Posts Tagged ‘time thanks’

The information is priceless


Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I’ve been reading & studying your books for a few months now.  The information is priceless.  For the first time I’m reading something that understands me and providing an explanation for why things are so backwards.  When the movie Matrix came out I thought people would see things for what they really are.  Surprisingly they didn’t.  For years I would explain to friends and family members things that’s in your book.  Like, the things you did as a child is your true passion, or work on your dream for at least 2 hrs. a day after work.  Friends and family thought that was strange.  Your books help me realize that most people just don’t think for themselves.  Their afraid of their individuality (afraid of themselves).  Limited to what’s in front of them.  I’m afraid for them.

In 1983 I felt the recession when entering the labor force leaving high school.  In 1995 I started inventing new products in an attempt to create new jobs.  In 2000 I created events and programs to introduce the products to the market.  Though the projects we’re win-win situations for everyone involved I still couldn’t get the proper support.  In 2004 I became a 100% disabled veteran and gave up the fight to create jobs.  Though I stood to make a lot of money that wasn’t the only reason for creating new products.  From the way this country was going (still is) I predict a dramatic increase in violence in the near future due to lack of employment.

Your books is just what’s needed to bring the proper state of mind to the people in order to alter the destructive path we’re on.  The books made me realize I need to get back to work.  Hopefully it’ll be different this time.  Thanks!


P.S.  As a 100% disabled veteran (unemployability) we’re not allowed to own companies.  We’re also on a fixed income that doesn’t allow us to make any extra money.  To make matters worse, your not guaranteed your social security disability benefits (SSD), and if you haven’t worked for 5 yrs. without being granted your SSD your not eligible for SSD or SSI for life.  Even if you paid 20 yrs. into social security, unless you go back to work and give up your veteran benefits  (wonder if the guys/gals in our military know this?  I didn’t).

March 2025