Posts Tagged ‘true value’

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
For the past three and a half years my life has been filled with excitement and purpose.
Up until three and a half years ago I was stuck in my routine rut of lifeless complacency, with no real hope for a fulfilling life of prosperity and happiness.
Mark Hamilton I want to thank you for your life-saving Prime Literature. This literature has given me the tools and the knowledge that has already changed my life and the lives of many of my family and friends in wonderful and amazing ways.
I have learned so much from you Mark Hamilton and your priceless Prime Literature. I have become associated with other like-minded individuals with-in the Neothink Society and they have helped me to integrate and glean even more personal benefits in this environment. I have become aware of my true value to society and to the world.
Together we are all supporting the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. We look forward, with anticipation the life-enhancing principals of moving mankind to live more abundantly with improved health, peace, freedoms and happiness.
I sometimes wonder what would have happened to me and many others, if we had never heard of Mark Hamilton or had the privilege of reading his Prime literature. This information is so life-changing and powerful that each multigenerational manuscript deserves to be continually read over and over again and again. This priceless material needs to be integrated and learned by everyone who wants life advantages in their lives.
I shudder to think of how my life could have been such a waste of time for a valuable conscious human being like myself. Thankfully, my life now has value, purpose, direction, romance and excitement. My hope of the future is now based on the sound moral and ethical principles of the Prime Law of Protection which the Twelve Visions Party intends to have added to the Constitution. The country will be blessed and prosper like never before. Without the Prime Law, the T.V.P., Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society moving humanity into its’ next logical evolutionary step; mankind will be doomed to certain annihilation and possible extinction.
I would encourage others and plead with them to support Mark Hamilton, The Twelve Visions Party, The Prime Law and The Neothink Society by directing them to go to and see for themselves.

With my eternal gratitude, love and respect,
Raymond Desmarais

This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us

This should not happen to this Society. The great values I have learned more and the help it gave me to open my eyes and heart up more will not be forgotten and I will always use in my daily life of my life. Why would anyone want to take away the greatest opportunity for all of us and I mean all of us in this world to be finally free, wealthy, healthy and be able to live forever. That would be a very big mistake. This society shows you for yourself that this world gives you this chance to grab this opportunity with both hands and not thing twice about it. The literature and Neothink Society has open my heart even more and show me the true value of life for myself which this world has taught me i have the right to have in my life if it benefits me greatly for a the best life that i can possible have and it says to go for it. So why fuse about it or talk bad about it. Its great for all of us not just for many but for all of us. We the people have tried all kinds of things to help us live better because we all deserve it so lets all try this way and give all we got to really make this world a better place for all of us finally. I mean this with all my heart, spirit and soul. Just think to really life as equal and no one better than the next person. We all can do what we want that is good buy anything we want go any place we want be happy and live forever . Man I would love for this opportunity to be offer to me. The reason why I would go for it is because I tried it all the other ways that system has offer to me and I have not be able to be what I was meant to be and I deserve it no matter what. It is long over due for me and anyone else who feels they deserve a better life than they have now and deserve also to be what they were meant to be which is to have there life living at its full potential with all the greatest things this world has to offer. This world has so much to offer too all of us in which we all would be so happy to have lived experienced it and cherish for our whole life. Tell me the truth would you the people grab this opportunity if it was offer to you. I am not saying the perfect life but a life in which you deserve to have. Which you will not have no stress over money, love, happiness and never miss out on nothing extremely good for your mind body heart and soul. So I tell you this if you stop this you will regret your life dearly and I am being very honest with you when I express this. This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us and does have so much to share with us which will change all our lives if you give it a chance to. This world is deep trouble and we the people need to do something now that will fix all our problems for forever not just for a little bit. Please take this testimonial very serious this is no joke I am being very fair minded and I am not choosing sides I am just seeing for WHAT IS and grabbing and holding to what really will work and work for a long time not just a little bit and it is the Neothink Society Group. If you would like to talk to be me more Henry Hobson III feel free to let me know it would be my pleasure to do this for you all. You then can see in my eyes and hear it in my voice that I am meaning everything I express with the upmost sincere truth. Have forever great days in your life forever.
Henry L. H

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me…

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called Neothink. The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy. This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance. He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see. Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth. Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.
Thank you,
Eva C.

Mark Hamilton


I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called neothink. The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy. This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance. He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see. Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth. Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.

Thank you,
Eva C.

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me

I am proud to know that Mark Hamilton has helped me to learn a new wave of thinking called Neothink.  The literature has inspired me to live life to the very fullest with the knowledge of learning how to play and to be happy.  This movement brings on a tab of freedom. Without Mark Hamilton’s visions we will be lost without his guidance.  He has taught us to look ahead into our future and to move on with the visions we see.  Hamilton is a great inspiration to me, and I am very fond of him as the author of Neothink  and the Twelve Vision Party which contains powerful thoughts. I love what the future holds in this world through him and his true value. The whole world can progress through honesty, which unfolding a business, science/art, and civilization on Earth.  Thank you again Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to reach for my true self.       

Thank you,

Eva  C.

It -is- Neothink.. in every way

At NEI we are working on a product with a partner NT oriented company in Canada.

There is incredible opportunity with this product to improve the lives of millions of people in poor countries, and in places where fresh water is scarce, in general.

I see this a a way that we can very publicly show how market businesspeople are the true value creators in society, and I can see how no one in places like Haiti and Chile could possibly argue with these principles.

if you need some more info on this product, contact Keith Gilmore.. ‘Keith Gilmore’ <>

All of us who are involved in the production, marketing and delivery of this product are staunch NT supporters, and I can tell you that NEI is -building- on NT First Heirloom Principles.

If we time this correctly there is a way we can supersede the media by delivering the first volley in a peaceful, beautiful and preemptive move, by associating this product and this effort with Neothink. It -is- Neothink.. in every way.


March 2025