Posts Tagged ‘TVP’

Mark Hamilton has really changed my life


Mark Hamilton has really changed my life! It started when I was young, thinking differently from my peers and even my parents. When I came in possession of author Mark Hamilton’s multi-generational manuscripts, I discovered for myself how honesty continues to be “the best policy.” When the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) shows society how we can live like millionaires, the magical conscious mind will be unlocked to link more truths together like a giant super-puzzle.

Thank you Mark Hamilton and all you are doing, especially through the Neothink website. Love and Peace;

Adam H.

My Short Story

Thank You Mark Hamilton for choosing me as one of your heirloom members. It has opened my eyes wider than I thought possible. The growth I have seen in myself has been challenging. Those of the anti-civilization have been trying to bring my new essense down at work. But I am persevering with a high cost. The authority I previous had on the job has been taken away because those who are trying to bring me down have managed to place me on company probation for a 30 day stint beginning Jan. 9, 2010. These people are haters, they are mean, and downright liars. So I have been keeping low, but it difficult to stifle progress to a new future. I have my resume out there for more than 40 positions which are on job freeze should one open up I will move on. I have been talking to friends about the TVP and are in agreement. No-one seems to want to organize in this area for fear of reprisal of some kind. Can someone give me some pointers to this end?
Wilfred C.

Neothink Man

Every day I contemplate what it would be like to live as a Neothink man in Mark Hamiltons’ book The Superpuzzle. Imagine living in an environment where every individual integrated honesty and reality for the greatest benefit of themselves and others in society. I have only experienced this feeling when I have been with other members of the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is a major puzzle piece necessary to advance society into the Twelve Visions World. The ultimate success of the TVP will create the environment that individuals need to live life for the greatest benefit of themselves and society. The people are looking for a viable alternative to the status quo that has not been previously available. I personally have been involved in a struggle for survival that gives me the first hand knowledge and perspective to relate to the man or woman working for the survival of their family. We in the TVP have the honesty and passion to shift the balance of power toward a peaceful and productive world of the future as described in The Superpuzzle. This is my chance to make a difference.
Live long and prosper,
Michael B

NeoThink perspectives from a new member


“When you drink the water, remember those who dug the well”
– Chinese Proverb

I could not wait to share how grateful I am to be exposed to the Neothink Society and the NeoThink way of life. I will absolutely post more as I get more into the work, but as a lifelong learner I have always sought out new ways to learn and use my mind to create an outstanding life.

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and all the thinkers that have come before to create the NeoThink literature and build the community of people that are willing to become leaders and build a quality experience that promotes honesty and integrity in business and in life.

I am also excited to learn about the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and can see a world where the Prime Law guides our evolution.


Mateo Brown
Los Angeles, CA

My Testimonial

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society, Twelve Visions Party, (TVP) what it mains to me.
It mains Stronger Faster Better and Smarter the manuscripts and or literature makes me to do over my life, Bake in the 1979 I graduated and got my diploma “Special Education diploma” I thought I could not do noththin at all in my life And in 2006 I got Mark Hamilton literature and that changed my life forever cannot go bake!!! To my old life.
I’m Stronger Faster Better and Smarter the literature did it for me!!! I’m happier!
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is “Stronger Faster Better and Smarter “I’m in the (TVP) New York State I’m vice chairman for the (TVP)
Melvin Kirk


Our Society

I am proud that I am apart of history in the making with a wonderful society.
Before I started to neothink or discovered neothinking, I had no meaning or care of what life is truely about or any meaning for it besides doing the wrong things. Once I discovered this new process of mind functioning I became wiser and in control of my life. Joining the tvp will help your life in every area of it. Everyone needs the tvp so we all can help change the world. Mark Hamilton is an amazing man and mentor and he and the tvp could help you too.


The TVP & Neothink Impact

Mark Hamilton,

Your actions and visions has given the people of this country hope and a reason to believe in this country’s leadership again.

Your courage is unmatched in this cynical anti-civilization, and your efforts put forth through Neothink and the TVP are Herculean.

Only a dishonest fool can look at the bylaws and regulations that you have proposed; hold them in comparison to the existing laws and amendments and dispute them. And only a hypocrite will challenge them in so called good faith. Honesty reeks from them. There is no disputing that fact.

My role, albeit small, in promulgating/supporting the TVP and Neothink throughout this country, makes me feel good about myself again.

Hopefully, my significance will impact someone so that they may realize their Friday Night Essence then tap into their true potential.

Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for helping me shake the day to day cynicism, pessimism, and weariness of existing without hope. It’s wonderful to live again.

Through Neothink and the TVP, everyone of us shall recognize our potential and realize, through our efforts, what we are capable of.

“The wedlock of the minds will be greater than that of bodies.” (Desiderius Erasmus 1465 – 1536)

Love & Prosperity,

Larry Snell


Mark Hamilton’s books

This is what Neothink has taught Me. It has showed Me there can be a  better world out there if Neothink and the TVP  get in the white house to get us out this mess the country is in also in reading Mark Hamilton’s books  it has answered questions that I had wondered about all My life I’m 74 and a working Trucker I run the whole country so see a lot things and Neothink has taught Me a better way to think and helped Me in planning My work  also made Me more confident of Myself so in closing I see no other way but TVP Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s knowledge which He puts in His publications.
Ben H


Hello Mark Hamilton


Hello Mark Hamilton

I have read and listened to some of your teachings though not many of them because of problems.

What I have read has impressed me to the extent that I would like to live the kind of life that can be achieved as described in the twelve Visions.  I grieve when I see and hear about the actions of government depriving people of their freedoms and rights.

Just as your Father had suffered when the government stooges destroyed all that he built.

I am aware that a long and difficult struggle will be in the near future

And I hope the TVP will survive.

Best regards,

Jerry R

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Thru this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child, I never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man  and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


March 2025