Posts Tagged ‘truth about’

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your …

You need to hear Mark Hamilton in these Heirlooms cos they will reveal your essence to you and show you step by step how to use this to create life-long happiness and wealth. His literature contained the truth: that my L.A. culture is to seek my best-interests and my Tribe’s is to preserve their culture as a whole. Tribalism vs. Individuality. In his Literature I saw that Mark Hamilton and Neothink want to create world peace and my people start war over land and how to survive my Reservations warmongering and how to help them discover the truth about themselves, i.e. who they are as individuals,

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth…

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth about existence and a way to create unity in human beings breaking things down to a simple way of just being in the moment and believing what is in the moment is all we really got and need Neothink was about eliminating to many wishful beliefs giving you the principles to take control of your own life instead of giving it over to external authorities which from your own experiences leave you nothing in return, Neothink was about believing we are the truth and way to our own advancement if we just believe it, to me that is what every great teacher and philosopher throughout our history stood for and tried to teach us.

I stand behind Mark Hamilton

I have not pursued the fullest meaning and understanding of Mark Hamilton’s writings, but I believe he is right in his works. Society is out of proportion in it’s way of understanding and pursuing the right form of living to the fullest. We are not slaves to the upper echelon and everyone should know the truth about how we should live and prosper. I stand behind Mark Hamilton and I hope everyone learns from his thoughts and principles.
David L. Owens

Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted

My name is Millard and I have looked at and evaluated the Mark Hamilton business as being an eye opener to what is really going on in America. I was interested in improving myself and finding something to contribute to society. I would like to thank Mr. Hamilton for letting me know what is happening and will hope that his organization can help build this country to higher standards of living and discover new and better accomplishments in the future. Remember this is America, land of the free. I am free to choose Mr. Hamilton’s help to find my own incites and make my society better by adding something that his organization has made me aware of.
Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted. It unveils the truth about many things that are later covered up because this society is trying to find an easy way out of its predicaments. This dishonest approach to get by has led us to this point. I have now begun to put my life together and see things in a rational manner after being exposed to Mr. Hamilton’s materials. Now I have gained awareness and found motivation to create new things that may better my society.
I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries that he has helped me find and hope to finish the project that his organization has given me motivation to start. If every person tries to make something or just one item to make this country better we will all reap from the benefits. Thank you for the help.
Millard D

Power of Life with Neothink

When I first received Mark’s letter and after reading and analyzing the information received, I became painfully aware of the truth about what was being said in the readings received.
As I have watched the Brain Washing of America as we have Known. The Government has been very successful in their effort to DUMB America into oblivion by controlling the media and Educating our children with their unending barrage of lies and heavily distorted truth. Yes it is time to stand up and back a third political party (TVP) to restore integrity into the corrupt Two party System. Mark Hamilton is combating all of the above atrocities and NEEDS his neothink members behind him.
Sincerely Dennis

March 2025