Posts Tagged ‘true love’

would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining …

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and all the Neothink members for shining the light my way. It has been a very interesting and informative time filled with true love and compassion. As they say “it is what it is” and we all need to take our blinders off and help the world do the same. Thanks to Mark Hamilton opening our eyes to the Neothink inside secrets we all are living closer to our true self, Our natural right!!! He has helped us open doors to our true natural being that were never opened before. There are angels here on earth!!

I feel we are responsible in life for the information and knowledge that the universe has downloaded into our mind though Mark Hamilton and the Neothink inside secrets. When we accept this information from the Neothink inside secrets we will have the strength and knowledge to change the world. Opening new doors that were always there but we could never see . By accepting and uncovering the illusions getting past the resistance we allow our higher self to take over. Believe me as I speak from experiences this higher self

Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons…

Mr. Mark Hamilton, Thank You ever so much for the mind expanding lessons your literature provides. You have shared amazing insights on life, true love and happiness. Avoiding scammers & cheaters are the most valuable tools I now possess. My education could not have been more complete without your excellent writing. I have had the good fortune to respond to your unique marketing approach! You have captured my love for history, religion, politics, business and science. Your respect for my intellect is rewarding. The myriad of puzzle pieces you bring to light, have been both entertaining and educational. I am usually perked-up to full potential by reading your books. I’m convinced no curriculum would be complete without neo think required for graduation! I’ve just received info on your latest book. I’m looking forward to it. Your writing shares the most useful information for growth and understanding, I have ever had the pleasure of indulging in. Many thanks for you and the beautiful world, your ideas present. Cindy K.

I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices


My Personal Testimony of what the Neothink Society meant and means to me one word “HAPPY”.   I have discovered my child of the past; I discovered my Friday night Essence.  
Neothink Society empowered me to power think and now I am living the life that I was meant to live.  I create value that is meaningful.   I now know the true meaning of LOVE.
Neothink Society has taught me how to create a Mini Day schedule that enables me to accomplish more with my business and that motivates me to do more.
Neothink Society helped me to step out of my comfort Neothinkere and change my mindset.
CHANGE, I could only imagine the changes that I/We will experience and most of all to be apart of creating the changes in this world, moving beyond the Bicameral mode into the integrating mode.
Neothink Society helped me realized that this is a numbers game.  The more people you reach out too, you want to reach out to even more people.  That is creating VALUE.
To SUM it up, we are helping the poor to become millionaires.
I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices and I thank Mark Hamilton/Neothink Society for finding me.
We want you to see for yourself, Society of Secret can help you discover your child of the past, learn to PLAY as an adult and create VALUE as well.

Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.

Mark Hamilton, it is a true honor. I love you man.
any recommendations? ways to put stimulations of nature and Twelve Visions World into music for our goals?
It may take a few weeks while I do this aside the 9 to 5 in the matrix.
If this is Mark, it is a true honor. I love you man.
I attached another song I need to redo in case you haven’t heard it. “Twelve Visions World”. Some in the society told me it was too early for this, but I’ve found that people that know nothing about NT like it. I think ideas ahead of their time are more acceptable in music and the arts.

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.
My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.
And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!
In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!
One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.
Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.
I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.
Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.
for information.
I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!
With love and honesty,

Get Mark Hamilton’s Literature!

Wealth, health, and peace are the three most important conditions for civilization. Yet we don’t see this today. Instead, we see a world divided and detached from human life. In comparison, Mark Hamilton has created a masterpiece of secrets the ruling class don’t want you to know about. It has nothing to do with “conspiracy theories” or the like, but it has everything to do with honest and true love-building, wealth creation, and peace pursuing. If you haven’t already, get Mark Hamilton’s literature now! You won’t regret it!
Adam H.
New York

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.
My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.
And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!
In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!
One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.
Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.
I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.
Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.
for information.
I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!
With love and honesty,

Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society

Dear Mark,
It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion of the work that you are doing to create a better tomorrow. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to read your materials, thus being Neothink and the twelve visions.  I honestly can say that I knew I was missing out and could not fully grasp the concept of life, love and happiness, when our society depicts the opposite.  I now understand many things that once before unclear.  I personally think that America and the world in general will benefit from your materials and therefore we will and can live in a productive society where there is a chance for truth, growth and happiness.  Please know that I highly respect all your efforts to provide the world with the opportunity to look at the truth of things and to take the blindfolds off that have been placed upon us for many generations.  I truly hope that America and the world will give this a chance and give mankind the opportunity to be free in mind and spirit once again.  Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society and all the work that will give true love a chance to grow to make better tomorrows for all mankind.  Wah-Quast Eh-roh-eh (Good Tomorrows) Janet G

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.

My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.

And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!

In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!

One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.

Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.

I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.

Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.


for information.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!

With love and honesty,

It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion


Dear Mark,
It is with great respect that I send to you my heartfelt opinion of the work that you are doing to create a better tomorrow. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to read your materials, thus being neo-think and the twelve visions.  I honestly can say that I knew I was missing out and could not fully grasp the concept of life, love and happiness, when our society depicts the opposite.  I now understand many things that once before unclear.  I personally think that America and the world in general will benefit from your materials and therefore we will and can live in a productive society where there is a chance for truth, growth and happiness.  Please know that I highly respect all your efforts to provide the world with the opportunity to look at the truth of things and to take the blindfolds off that have been placed upon us for many generations.  I truly hope that America and the world will give this a chance and give mankind the opportunity to be free in mind and spirit once again.  Please know that I highly support, Neothink Society and all the work that will give true love a chance to grow to make better tomorrows for all mankind.  Wah-Quast Eh-roh-eh (Good Tomorrows) Janet G

March 2025