Posts Tagged ‘time mark’

deeper than deep

I will simply say this. If we are going to see a global awakening in our life time, Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets is truly laying an unbreakable foundation on wich to build it! There is nothing else like this to be found in the world of literature…

Mark Hamilton is an individual who can be conveniently described as being ahead of his time

Mark Hamilton is an individual who can be conveniently described as being ahead of his time. Like many innovators whose panoramic findings left the stagnant status quo mentality of society in the dust, it is to be expected that Mark Hamilton will be attacked as a charlatan and a fraud. A prime example of such a man is Galileo, who based on his numerous, diligent observations of celestial movements deduced that earth and the other planets revolve around the sun rather than the earth. This accurate view earned him the condemnation of heresy rather than the laudatory praises that such a scientific breakthrough deserved.
Neothink is the evolution human thinking. Emphasis is put upon the individual to take responsibility in their lives by creating values for themselves and others. The vehicle for achieving this superior reality is conscious thinking. It requires an open mind and the ability to examine things at face value. Truth and reality flow into insights that emerge as a big picture, a vision of the future.
The Twelve Visions Party seeks to achieve an elevated existence based on the rights of the individual. This is a sentiment that very closely parallels the idea that each person is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A community of individuals introducing innovative values to the public through the free marketplace is certain to exponentially raise our quality of life on a global scale.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever…

Dear Mark,
I received your first heirloom book on Neothink in September 2008. It was as if a strong gravitational pull entered my life. It was difficult to put the book down. While there was so much new material, there was also so much validation of what I had been feeling for a long time. Mark Hamilton, Neothink was one of the most powerful forces to ever come into my life. No sooner than I could move through Volume 1, Volume 2 arrived. It was as if I was returning to graduate school. I was amazed at the amount of detail provided on the importance of integration and pro-active management. The essence of success was defined clearly and reinforced through volumes of anecdotal, real world experiences. Then, with the arrival of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, it all began to come together. Neothink is an incredibly powerful life lesson; it is an inspiring set of solutions to the picture puzzle of our lives and how to live them to the fullest.
I wish you every success in leading Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party. Your leadership has inspired many of us who seek to find the essence of life. As America faces its most challenging times since its founding, I am excited to see the Twelve Visions Party enter the political arena. Its potential contribution to our democracy could be extraordinary.
With all the power of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I am most grateful.
William W. “Bill” Ditz

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.  I am not even 6 months with you. What a journey! How much I have learned in that time!  Mark Hamilton with the literature and training in the Neothink Society has given me a new lease on life (65 years).  The Twelve Visions Party is given us a new society based truly on the people and totally founded in reality.  What a concept!

Waking up without fear and worry, knowing that with our own creativity we can build our business, provide for our family, becoming wealthy in the process – not poor and unfulfilled and bitter.  I could go on and on…..but please look at the websites.  The world – all of us –  move between half truths and lies. Here is the place for us to change it in our lives.

Grateful for All of You, Samantha B.



I learned of Mark Hamilton two years ago. Since then I have read His books, they have help me very much. I’m 67 years young. I’m self educated. My interest are not just one thing. It is everything in the universe. My magazines are; Astronomy, CAR and DRIVER, Smithsonian, Time, Electronic PRODUCTS. I do a lot of reading on the Internet. One thing I really love reading about is James J Hill. He built the Railrods up north, going to Seatle Area. He did not stop there, He had a fleet of ships that went to Japan and Chine at the turn of the century (1900). If it wasn’t for Mark, I would never have known about Him and other great Americans. Yes Mark, I’m VERY PROUD TO KNOW YOU. Yes, You are my MENTOR. I have known about religion for a very long time. Mark has brought REALITY to what I already know.

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton

Thank you from my heart Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party.  I am not even 6 months with you. What a journey! How much I have learned in that time!  Mark Hamilton with the literature and training in the Neothink Society has given me a new lease on life (65 years).  The Twelve Visions Party is given us a new society based truly on the people and totally founded in reality.  What a concept!

Waking up without fear and worry, knowing that with our own creativity we can build our business, provide for our family, becoming wealthy in the process – not poor and unfulfilled and bitter.  I could go on and on…..but please look at the websites.  The world – all of us –  move between half truths and lies. Here is the place for us to change it in our lives.

Grateful for All of You, Samantha B.

March 2025