Posts Tagged ‘truth’

Thanks to the Neothink Society I am coming out of my “shyness shell” and experiencing a better life


Thanks to the Neothink Society I am coming out of my “shyness shell” and experiencing a better life.
I am gaining valuable friends that I did not have before becoming a member.
I am learning more now than I have in the past.
I am also more productive with projects and accomplish them in less time with less stress.
I am dealing with problems now easier and with less trouble.
I am no longer being ripped off by scams because I now see through to the truth.
As I see reality more clearly, my life is becoming more fun and exciting!
Ralph H. Merritt

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY


Since becoming a member of the Neothink Society, I have learned how to live the life I was meant to live, not as others dictated to me, but my best life , the way it was meant to be lived.  You see, I did not know that I could do that before.  I was always making sacrifices before, feeling guilty, if I put myself first, not anymore.  I take care of myself first, this way, I am well able to take care of others who demand my attention.  Also, I was an over-eater, now I only eat when I am hungry, and sometimes, I just forget, because I am too busy creating other things I enjoy.

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, where I was always sad and depressed about something.  Now I wake up each morning ready to go, full of life and looking forward to the day ahead.  One morning, I woke up, and it seemed like their was nothing of the old negativity left in me.  I was free, free to live life my life, with nothing holding me back, ready to change the world for the better.  The things that I have learned in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, is the best information, the truth, that makes you free.  I wish this for every-one, so that no one has to endure the boring, routine rut life that’s in the world today.  Peace and Love to all.

Germaine M.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party…

Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has and will continue to educate our nation and the world about government and media driven illusions. His literature has taught me to distinguish between what is real and what has been generated by dishonest governments and media to hide the truth. I’m sure it will do the same for anyone who thinks and do research for themselves.


Thanks Neo-think and Mark Hamilton!

Wow! What can I say and where do I start? At the age of 47 I was introduced to Neothink. At first I thought it was just another avenue for someone to get rich off of my money. However, something about what Mark Hamilton aroused my curiosity. So I researched and eventually went full force into Neothink. I am so glad I did. I have begun to embrace the truth I see in what has been presented to me. Because I have been learning about my Friday Night Essence I am finally beginning to love and accept my uniqueness. The mini days have been teaching me how to be more focused and to accomplish more. I am becoming that special, talented and wonderful person I am today. My many thanks go out to Neothink and Mark Hamilton. I finally feel like I belong and I have a family that loves me and appreciates me. Neothink and Mark Hamilton are awesome and all I can say is I am blessed to be part of this family! Regina M.E

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton! I am behind you 100%! I love what you have done for me. It means everything to me. Your literature is very powerful. My wife and I had a visitor not to long ago. I notice they look at me very hard like they wanted to say something. My wife walked them to the car to say goodbye to them. She came back in and said that they ask what in the world has he been doing? It has been only 2 months since I saw him. And it looks like he de-aged 20 years in 2 months! I cannot believe how young he looks! So my wife said that she told them the truth! That all I have been doing different is reading! Thank you again. Your literature is powerful.
Russel C. of Indian

thanks to MARK HAMILTON and Neothink Society,

This is most inspirational way of life
Knowing their is this wonderful truth of
Living the good life, that begins with
Honesty, and this comes through because
Happy like minded people moving in the
same direction, Mark Hamilton literature
Founder of the twelve vision party, allow
this for myself and others becoming the
person we were meant to be thanks to
MARK HAMILTON and Neothink Society,

My experience with the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has been all positive.

My experience with the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has been all positive. Don’t believe everything you hear or read that says otherwise. People are prone to fear when they don’t understand something- so it’s easier for them to get caught up in negative hearsay. It’s our responsibility to see between the lines and seek the truth, everything else is just gossip and it’s a waste of time and energy!
I’ve been completely happy with all my purchases from Neothink.. The books are high-quality and very interesting to read. One of my favorite books is the children’s book written by Mark’s daughter. It’s a beautiful book with highly colorful graphics that teaches children positive lessons such as being kind to others.
Tammy R

MARK Hamilton for all of the books

Hello my name is Jerry B
I’m writing this testimonial for MARK Hamilton for all of the books and other martial Ii have received from Neothink and it was awesome the martial was i opening ! I think in this country people should have the right too any martial they want to get exposed to for the truth !  just remember that the truth will always be the truth and a lie will always come out at one point and time..


Rhetoric, Rhetoric, is what politicians speak, I agree. But what do we speak? Is it truth, love, health, wealth? Mark Hamilton, has a vision to take the politician out of society, and replace them with with a government thats sole puropose is to protect the people,not to run businesses. The people will self govern themselves, to thrive and bring greter value to others quicker as there will be no beauracrats, interfering with the hand of Adam Smith.

An eye opening reality towards American government.


An eye opening reality towards American government.  The truth will set you free.  That’s why corrupted mystics in government are trying to shut down Neothink.

-Shaun S

February 2025