Posts Tagged ‘time of my life’

When I first came into contact with Neothink and Mark Hamilton …

When I first came into contact with Neothink and Mark Hamilton, the timing could not have been better in my life. I was in a time of my life of rebuilding a new foundation and I was not sure what my beliefs were and why I believed what I believed. It was a time of deep questioning and searching.

When I read the Neothink literature and listened to Mark Hamilton’s talks, my experience was that it plugged me back into my life purpose and what it is that I am doing here with the gift of my life.

As I continued on my journey through Neothink, I felt completely healed on all levels, whole again, appreciated, recognized, and seen fully for the gifts and values that I bring into and create in the world.

Neothink has given me a completely different outlook and set of tools for getting my life on track, to where I want it to be.

As I think and write my story I'm eager to tell you the whole story …

As I think and write my story I’m eager to tell you the whole story, thinking when I was a little boy I always dreamed to be a Millionaire by the age of 40, but knowing how long it would take to write it, I will leave it for one day when I’m ready to write my book.

So, I start by telling you the short version, when I first received Mark Hamilton’s invitation to “Neothink” and how his teachings through manuscripts have change my life.

At this particular time of my life, I was in the verge of destruction, emotionally, physically, financially and very close to break up my family with two young children.

Mark Hamilton and “Neothink” along with his teachings came to the rescue!

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP
Out of no where during years of the most desperate financial and loneliest time of my life, I received a Orientation Booklet from Neothink after receiving a letter asking me if I would like to receive the booklet. At first I thought it was bologna, but I noticed the letter interested me so I asked for the booklet.
When I received the Orientation Booklet, I feel then, was when my life changed(this was a little less than four years ago). I couldn’t put it down. I read it and felt myself thinking, what if all this is true, wow, that’s the life I want to live. The booklet told me of things like, becoming wealthy, being more attractive to have a romantic love life, and many other things that I prayed for.
At this time, or prior actually, I spent years of not being able to pay my bills because of playing catch-up from a nasty break-up with an ex-girlfriend. Which led to long periods of loneliness because I never had the bucks to take a lady out or anything. Also at this time, I was a Born-again Christian I was kinda backsliding as they say, but I still believed in Christ as my personal Savior. During this time I studied the bible, and other supplemental books using the bible, and prayed, and prayed, and begged, and pleaded with god to answer me or help me. Nothing. I went to churches, talked to other believers, everything I could think of and, Nothing.
After I had the booklet a few days, and studied every word in it, I thought and thought, and saw that it was worth trying. So I scraped up the money to purchase the first heirloom pkg. It was the thickest book I ever had, but I studied it like a mad-man. Hours and hours everyday. I was so excited, I could hardly stand it. I couldn’t wait to get back to that book to learn everything I could. As I’m looking back on it now, I was very happy. I was happy and I was exerting myself in reading and studying like never before. I read that heirloom thru twice. I started applying things I learned and it was incredible at what I could do. Without even realizing it, I was becoming intelligent, clear thinking, and focused. I couldn’t wait to get the second heirloom pkg. As soon as I got it, same thing, I studied and studied, and I was so happy. I learned even more tools and more ways to enhance the tools I learned prior. Plus, I learned how to be myself with great pride and fulfillment. I wasn’t such a looser. Then, when I received the third pkg, well, I knew then, I will never ever go back to the stagnant life I was living before. It was amazing. I will not speak of the things within them, because that is for anyone to find out for themselves. I will say, the pure honesty and firm but gentle control within all those pages are so much more worth the nominal fee(note: at the time I was broke and barely came up with the money, not because it cost a lot, but because I was broke) for the books or the effort it takes to study them. But I did it, and anyone else can too. You can actually make your dreams come true.

Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past

One year ago, I received your invitation to read the prime literature and I must say it came at the right time of my life. I had just experienced a 9 year nightmare after loosing one of my two sons in a car accident on a Christmas eve. This event led me to a series of bad decisions that ended my marriage of 38 years. My other son had no interest in following my footsteps in the business so I really had no purpose in living. My depression took over my life and other illnesses developed including cancer of the prostate, four by pass heart surgery, diabetes and a ruptured appendix. I though I was going to die soon, but I wanted to live so I got involved in several relationships with younger women but my religious beliefs did not allow me to be happy, I was always feeling guilty of my actions and so I ended them. My last relationship ended just 4 months ago after trying to make some sense of my life. She was a good person but we disagree too much in managing the business that we started together from scratch and also in managing her family matters. I was not happy at all, I was getting sick with every decision made so your letter gave the courage to end this relationship and start a new life. I have regain my sanity and even though I live alone in a small apartment, I feel free of pressures that harm my health and do only those things that I want to do. I have taken steps to improve my health by going regularly to a gym and doing exercises 3 to 5 times a week. Secondly I decided to open a small office and return to my real estate business as my second FNE next to beginning an
A Team and initiating the first TVP in El Paso Texas with your approval . My purpose for living has increased to help make this world a better place to live for my son and my two grandsons and every generation to come. I strongly believe that this world is the only place where we can live our lives, and be happy as value creators not as value destroyers. I am ready to do my part in moving forward the Twelve Visions World . Thank you Mark Hamilton
Mark Hamilton’s Multi-Generational Manuscripts are life changing. Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past and opened the door to the person that I am meant to be. I am passionate about our future in the Neothink Society. The Twelve Visions Party is the beginning of a whole new world. A world without poverty and crime. A world of peace and love.
Jill S

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton

i robert b learned in the Neothink literature a lot of interesting information and it all seems to be true most people do not realize these things about life unless brought to their attention bringing these things to light will help many people and in the long run help everybody it is all very enlightening.

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP

Out of nowhere during years of the most desperate financial and loneliest time of my life, I received a Orientation Booklet from Neothink after receiving a letter asking me if I would like to receive the booklet. At first I thought it was bologna, but I noticed the letter interested me so I asked for the booklet.

When I received the Orientation Booklet, I feel then, was when my life changed(this was a little less than four years ago). I couldn’t put it down. I read it and felt myself thinking, what if all this is true, wow, that’s the life I want to live. The booklet told me of things like, becoming wealthy, being more attractive to have a romantic love life, and many other things that I prayed for.

At this time, or prior actually, I spent years of not being able to pay my bills because of playing catch-up from a nasty break-up with an ex-girlfriend. Which led to long periods of loneliness because I never had the bucks to take a lady out or anything. Also at this time, I was a Born-again Christian I was kind of backsliding as they say, but I still believed in Christ as my personal Savior. During this time I studied the bible, and other supplemental books using the bible, and prayed, and prayed, and begged, and pleaded with god to answer me or help me. Nothing. I went to churches, talked to other believers, everything I could think of and, Nothing.

After I had the booklet a few days, and studied every word in it, I thought and thought, and saw that it was worth trying. So I scraped up the money to purchase the first heirloom pkg. It was the thickest book I ever had, but I studied it like a mad-man. Hours and hours everyday. I was so excited, I could hardly stand it.I couldn’t wait to get back to that book to learn everything I could. As I’m looking back on it now, I was very happy. I was happy and I was exerting myself in reading and studying like never before. I read that heirloom thru twice. I started applying things I learned and it was incredible at what I could do. Without even realizing it, I was becoming intelligent, clear thinking, and focused. I couldn’t wait to get the second heirloom pkg. As soon as I got it, same thing, I studied and studied, and I was so happy. I learned even more tools and more ways to enhance the tools I learned prior. Plus, I learned how to be myself with great pride and fulfillment. I wasn’t such a looser. Then, when I received the third pkg, well, I knew then, I will never ever go back to the stagnant life I was living before. It was amazing. I will not speak of the things within them, because that is for anyone to find out for themselves. I will say, the pure honesty and firm but gentle control within all those pages are so much more worth the nominal fee (note: at the time I was broke and barely came up with the money, not because it cost alot, but because I was broke) for the books or the effort it takes to study them. But I did it, and anyone else can too. You can actually make your dreams come true.

March 2025