Posts Tagged ‘true essence’

My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I …

My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I joined the Neothink society. The books we read are mind expanding and reveal the way to broader consciousness and understanding of our true essence. The teachings are about the importance of our own authenticity and the value we bring to our communities, as the truth can bring us to a new liberating human consciousness.

Neothink brings to our attention the possibility of a value-generating society, absent of domination and victimization. We become aware that expanded consciousness can lead everyone to liberated and joy-full lives. With self-determination and inherent creativity all of humanity can evolve into a universal business/science/art civilization.

I thank Neothink and Mark Hamilton for his contribution of this expansive knowledge. I am grateful to be part of a community whose members are value-creating in their and others lives and are exploring life potentials with a greater consciousness and a deeper truth.

My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I joined the Neothink …

My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I joined the Neothink society. The books we read are mind expanding and reveal the way to broader consciousness and understanding of our true essence. The teachings are underlining the importance of our own authenticity which brings value to our communities, as authentic truth can bring us to a new liberating human consciousness.

Neothink brings to our attention the possibility of a value-generating society, absent of domination and victimization. We become aware that expanded consciousness can lead everyone to liberated and joy-full lives. With self-determination and inherent creativity all of humanity can evolve into a universal business/science/art civilization.

I thank Neothink and Mark Hamilton for his contribution of this expansive knowledge. I am grateful to be part of a community whose members are value-creating in their and others lives and are ready to explore the potentials that life holds for everyone with a greater consciousness and a deeper truth.

Gisela B

I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society. When I received your invitation I was already on a personal journey and mission of fulfilling my true essence. My best friend and I had broken away from society and left our homes and jobs because we knew there was a better way to live life. We left a life of lies, negative relationships and lost hopes and desires. We had basically had enough of the lies and financial draining from those that we thought were our loved ones for whom we had lived our whole lives with including some family members and relationships. My friend and I had come from different families but our situation was the same and upon joining forces gave us the strength and wherewithal to break away.
I had always been a lost soul looking for my way but it slowly occurred to me that I was always living my life for the benefit of others who took advantage of my ignorance. This realization occurred only after I had left because I was so much blinded by the false life that I was in that I could not see clearly. Upon reading the multigenerational manuscripts my mind started to clear of all the false data that I was operating under. At times all of a sudden thoughts and ideas would became so crystal clear and it made me feel happy and more secure in my understanding of life. It’s takes a little while for your mind to process the information and clean out the false data but it is an on going process and each time you understand life a little more and your awareness comes up as well. Happiness fills your soul because you’re finally breaking free to be who you were meant to be.
I feel like my life has been blessed for having an association with the Neothink Society. At last I am with an honest group of people who want so badly to live life to its fullest. We are very much so fortunate to have the guidance of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. A new world is right in front of us. Let’s all just grab a hold of it and don’t look back. The TVP is beyond reform. It is the beginning of the Twelve Visions World. Let’s all be proud to be the first humans on earth to shatter the past and break free from all of the political lies and blast our selves into this new and exciting era for the rest of mankind.
Best Regards, William L.

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career


For as far back as I can remember I dreamt that I would one day become a renowned professional. I knew I was going to do something great. But the problem was I had difficulty in deciding on what it would be. As a consequence, I spent my life going from one profession to another, and job to job, searching for the right one. I started out wanting to be a professional musician. Then I decided that I wanted to be an insurance agent. Next, I decided that I wanted to be a financial and estate planner. Finally, I decided on being a computer professional. Thinking back, I wish I had tools offered by the Neothink Society at my disposal when I was younger. I would have saved myself a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. As a result, much time was wasted chasing unsatisfying pursues.  Although I had a success career, I now sit back wonder how much more successful my life would have been, if I had the remarkable tools I discovered in the Neothink Society throughout the course of my life.

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career. Being in the Society, it instills a fire in you, a deep yearning to live your life of a value creator.

With the Society tools under my belt, I feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and joy. I have discovered my essence. I know how to power think my future into my present. I am excited and overjoyed with life’s possibilities. I wake up each day with great anticipation of what the day will bring.

If my story strikes a chord and a yearning in your life, I encourage you to take a look at what the Society of Secrets has to offer. I invite you to discover your true essence in life and get on the pathway to true exhilaration. Just remember, you don’t have to live a life of boredom, unhappiness, or stagnation. You too can have the joy I do. A life of exhilaration the way James Joyce’s Ulysses lived, but without the dishonesty.

Melvin G.

To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me


Neothink has been a great blessing in my life . For years I couldn’t understand certain things in this world and how some made it and others didn’t . As I started with Neothink my life started to take on a new meaning for living . From how to snap together picture puzzles to choosing the man of my dreams . Presently I found out that I was married to a really mystical , neocheating husband that not only sadden my life , but his on children from previous marriages . Well when the picture puzzle snapped together I now knew what kind of man should be in my life .
To my mentor Mark Hamilton how thankful I’m to you for finding me in the right place and the right time in my life when I thought there was nothing left for  me here in this earthly realm . My journey now with my Neothink family has been such a joy that I now know how to see the true essence of all things and know one is ever going to hurt , steal , lie , cheat , or guilt me into anything any more .
Thank you my mentor for your vision . I’ve been playing and recess is not over for me . Love U Much , Sylvia A

The Neothink Society

In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past, there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses. Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of “sheeple”. These malleable “sheeple” have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).
By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self aggrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the “sheeple” of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.
History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics. The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were, their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading. The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.
However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite. That is the Neothink® Society. Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink® Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand. One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World. The Neothink® Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is. But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.
The Neothink® Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years. I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preaching and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets. Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me. I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation. Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.
Once having found the Neothink® Society all of those questions and searching for answers was no more. I had found the answers to all of my wanderings. The Neothink® Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me. I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were. To plagiarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’. ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’
The Neothink® Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that. The Neothink® Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them. Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink® Society literature. It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical. You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated. You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not. The Neothink® Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.
A great Vision of the Neothink® Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled). This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business. In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other. It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another. All will be equal, truly. It will be a Political Party with no Politics. It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.
Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrupt, malign and destroy the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)? It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of corrupt power. They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink® Society and the TVP. Please do not let that happen. Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming. Take back your life, your Country. Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.
I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.
Chris G

Mark Hamilton is the person…

The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party will save America and the world from going down the drain. Mark Hamilton is the person that has given us the tools to correct what is wrong with everything. What a political nightmare we are living in, where it isn’t anything about the left, right or even the center, but rather a bunch of politicians that just keep messing things up by doing nothing to help us, just line their own pockets to get re-elected. The current media seems just to be a tool to help them mess things up a little faster.
Here is what Neothink has done for me:
I absolutely embrace life. I love my life, my family and my friends. I honestly am living the life I was meant to live. I have grown so much during my journey in the Neothink Society, that I can say I am a new man, I’m not the old guy trapped in my body living an insane life. I am a vibrant, enthusiastic, fun loving, energetic person that acts like I’m much younger than I really am. I have learned the true secrets to life, the true meaning to life. I now have controls over what I thought were once limited and impossible to do anything about, but now realized were just mere illusions.
What the Neothink Society means to me is Everything. That’s right, everything in my life now has purpose and true meaning. I have discovered my true essence, and am currently loving and living life to the fullest every moment.
I’ve learned it’s not just OK to be happy occasionally, In fact I have learned that happiness is the moral purpose of life. I find much happiness in all things. I find happiness even in the difficult situations most would just not see. I have discovered a very special person within that completes me, my child of the past that never gave in. I removed the so called common knowledge that most succumb to in belief it is just the way it is suppose to be. I have learned how to free my child of my past to run free, grow and flourish. I am living my “Friday Night Essence.” I’m doing what makes me happy, but I become extremely happy seeing others discover and live in their essence too.
My newfound knowledge and belief in myself has yielded some nice results, but does not even compare to my confidence and fully integrated honest approach to my personal and business life. I am able to out-compete in every competitive situation plus protect myself and my loved ones from most all dishonest, greedy and deceitful individuals. It is as though I can put on special goggles and see the truth. I now know this is merely peeling off many layers of un-truths and discover that I always knew the truth, but it was shrouded in cleverly disguised dishonest manufactured facts.
It is as if I have a special friend in the know that has taken me under his wing and given me all of life’s advantages and protections. The great thing is that I do have a really great friend and mentor and you can too. His name is Mark Hamilton and he, along with some really fantastic integrated people are just waiting to take you on the same wonderful journey I have been on along with some of the most truly wonderful and amazing people you will ever meet.
The Neothink Society levels the playing field in an honest and fully integrated way. This is a journey that has already changed my life for the better, and my sincere wish is to encourage you to check out our Neothink Society and let us help you free your beautiful child of the past and help you discover how to live the life you were meant to live too.

Destination Truth

To all who read, I ask you to ponder how your lives are now? Do you feel truely free? or do you feel we are slowly watching our GOD GIVEN liberties being crucified for the profit of the few? Do you feel that you are oppressed by the powers at be? How many of you want a more fufilled life? Are you sick and tired of being a slave to your job, your government or circumstance? Are you seeking? Well, about four months ago in September of 2009 I prayed for answers because I felt as though I was living in bondage. I was living, but felt dead inside. I knew I was meant to do more, accomplish more and be more. I was searching for my true “essence” in life. Are you? If so, Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the TVP-”twelve visions party” have a message you need to hear. Four months ago I was miserable, I worried constantly, I was angry and frustrated, and I was always the victim. I hated everything. My life was out of control, but if you saw me today you wouldn’t think I was the same person described above. Mark Hamilton, the Neothink society, and TVP-”twelve visions party” have shown me how life is meant to be lived. I have begun to live differently, to live with “Fully Integrated Honesty”. Mark Hamilton writes about this in his manuscripts. I have had my eyes opened, so to speak. I now accept responsibility for my actions and live up to standards I set for myself and no one else. I now have goals and a direction in my life, which I can definitively say are a direct result of my studies of Mark Hamilton’s many works. I don’t know what I can say to you to show you what Mark Hamilton, The Neo-think society and TVP have done for me, as it is a personal journey with deep mental and emotional euphoric roots. What I can tell you, “the reader”, of this my testimonial, is that you are an exceptional person for seeking the “truth” or what we in the Neothink society call “Fully Integrated Honesty.” Maybe you should give it a try. I leave you with best wishes and many future blessings, James William Munn

In the mainstream of today’s Society…

In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past,  there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses.  Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of sheeple.  These malleable sheeple have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).

By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self agrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the sheeple of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.

History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics.  The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were,  their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading.  The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.

However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite.  That is the Neothink Society.  Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand.  One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History  to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World.  The Neothink Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is.  But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.

The Neothink Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years.  I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preachings and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets.  Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me.  I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation.  Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.

Once having found the Neothink Society all of those questions and searchings for answers was no more.  I had found the answers to all of my wanderings.  The Neothink Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me.  I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were.  To plagarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’.  ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’

The Neothink Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that.  The Neothink Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them.  Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink Society literature.  It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical.  You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated.  You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not.  The Neothink Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.

A great Vision of the Neothink Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled).  This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business.  In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other.  It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another.  All will be equal, truly.  It will be a Political Party with no Politics.  It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.

Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrutp, malign and destroy the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)?  It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of couupt power.  They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink Society and the TVP.  Please do not let that happen.  Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming.  Take back your life, your Country.  Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.

I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.


Chris G

In the mainstream of today’s Society…

 In the mainstream of today’s Society, as well as in the past,  there have lurked many insidious individuals, groups and organizations with only their selfish intent to dominate, control and manipulate the masses for their personal gain at the expense of the unsuspecting and trusting masses.  Many illusions have been presented to the masses in order to orchestrate the complete manipulation of these bodies of sheeple.  These malleable sheeple have been fed much propaganda by the parasitical elite to have them blindly follow the tenets of their destructive teachings in order to lead them down a path of personal misinformation, ambiguity, confusion and non self realization of their true potential and to deny them the opportunity of true self governance and self leadership by obfuscating and distorting the reality of the true essence of a/the situation(s).

By keeping the peoples of the World ignorant of the true actual ‘what is’ of any given situation the parasitical elite that would wish to control and manipulate the masses for their own personal gain and self agrandizing egos are able to do this by distorting the true facts of reality and keep the sheeple of the World uninformed by feeding them untruths, half-truths, distortions and malicious mental fodder in order to divide and conquer them.

History is replete and complete with many examples of these many tricks, diversions and deliberately confusing tactics.  The parasitical elite are deathly afraid of their little gimmicks becoming known to the masses, for if they were,  their little reign of power would be no more as the masses became self educated and self leading.  The parasitical elite would be kicked to the curb as their corrupt methods were exposed and that is the last thing they would like to see.

However, there is now in actuality a Society that has exposed the corrupt methods and obfuscating manipulations of these parasitical elite.  That is the Neothink Society.  Once having familiarized oneself with the writings and teachings of this Neothink Society all of the cheating methods and gimmicks of the parasitical elite society are exposed for all of the peoples of the World to see and understand.  One can readily see how the power base of the parasitical elite society has been garnered and has been able throughout History  to manipulate, gain and keep control over the uninformed peoples of the World.  The Neothink Society will be portrayed to be the nemesis of all that is good and just in the parasitical elite society, and it is.  But it is the edification and exposing of information to you of the shenanigans of the parasitical elite society that they do not wish you to know about as it would dismantle their base of power and allow the peoples of the World to lead themselves and to realize their full potential as self actualizing Human ‘BE’ings.

The Neothink Society has opened my eyes wide to the indoctrinations of the parasitical elite society that has tried to lead me as they wished me to go, but had only succeeded in keeping me in a constant state of mental questioning, confusion and turmoil for the better part of fifty years.  I say tried because although I was in the midst of all of their teachings, preachings and tactics I somehow never felt really comfortable with what I was being force fed through all of their outlets.  Somehow the whole thing just did not gel with me.  I was constantly questioning and searching for answers for I felt deep down in my being that there had to be something ‘More’ to the equation.  Something that I was just not getting or had not found yet.

Once having found the Neothink Society all of those questions and searchings for answers was no more.  I had found the answers to all of my wanderings.  The Neothink Society provided the light and the clarity of the heretofore unknown to me.  I now saw the parasitical elite society’s ploys for what they were.  To plagarize, ‘I once was lost, but now am found’.  ‘I once was blind, but now I see.’

The Neothink Society can remove the veil of obfuscation from you, for you, if you are in need of that.  The Neothink Society has a great vision for all of the peoples of the World in order for them to manifest for themselves the true realization of all they are capable of becoming and to remove the shackles of the parasitical elite society that only wishes to keep them uninformed, ignorant and led as sheeple to do their bidding for them.  Discover for yourself the other side of the coin and to see the reality of the situation as it really is through the Neothink Society literature.  It is indisputable, irrefutable and totally logical.  You will be able to see through the illusions that your ‘Lords’ and ‘Masters’ do not wish you to see for you know not that you are being manipulated.  You may think you are ‘free’, yet you are not.  The Neothink Society will set you ‘free’ as it has done for me.

A great Vision of the Neothink Society is to ‘free’ all of the peoples (sheeple) of the World (Whirled).  This is to be done through a new wonderful Political Party movement called the Twelve Visions Party (TVP).  One of the goals of the TVP is to have Politics ran as a business, a successful business.  In it there will be no egos, no Lobbyists and no influential groups or favoritism of one over the other.  It will be ran as a business by businessmen and women with no Political aspirations for there will be no Political curry or favor to be gained, therefore no climbing through the Political ranks via your ability to curry favor or influence with one group over another.  All will be equal, truly.  It will be a Political Party with no Politics.  It will truly be a business organization streamlined for efficiency and productivity with little or no waste and only true and honest results at the end of the day for all.

Can you now see why the parasitical elite do not wish you to know of this and why they will do everything in their power to dismantle, thwart, impugn, disrutp, malign and destroy the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (Political – but yet not)?  It would be an end to their control over the masses and an end to their reign of couupt power.  They do not wish to lose that so they will denigrate in every way the efforts of the Neothink Society and the TVP.  Please do not let that happen.  Inform, educate and prepare yourself for the battle that is coming.  Take back your life, your Country.  Do it for yourself, your children and grandchildren, their progeny and your Family Tree.

I have made my stand and I will be with the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party as I see them as our only salvation.



Chris G

March 2025