Posts Tagged ‘trials and tribulations’

I am amazed everyday by what I learn with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.


I am amazed everyday by what I learn with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  I’m still pretty brand new with all of it but it is nothing short of phenomenal.  Things that never quite made sense all of my life, now do.  I am a single mother of two and am considered by others and myself an intelligent person.  After many trials and tribulations that can only be described as stuff you see in the movies, I was struggling with many areas of life.  Mark Hamilton’s literature and the Neothink Society have helped me with all of that and more.  I can’t thank him enough.  The ideas presented are just what everyone needs to at least hear and put thought into.  This world is in quite a crossroads and upheaval.  Anything new is always scary but if viewed with an open mind is very refreshing.  We all need to consider new and refreshing things with an open mind.  That is not only encouraged with Neothink but wanted.  I’m intrigued and excited to continue on this path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and encourage all of anyone to discover it for yourself; and make your own conclusions, don’t allow them to be made for you.  You will be amazed as well.  

Creation Coming!


I first received the Neothink Manuscript in the spring of 2008 at the end of my senior year of high school. Incredibly intrigued by the massive amount of information I was given the opportunity to absorb, I dug through the manuscripts with an open mind and eager heart. Around this time in my life, I had experienced great success. Just that year, I was the captain of the championship water polo team, a lead roll in the school musical, and the lead singer and guitarist in a rock band growing in popularity. Yet even with these successes, there were many things I was partaking in that I was not proud of.

Around that time, I was addicted to pot and the weekend night life. These habits were becoming destructive to my health, family and community relationships, and my mental functioning. Along with this, I was letting my mind get caught up in all the trials and tribulations occurring in the world. An example of this was my obsession and overwhelming worry about global warming.

Upon reading the Neothink Manuscripts, my focus concentrated upon the morally just and powerful person I could become. This inspired me to grab this opportunity by the reigns by doing all I could to improve my understanding of the Neothink material. My worries piece by piece drifted away as I learned to see through the illusions that are built up by the deceptive parasitical elites that control our precious world. I took Mark Hamilton’s amazing integrations and practiced them throughout all of the various areas of my life.

This amazing new part of my life breathes supreme value into my being that I cherish and utilize every day. I am now able to greatly appreciate the value I have created so far, and focus my efforts upon my talents that help me continue to create.
The supercharged life I now control with 100% responsibility is becoming exceptionally exciting. As I continue to add pieces to the great puzzle of my life, my aspiring music career is becoming a reality and every other aspect of my life is continually improving.

The Twelve Visions Party is an essential puzzle piece to giving us the amazing world of health, wealth, and peace we all deserve. I am currently helping out at my father’s hardware store which he has owned since he purchased it from his father almost 30 years ago. In this time, he has seen the taxes on small business go absolutely through the roof. Politician after politician has chosen to slyly spend away our countries hard earned money with the promises of a better land. As if that’s not enough, in this new age we are seeing our rights, given to us by our founders, one by one being stripped away. I REFUSE to let my generation give in to more of this corruption.

I believe the Twelve Visions Party can reshape our country because it is based on natural law, common sense, and business. I will strongly support and do my best to assist the Twelve Visions Party in making a better world an actual reality.

I have an immense amount of respect and gratitude to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink knowledge he has created. Neothink is downright an amazing integration of the capability of the minds we have all been gifted with.

-Austin Eames

March 2025