Posts Tagged ‘true meaning’

The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking


I have always been a lay back type person, but at the same time I was searching. Searching for something in life, but there was always something preventing my mind from developing or expanding to it’s fullest. Now that I have acquired the knowledge of Neothink I have become a new person. I am so happy to be part of the Neothink Society, and is looking forward to share my knowledge and insights with future incoming members as well as for my own personal development. The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking through integration of knowledge, and it’s through this knowledge I am able to control my life, my environment and the universe. Every thing in my life now has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my Life.

Peter Sellars Level 10 member

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

When I try to put the Neothink Society into words or describe it, I actually get stumped. How do you describe something that allows you to be so happy and prosperous as the society does? When I was invited to join, I was told I would learn many new incredible things, and they delivered on that promise. I have learned just how beautiful everything around me is and how to live a very happy and very prosperous life. As I stated earlier, it is difficult to put Neothink into words, it is simply something you must experience for yourself, and trust me, if you do, your life will never be the same again.
This serves to inform that I have been associated with Neothink society for over a year and during that time I have learned to look at life from a different perspective a much more positive perspective. I learned the true meaning and value of life, I learned what it is to be organised, committed, honest, loyal and especially how to plan and make every minute of the day meaningful. The Neothink society has a lot to offer mankind especially also in health and other matters of importance. Mark has been my mentor for quite sometime and I will continue to support him because his values are humaine and selfless, he just want the best for everyone. Good Luck and may the Creator of the Universe, the Infinite Spirit, Infinite Cosmic Power, GOD or what ever name we chose be with us.
Thanks, Ron.

The society has influence my way of thinking …

Hello Mark,
In the year 2007 I received my letter of invitation to join the society. The society has influence my way of thinking through the integration of knowledge. The true rapture, based on honesty has been a new awaking. I have implemented the concepts in every aspects of my daily life, and because of this I am able to control my destiny, my environment and this universe. We were all seekers and searchers when you found us. Now we are building and creating the Twelve Visions World. Ever thing now in my life has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my life. Peter S.

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I would like to step up and say how much being a part of Neothink and TVP has helped me be a better person and helped me find the true meaning in my life. I have just started to peruse my FNE that I had started when I was younger. It is a big step but I have made a way for it to open up to me more. I am so glad to be a part of all of this and plan to make sure that things are happening in the favor of what we have learned from all the great information and Neothink. It is with great honor and privilege to be a part of such a intelligent and creative group.
Renee M

would first like to thank Mark Hamilton…


I would first like to thank Mark Hamilton for having such an insight to the future of where man is headed and how we should be living our lives.  Every since I have been reading the writings of Mark Hamilton, I have gained a true meaning and appreciation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I have seen people lives change, attitudes grow, and people reach out toward each other. I can feel a difference presence in the people who have read the writings of Mark Hamilton. The hearts, minds, and conversations of the members are totally paramount.

Anyone who want to grow as an adult to inspire others should read the books and writings that Mark Hamilton. I have gotten more out of his works than any other combination of written words. After reading and studying these works, I would continue to inform others of what direction they can take to be better, live longer and inspire others. I have started my own quest in life. I am retired, so I have time to devout to working with Mark Hamilton and other members to bring about a change that have never been seen and to lift mankind to a true higher plateau.

Thank you Mark Hamilton
Tom B.

With Neothink one receives the opportunity

Hello Mark,

It is with great honor that I send this email to you to let you know the information that I have received has been most rewarding.  When I say most rewarding is the fact that somewhere in the back of my mind, the information turned on the light that I felt existed.  All the information was not new to me but reaffirmed that life does have true meaning and a chance to truly live. With Neothink one receives the opportunity to seek within oneself and find their God-given talents, not manmade duties. One receives opportunity to explore, and not remain in stagnation.  Although I am a newcomer and have not exhaled at this point, the information does enlighten my understanding of the world in which we live.  I truly support this information and hope to successfully become the person I am meant to be. The history provided seems so practical and responsible for the world in which we live in today. Ha, what a sad life.  If I can do anything to help enlighten or  increase the knowledge of the cause for our destruction and stagnation to man-kind and open the eyes of the innocent, so they will have a chance to live, I will be delighted.

Thank you,

Janet G.

Mark has been my mentor for quite sometime…

When I try to put the Neothink Society into words or describe it, I actually get stumped. How do you describe something that allows you to be so happy and prosperous as the society does? When I was invited to join, I was told I would learn many new incredible things, and they delivered on that promise. I have learned just how beautiful everything around me is and how to live a very happy and very prosperous life. As I stated earlier, it is difficult to put Neothink into words, it is simply something you must experience for yourself, and trust me, if you do, your life will never be the same again.

This serves to inform that I have been associated with neo-think society for over a year and during that time I have learned to look at life from a different perspective a much more positive perspective. I learned the true meaning and value of life, I learned what it is to be organised, committed, honest, loyal and especially how to plan and make every minute of the day meaningful. The Neothink society has a lot to offer mankind especially also in health and other matters of importance. Mark has been my mentor for quite sometime and I will continue to support him because his values are humaine and selfless, he just want the best for everyone. Good Luck and may the Creator of the Universe, the Infinite Spirit, Infinite Cosmic Power, GOD or what ever name we chose be with us.

Thanks, Ron.

I would first like to thank Mark Hamilton

I would first like to thank Mark Hamilton for having such an insight to the future of where man is headed and how we should be living our lives.
Every since I have been reading the writings of Mark Hamilton, I have gained a true meaning and appreciation of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I have seen people lives change, attitudes grow, and people reach out toward each other. I can feel a difference presence in the people who have read the writings of Mark Hamilton. The hearts, minds, and conversations of the members are totally paramount.

Anyone who want to grow as an adult to inspire others should read the books and writings that Mark Hamilton. I have gotten more out of his works than any other combination of written words. After reading and studying these works, I would continue to inform others of what direction they can take to be better, live longer and inspire others. I have started my own quest in life. I am retired, so I have time to devout to working with Mark Hamilton and other members to bring about a change that have never been seen and to lift mankind to a true higher plateau.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Tom B.

March 2025