Posts Tagged ‘true passion’

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

Hello Mark,

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

With all the personal development work out there today one body of work that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the visionary work of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets.

While other authors offer mindset advice that few can embrace and use, Neo Think gives you focused and exact steps to take to create the life of your dreams. Neothink provides specific instructions that shows anyone exactly how to find their true passion in life, find the time to accomplish their greatest goals and create values that make a difference in the lives of other people and the world at large.

Mark Hamilton

A True Worthwhile Discovery


Neothink puts me in a comfort Zone. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life, but it’s never too late to start living.

I have rarely discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt, and sincere as these new discoveries provided to me by Mark Hamilton through the Neothink world.

I now want to live life to the fullest. I am extremely happy about waking up each day knowing that the world truly is my oyster … And I feel strongly about this. This is not just a cliché anymore.

Neothink helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. It’s as if I now have a head start on living life to its fullest. A heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders and I feel the joys as I once did as a kid eager to go outside and ride his new bicycle the day after his birthday.

I now see clearer and understand life’s meaning. There is a difference between living and existing. In the past I felt that I was simply existing, and the hand that I was dealt was the inevitable hand destined for me. I now feel really good and have a true passion of being a part of life – The here and now. I am determined and striving to build a winning hand at life and disclose opportunity for true Value Creators so that we all may prosper.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to realize that there are like-minded people that I can trust to see the beauty and honesty of this world; those who I can know will do the right things regardless of the pressures of anti-civilization; those, who with the assistance of the laws of nature, can make a positive impact on a much larger audience. In short, those who seek a new-found drive, through Neothink, to contribute effectively to society.

Imagine, thinking no one appreciates your honesty, sincerity, passion for others, nor your drive to make the world a better place (to bring about the Twelve Visions World). Well, that is no longer my disposition. Pessimism is no longer a part of my thinking. I am more steadfast in my mission to be a Value Creator than ever before because I know that I am not alone.

My thirst for knowledge has grown and my work status, social life, and marriage is much improving as a result my current thinking and actions.

I only wish I could have shared this with my father before he died. He and I both would have been at peace as he shared his last words with me on his death bed. He would have known of the limitless knowledge and happiness I was capable of accumulating through the writings and revelations associated with Mark Hamilton.

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. I am sure of this!

In parting, I truly feel (Judging from Neothink members I‘ve come across) that our association with Neothink brings about that happy sensation that once dwelt in the pit of our stomachs as children. You know! That feel-good gut feelings that we once had throughout your adolescent years when we were blind to dishonesties.

Well, its reinsertion in the consciousness of my being as an adult proves to me that I am not only a part of the Here and Now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.

Thank you again, Mark Hamilton, for your efforts!

Love and Prosperity

With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions

I hear most people talk about their life in America; and how they want their life to get easier and be more rewarding. I listen and think I am happy to be in NEOTHINK. Neothink and all the like minded people has helped me grow, and have a rewarding life.
I know my passion in life, and see other people find their passion in life also, but we can not attain our true passion and develop it in the society we are in now. With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions, have great health, joy, love, money, see and feel all the bounty of our lives develop before our open eyes.
Margaret Levine

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…


When I first received communications from the Neothink Society over eight months ago, I will honestly admit that I thought it was a pyramid or get-rich-quick scheme.  Because there are so many scams out there today, people feeding off of others for their own personal gain, I was very skeptical.  Nevertheless, I decided to give the material a chance because I was intrigued and always felt there was something more to life that just seemed to be missing.  Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I lived a blessed life: a nice house, a caring wife, a healthy newborn and a promising career.  I had no real reason to desire change in my life, but decided to be open-minded and understand the mission fully before making a decision one way or another.  
I am glad I did.  If you are reading this now, I encourage you to do the same and keep an open mind.  Many people fear change because the unknown is uncomfortable and represents the possibility of an unfavorable outcome.  It is easier to do the same things over and over, even if they do not lead to a better result.  Neothink represents all that is honest and true in life.  It promotes a better life for everyone: rich or poor, male or female, young or old, indifferent to race or social status.  It strongly encourages family values and puts family at the center of your life.  It enables you to find your true passion in life, and create tremendous value for society.  Mark Hamilton is the messenger of this cause.  He is truly courageous because he is not afraid to see through dishonest illusions created by those who only care about their own self-interests.  And even more importantly, he is not afraid to live what he believes in to try to spread a worthy cause to others who are searching for a better life.
The media will convey to the public that the Neothink Society is corrupt and dishonest in order to improve their own ratings and to publish the “hot story of the month”.  Politicians will fear Neothink and skew its message in order to preserve their own power and portray themselves as protecting the innocent public.
The Twelve Visions Party represents change that is to the benefit of everyone, whether it is a school teacher, a wealthy entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mother of three, a retail store owner or a retiree.  It will pave the way for a better life to those who were born into poverty or other difficult situations and allow every individual to realize his or her unique talents and utilize them to help others and to better humanity.   Above all, the Twelve Visions Party values individual rights for everyone and will create an environment that will benefit everyone, everywhere.
Neothink has enabled me to use my own mind and determine what is reality-based and what is illusion.  It has opened my eyes to a new life, and it will for you too if you are strong enough to make your own decisions and not depend on the opinions of the media or other ill-informed individuals.  
Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook who is crafting an illusion, although the media will portray him to be just that.  Nor is he tricking helpless victims into a get-rich-quick scheme.   He is a hero to many including myself and a very intelligent business man.   He should be commended for his efforts and for risking his own personal livelihood and reputation to bring others a better life.   I am grateful to him for opening my eyes to a new life and am thankful that I kept an open mind.  I encourage you to consider all the facts for yourself and then make a decision.   You will be glad you did.
-Jeremy D.

The information is priceless


Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I’ve been reading & studying your books for a few months now.  The information is priceless.  For the first time I’m reading something that understands me and providing an explanation for why things are so backwards.  When the movie Matrix came out I thought people would see things for what they really are.  Surprisingly they didn’t.  For years I would explain to friends and family members things that’s in your book.  Like, the things you did as a child is your true passion, or work on your dream for at least 2 hrs. a day after work.  Friends and family thought that was strange.  Your books help me realize that most people just don’t think for themselves.  Their afraid of their individuality (afraid of themselves).  Limited to what’s in front of them.  I’m afraid for them.

In 1983 I felt the recession when entering the labor force leaving high school.  In 1995 I started inventing new products in an attempt to create new jobs.  In 2000 I created events and programs to introduce the products to the market.  Though the projects we’re win-win situations for everyone involved I still couldn’t get the proper support.  In 2004 I became a 100% disabled veteran and gave up the fight to create jobs.  Though I stood to make a lot of money that wasn’t the only reason for creating new products.  From the way this country was going (still is) I predict a dramatic increase in violence in the near future due to lack of employment.

Your books is just what’s needed to bring the proper state of mind to the people in order to alter the destructive path we’re on.  The books made me realize I need to get back to work.  Hopefully it’ll be different this time.  Thanks!


P.S.  As a 100% disabled veteran (unemployability) we’re not allowed to own companies.  We’re also on a fixed income that doesn’t allow us to make any extra money.  To make matters worse, your not guaranteed your social security disability benefits (SSD), and if you haven’t worked for 5 yrs. without being granted your SSD your not eligible for SSD or SSI for life.  Even if you paid 20 yrs. into social security, unless you go back to work and give up your veteran benefits  (wonder if the guys/gals in our military know this?  I didn’t).

Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society


When I first received communications from the Neothink Society over eight months ago, I will honestly admit that I thought it was a pyramid or get-rich-quick scheme.  Because there are so many scams out there today, people feeding off of others for their own personal gain, I was very skeptical.  Nevertheless, I decided to give the material a chance because I was intrigued and always felt there was something more to life that just seemed to be missing.  Before learning about the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society, I lived a blessed life: a nice house, a caring wife, a healthy newborn and a promising career.  I had no real reason to desire change in my life, but decided to be open-minded and understand the mission fully before making a decision one way or another.  
I am glad I did.  If you are reading this now, I encourage you to do the same and keep an open mind.  Many people fear change because the unknown is uncomfortable and represents the possibility of an unfavorable outcome.  It is easier to do the same things over and over, even if they do not lead to a better result.  Neothink represents all that is honest and true in life.  It promotes a better life for everyone: rich or poor, male or female, young or old, indifferent to race or social status.  It strongly encourages family values and puts family at the center of your life.  It enables you to find your true passion in life, and create tremendous value for society.  Mark Hamilton is the messenger of this cause.  He is truly courageous because he is not afraid to see through dishonest illusions created by those who only care about their own self-interests.  And even more importantly, he is not afraid to live what he believes in to try to spread a worthy cause to others who are searching for a better life.
The media will convey to the public that the Neothink Society is corrupt and dishonest in order to improve their own ratings and to publish the “hot story of the month”.  Politicians will fear Neothink and skew its message in order to preserve their own power and portray themselves as protecting the innocent public.
The Twelve Visions Party represents change that is to the benefit of everyone, whether it is a school teacher, a wealthy entrepreneur, a stay-at-home mother of three, a retail store owner or a retiree.  It will pave the way for a better life to those who were born into poverty or other difficult situations and allow every individual to realize his or her unique talents and utilize them to help others and to better humanity.   Above all, the Twelve Visions Party values individual rights for everyone and will create an environment that will benefit everyone, everywhere.
Neothink has enabled me to use my own mind and determine what is reality-based and what is an illusion.  It has opened my eyes to a new life, and it will for you too if you are strong enough to make your own decisions and not depend on the opinions of the media or other ill-informed individuals.
Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook who is crafting an illusion, although the media will portray him to be just that.  Nor is he tricking helpless victims into a get-rich-quick scheme.   He is a hero to many including myself and a very intelligent business man.   He should be commended for his efforts and for risking his own personal livelihood and reputation to bring others a better life.   I am grateful to him for opening my eyes to a new life and am thankful that I kept an open mind.  I encourage you to consider all the facts for yourself and then make a decision.   You will be glad you did.
-Jeremy D.

Neothink makes me want to shout joyous…

A True Worthwhile Discovery

Neothink makes me want to shout joyous testimonials from my rooftop. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life. I wish I could have shared them with my dad before he passed away. 

I have never discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt and sincere as these truths provided to me by the Neothink Society.

I can attribute my ‘wanting to live life to the fullest’ attitude to the society. The Society helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. I now see life clearer and feel really good about a true passion of being a part of it!

It instills in me the will of, not necessarily wanting more, but knowing more (although, my work status, social life, and marriage has much improved).

I remembered asking myself during the loss of my father, “why?” I really wanted to make him proud of me before losing him.

I don’t know if I ever found the answer to ”why” he died, but no one else’s explanation sufficed … That’s for certain. Even after all these years I wondered what must have went through his head while he lie there dying, leaving everything he had accumulated behind … including his kids.

Besides telling me to take care and wishing me well, I’ll never truly know his last thoughts. But the one thing that I can be certain of, is that if he were a part of the Neothink Society, he would be at peace knowing the limitless knowledge I was capable of accumulating through the multigenerational manuscripts and revelations associated with the Society.

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. And I am sure of this!

Being a part of the Neothink Society allows me to seek answers from a real-life perspective … Not just an “anti-civilization” perspective. I am now an acheiver regardless of my financial status (though it is much improved). I now walk with a passion for life, a true love and desire for others to acheive their goals, and a new-found drive to contribute effectively to society.

The Society reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child – that gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years, and it remains in the consciousness of my being as an adult … That I am not only a part of the “here-and-now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.

‘No man is wholly free in the anti-civilization. He is a slave to the man-made laws of the land and the politician’s greed for wealth, fortune, and fame … Else the people restrain him from acting according to his will alone.’ Euripides (485 B.C.)


Larry D.

A True Worthwhile Discovery



Neothink puts me in a comfort zone. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life, but it’s never too late to start living.

I have rarely discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt, and sincere as these new discoveries provided to me by Mark Hamilton through the Neothink world. 

I now want to live life to the fullest. I am more happy about waking up each day knowing that the world truly is my oyster … And I feel strongly about this. This is not just a cliche anymore.

Neothink helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. It’s as if I now have a head start on living life to its fullest. A heavy burden has been lifted. I feel the joys as I once did as a kid eager to go outside and ride his new bicycle the day after Christmas.

I now see clearer and understand life’s meaning. There is a difference between living and existing. In the past I felt that I was simply existing and the hand you were dealt was the inevitable hand destined for you. I now feel really good and have a true passion of being a part of life. I am determined and striving to build a winning hand at life.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to realize that there are like-minded people that I can trust to see the beauty and honesty of this world. Those who I can know will do the right things regardless of the pressures of the anti-civilization. Those, who with the assistance of the laws of nature, can make a positive impact on a much larger audience.

You have helped to lift a heavy burden off of my shoulders. Imagine, thinking no one appreciates your honesty, sincerity, passion for others, nor your drive to make the world a better place. Well, that is no longer my disposition – Pessimism is no longer a part of my thinking. I am more steadfast in my mission to be a Value Creator than ever before because I know that I am not alone.

My thirst for knowledge has grown and my work status, social life, and marriage has much improved as a result my current thinking and actions.

I only wish I could have shared this with my Father before he died.  He and I both would have been at peace as he shared his dying words with me on his death bed. He would have known of the limitless knowledge and happiness I was capable of accumulating through the writings and revelations associated with Mark Hamilton. 

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. I am sure of this! 


Being a Neothinker allows me to achieve and walk with a true passion for life, a true love and desire for others to achieve their goals, and a new-found drive to contribute effectively to society.

My association reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child – that gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years, and its reinsertion in the consciousness of my being as an adult – That I am not only a part of the “Here-and-Now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.   


Love and Prosperity,


L. D. S

A True Worthwhile Discovery

Neothink puts me in a comfort zone. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life, but it’s never too late to start living.

I have rarely discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt, and sincere as these new discoveries provided to me by Mark Hamilton through the Neothink world.

I now want to live life to the fullest. I am extremely happy about waking up each day knowing that the world truly is my oyster … And I feel strongly about this. This is not just a cliché anymore.

Neothink helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. It’s as if I now have a head start on living life to its fullest. A heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders and I feel the joys as I once did as a kid eager to go outside and ride his new bicycle the day after his birthday.

I now see clearer and understand life’s meaning. There is a difference between living and existing. In the past I felt that I was simply existing, and the hand that I was dealt was the inevitable hand destined for me. I now feel really good and have a true passion of being a part of life – The here and now. I am determined and striving to build a winning hand at life and disclose opportunity for true Value Creators so that we all may prosper.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to realize that there are like-minded people that I can trust to see the beauty and honesty of this world; those who I can know will do the right things regardless of the pressures of anti-civilization; those, who with the assistance of the laws of nature, can make a positive impact on a much larger audience. In short, those who seek a new-found drive, through Neothink, to contribute effectively to society.

Imagine, thinking no one appreciates your honesty, sincerity, passion for others, nor your drive to make the world a better place (to bring about the C of U). Well, that is no longer my disposition. Pessimism is no longer a part of my thinking. I am more steadfast in my mission to be a Value Creator than ever before because I know that I am not alone.

My thirst for knowledge has grown and my work status, social life, and marriage is much improving as a result my current thinking and actions.

I only wish I could have shared this with my father before he died. He and I both would have been at peace as he shared his last words with me on his death bed. He would have known of the limitless knowledge and happiness I was capable of accumulating through the writings and revelations associated with Mark Hamilton.

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. I am sure of this!

In parting, I truly feel (Judging from Neothink members I‘ve come across) that our association with Neothink brings about that happy sensation that once dwelt in the pit of our stomachs as children. You know! That feel-good gut feelings that we once had throughout your adolescent years when we were blind to dishonesties.

Well, its reinsertion in the consciousness of my being as an adult proves to me that I am not only a part of the Here and Now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.

Thank you again, Mark Hamilton, for your efforts!

Love and Prosperity

March 2025