almost my whole life have been answered. All the hard work Mark Hamilton put into his work to bring the truth out from under the political and religious networks is fantastic. It finally gave me some hope  and something to believe in. Now with the TVP movement going forward, I actually want to get involved. I have never wanted to get involved in any kind of political activities before. The TVP is out to put the right into our world and take away the wrong of the world in today’s government. How exciting is that! Pretty exciting to me. No more illusions or lying from officials just so they can get a job that makes them look good and gives them big fat paycheck with our hard earned money. All the wrongful spending  just because they won a popularity contest. Doesn’t seem right to me. I am really looking forward to the TVP movement to take hold of our future and we have Mark Hamilton to thank for that. Thank you Mark Hamilton for letting me be a part of your movement and I look forward to a better future.

A Hard working American,
David Michael I

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party Mean Everything To Me.


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Your Neothink Society and your Twelve Visions Party mean the world to me. Thank you for creating these two wonderful entities.

I know the Twelve Visions Party will change this country to the perfect republic. I can’t wait until the day comes when I can walk into the voting booth and cast my vote for a TVP candidate. Many wonderful changes are in store for the world with TVP and the Prime Law.

And the Neothink Society is becoming more and more a part of my life. Thank you for creating this playground and social network for like-minded people like me. I have found so many wonderful life long friends and associates in it. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done and continue to do!

Jeff Smith

Mark Hamilton has been the greatest mentor in my life


hello my name is Domenic L and i would like to start by thanking Mark Hamilton from the bottom of my heart. Learning about Neothink,the twelve visions party (TVP) and applying the knowledge has done more for me my family and all loved ones including my pets, more good than any combination of any and every part of my life. without Neo-think, TVP  or Mark Hamilton would still be stuck in the rut i was not being able to pay my bills, getting upset, angry annoyed, frustrated and most of all worry has dissolved in my life. now i feel happy energized rich and so glad to be alive. I would trade nothing for what i have learned and now gain. Mark thank you so much from my entire family I would like to say that Mark Hamilton has been the greatest mentor in my life. As a child I had lost both my parents by the time I was 10 years old. Raised by my grandparents, the only good advice you could get was to be a good man and work hard would carry you places. Though my beloved grandparents taught me how to survive in this mean old world, they never knew how to be happy doing it. So therefore they couldn’t pass such information on to a young man in which the world that had changed so much since they were children themselves. After years of trying to figure it out on my own, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Mark Hamilton. All of his literature and the members of the Neo-Think society have taught me so much of what I was missing in life, like how to be happy. When you drag yourself to work every day, count the hours down until you get off, countdown days until the next vacation, your not a happy person. The old saying ”Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life” is what the Neothink Society has taught me. Every question I have ever wanted to ask: What is the best way to lose weight and keep it off? How do I find the woman of my dreams and keep her? What is the best way to raise a smart child? What is the best way to make a substantial income even if I don’t have a college education? Its all the Questions and more that I really didn’t have an answer to or anyone to ask. I want to thank you Mark Hamilton for everthing you have done so far, because I know you have so much more for me to learn and our Journey has only begun. You are a real life saver, for there are too many people in the world ,like myself, who just want a happy life. Who wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when you can have light at the entrance. Thanks Mark Hamilton for being the Father I never had.

March 2025