Posts Tagged ‘time in my life’

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Knowing full well how even you’re undoubtedly, masterfully orchestrated mini-day schedule is, nonetheless, better served when the tasks/movements being fed into it are kept shorter, rather than otherwise (Michael is constantly reminding us to be respectful of your time), I will attempt to keep this brief.
First, in terms of where I’m coming from philosophically, I must mention Harry Browne‘s How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.  I read this several decades ago, during a period of time in my life when personal experience had already made it abundantly clear there were something very wrong with the “American dream”.  I was doing those things supposedly quintessential in demonstrating achievement of this “dream”, and I couldn’t have been more miserable.  It was only my heavy involvement in competitive sports kept me from going completely insane.  I don’t know if you’ve read it.  It’s been so many years, too many years; a future task for me is picking up a copy, so I can read it again.  Anyway, in case you haven’t read it, Mr. Browne  zooms in on each one of our country’s primary systems: government, law enforcement, health care, etc., etc., and describes what’s wrong with each one of them and why.  The why always boils down to the fact the individuals in our society have given away their personal responsibility in terms of whom and how these systems are being run.  As I recall, Mr. Browne’s  primary purpose in writing this book was to make people aware of what’s going on; so, they could avoid the pitfalls created by the establishment to take advantage of the fact people just have not done the things needed to protect their individual freedom.
Therefore, while my awareness and understanding of the human condition in this country has been way above the norm, not until I read the three masterpieces written primarily by you and your father, did I realize there truly existed something we, as individuals, could do about it.  So, when I saw via the web there was an opportunity to meet with a group of Society members in the SF Bay Area, I jumped on it.  When the chance to join an A-Team popped up, I jumped on it.  When no one wanted to be team secretary, well… it kind of jumped on me.  And in a large sense due to Otto’s prodding encouragement, I’ve made my way up the TVP ranks — from TVPCA Secretary to Western Regional Co-Coordinator and finally National TVP Secretary; which is quite an honor, and the hallmark achievement in my life so far.
Although my path to this pedestal may have been paved as much by good fortune than any noteworthy degree of expertise, this does not diminish in any way how I feel about it.  As a retired chiropractor, the amount of free time I have has not only allowed me to continue performing key duties on my A-Team, on the TVPCA, and on the National Committee, but also fostered a high degree of synergy between all of them.
Finally, based upon my understanding of the Prime Literature, I’m in complete alignment with the ultimate goal of achieving B.I. for all of mankind and replacing the anti-civilization with the Twelve Visions World.  I believe within the pages of the Prime Literature lies the formula to rescue a world exhibiting far too many signs and symptoms easily, yet disturbingly associated with ultimate disaster.  I also believe the TVP is the way to lift the first of the three anchors, forged by the disease of mysticism, holding us in darkness.  Being co-host of my A-Team’s Sunday Heirloom Review, combined with how I’ve handled my responsibilities up to this point, I hope you know I am quite aware of how the TVP plans on accomplishing the task at hand.  Therefore, I’ll resist the temptation to reproduce all the details (I did say I was going to keep this brief, and I have a hunch I have already stretched to the limit the meaning of that word), and simply close by saying I am completely devoted to everything you and the Society stand for.  You can count on me to remain a proud and stalwart Visionary here in California, doing what I can to recruit others, as we march forward to reach the tipping point before it is too late.
A few nights ago, I had a thought.  I’d like to call it a Vision – a Thirteenth Vision; because it involves the Twelve Visions Party: “The Party That Will Make All the People Rich, Including the Poor”.
My Vision showed me it will do far more than that.  It will take all 12 of the Twelve Visions out of the Prime Literature, and make those Visions a living, breathing part of every conscious being alive on this planet – now and forevermore.
Therefore, the Twelve Visions Anti-Political Party can and will bring instant, true happiness all the time to all the people.
We’ve caught a glimpse of what the NT Warriors can do.  Soon we will see what the TVP, the TV Peacemakers can do.
This transformation will occur one registered TVP voter at a time, one signed TVP Contract at a time, one self-leading Visionary at a time.
So, please, please, I implore you, for your sake, for our sake, for the sake of all humanity, read the Prime Law – the Fundamental of Protection, read the TVP Contract; then, if you sign it and/or register to vote for the TVP, you can rest assured the World is one step closer to becoming the kind of place it was always meant to be.
I’m keeping a list of each person I enlist in this growing movement. I encourage you to do the same.
If I have two people on my list, you have two on yours, and so on, this form of exponential doubling merely needs to happen 17 times and California will have what it needs to put TVP Candidates on the ballot; only nine more times after that to surpass the 50 million tipping point in the US — and, from there, THE WORLD.  
Happiness comes by simply being a part of this greatest of movements.
The same happiness waits for you.

My lifes story


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some more and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and was blessed with two beautiful children. Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years. And in 1993 I found myself divorced. By the time the first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family. But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life. I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you that wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast. Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought all the multigenerational manuscripts. I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value unrivaled to any knowledge that I gather in the past. That knowledge has turned me from a follower into a self leader once again. I may not be financially rich yet. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. I am rich with an amazing array of knowledge. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a member of the Neothink Society. I just became a New NTWarrior. And I honestly support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can Escape this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds. Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society.

A little story of my journey


As I grew up in the 60’s religion was a big part of my family life. Growing up in an old school Portuguese environment. Bible study on Saturday and church on Sunday. As I reached my teen years I started to rebel. Bad friends drugs and running wild became the norm. Then I decided to join the Marines in 1972.That helped me to grow up some and help me to become a self leader. Then in 1973. I got married and wife gave me two beautiful children.

Even though we married for the wrong reasons. We stood together for 19 long years.And in 1993 I found myself getting divorced. By the time that first Christmas without my family came I was a Heroin & Cocaine smoking snorting Addict Alcoholic Pot smoking fiend. Trying to kill myself during that first Christmas without my family.But some how I found away to see myself in the mirror for the first time in my life.

I realized I need to do something before my children looses their father. So I had to self teach myself how to love myself all over again. Which in turn taught me how to respect myself. And let me tell you! That wasn’t an easy task to do in fact it was the hardest thing I ever done in my life. And in the process of going through all that. I started to do searches on the computer for a better way because what I was doing was going nowhere fast.
Then out of the blue I got a white envelope with red strips on it from some unknown. I opened it and read it. I have to admit! That letter peaked my interest a lot.The letter was from Mark Hamilton. And let me tell you that insignificant letter changed my whole life by changing my way of thinking. I quickly read all the letters that were sent to me. An I bought the first heirloom which was amazing. So I bought the second heirloom and that too is an amazing book. Then I bought the third heirloom. That right it too is amazing.

I gained knowledge I never knew existed. And that knowledge I’m speaking of has value for me that to me unrivaled any knowledge I had up to that point in my life. That knowledge has turned me from a person that knew the self leader in me and forgetting later on down road. After getting out of the services. I went right back to being the follower that I learned to be. But as soon as I got into my multigenerational manuscripts all that changed me into a self leader once again.

I may not be financially rich yet but I am on that road to becoming rich. And so is everyone else who has the knowledge and those that don’t have the knowledge will also gain riches too. But that will come no doubt in my mind it will come. As for right now I am on track to being financially using the amazing array of knowledge from the multigenerational manuscripts. And because of all that knowledge. I’m now a Neothinker. And now I support and believe in the TVP. For our country need this TVP so we can make this country the greatest place on earth. And this AC we find ourselves in now that seems to be getting worst by the seconds.

Things need to change have to change and must change not just for us but for our children and our children’s children and beyond. That is why I support the TVP.
A special Thanks to Mark Hamilton and to his family. And to all my Neothinking Brothers and Sisters of the Neothink Society. AND POWER TO THE TVP AND THE PEOPLE OF THE USE!!

No more Illusions


I first began receiving invitations to read Neothink literature from Mark Hamilton some years ago. But because I had grown up in, and was still a part of a high control religious cult, I held back from taking advantage of the opportunity, even though I really wanted to. You see, the illusionary cult that I had been brought up in basically forbade its members to read outside literature. This was how they kept tyrannical control over everyone. I eventually broke out of that cult but I was still without any real direction in life and was still affected by the illusions that have been foisted onto us by religion and the political system.

Despite my non-response to their invitations for me to read Neothink literature, the Neothink Society did not give up on me.

And I am forever grateful to Mark Hamilton for his continued confidence in me that I really was a person who could
be valuable to this world.

After I finally responded and obtained the Neothink literature, the information immediately resonated with me.All of my questions about life and the purpose of my existence were answered.I became so excited about life for the first time in my life.

I continued to obtain every piece of Neothink literature that was offered to me. I read it voratiously. I benefited from each one in more ways than I could have imagined.

The Neothink Society and the Neothink literature has made me strong, self-sufficient, and has even given me the desire and the courage to work on opening my own business. Prior to being introduced to the Neothink Society, and the literature, I never thought I would ever even want to have a business of my own.
Additionally, before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society came into my life, I also did not know what I really wanted to do in life. But after reading one particular piece of their literature, the epiphany that was promised to me really happened. And when it happened I literally jumped into the air!That epiphany showed me that I really love teaching and science and I have always really wanted to be a teacher and a scientist. I was so excited about finally realizing what I should be doing with my life that I walked away from 19 years of civil service employment with no regret and no looking back, to become an entry level scientist and assistant teacher for a small company even at the age of 46. But since I really want my own science company, I am taking integrated steps to eventually open my own science education business.

So, thank you Mark Hamilton, and the Neothink Society!
Your confidence in me as a person, has erased all of the illusions.

Charles Riley

Wake Up America!


About five years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, little did I know that my life was about to be changed from a life of stagnation to an exhilarating life of creation.  At that time in my life I spent most of my time playing video games. I responded to the letter, Mark Hamilton sent to me and I ordered a book from him. When that first book arrived it was too big to fit into my mailbox so I had to go to the post office to pick it up. Except, to learn something specific I hadn’t read a book in 20 years, so as you can imagine when I saw this first book with over 1000 pages I was quite intimidated. I haven’t played a video game in over three years, because I don’t have time to waste in a life of stagnation.

I started reading and my life started changing for the better. I found myself so interested in this first book that I was reading 10 hours a day, instead of getting up in the morning and playing video games I was immersing myself in this prime literature I received from Mark Hamilton. I ended up ordering two more books, and both of them were very large. Inside the pages of these manuscripts I found that I had a desire to learn. I have continued to read and study every day to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

Because of Mark Hamilton I joined the Neothink® ® Society three years ago. Since joining I have met people from all over the United States, and Canada. The friendships I have made in the past three years are lifelong friendships filled with fully integrated honesty and love! Inside the Neothink® ® Society is a group of like-minded individuals who realize something just isn’t quite right with the way our government is running this country and we are working to correct the injustices and illusions that are being put over on the American people.

While reading the third manuscript, I became interested in the current political structure in this country. I no longer went along with the status quo; I began seeing the destructive nature of career politicians. I began understanding the need within myself, to help with restructuring, what is right now a corrupt government system in this country and bringing to it a fully integrated and honest system of government. With the Prime Law (see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform on the website) as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end an era of corrupt Career politicians and bring a New Beginning to the political arena filled with Honest Businessmen and Women.

We had our first Twelve Visions Party® National Convention on July 18, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. I was quite honored to have been the first speaker and the last speaker of the day at this historic event. I recite the Prime Law each and every day, the Prime Law is in my mind and in my heart; it has become an integral part of who I am. From this one Prime Law which is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will bring universal wealth, health and peace which has never before been known on this planet. Thank you, Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.

We have had over 200 years of career politicians, breaking down the United States Constitution and now our current government is attempting to bring socialism to this country. It is time for us, “We the People” to stand up and let our voices be heard. We can no longer stand by and let a government filled with career politicians, whose personal agendas are destroying the U.S. Constitution and taking away our freedom, which the founding fathers of this country fought and died to Create.

The media in this country is controlled by a parasitical elite class that wants to keep the American people, ignorant so they can be easily controlled. If you are among those who believe the propaganda the parasitical elite class (the media) wants you to believe, then you need to start studying Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature so that your eyes will be opened to what is really happening with the current political system in this country!

The Twelve Visions Party® with its Prime Law, written by Mark Hamilton is the only chance this country has to recover from the degradation that 200+ years of career politicians has brought to this country. Wake Up America and see through to what really is! Never before have we had this chance; let’s restore the U.S. Constitution to what it was in the beginning of this country, and with the Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution we will ensure that never again will a corrupt government be allowed to take away our rights, our freedom!

Wake up America, before it’s too late!

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes, and bringing me into a life of Value Creation.

Kenneth T


To put it straight, Mark Hamilton probably saved my life!

Some 15+ years ago I was at a very dangerous time in my life.

I was in a crisis personally and I very seriously considered suicide as my only option for dealing with my problems.

I was emotionally broken, physically a mess, and there was no one I felt I could turn to who could explain to me what I was going through, let alone help me get through it.

I was confused and felt totally alone in the world. 

Family, friends, even the doctors, the psychiatrists and psychologists, the so called experts, provided nothing to help except some drugs and BS “talk therapy” which only served to mask what was really going on with me.

I was truly at a loss in my life and then, almost as if by divine intervention, I received an interesting letter in the mail…it was from Mark Hamilton.

I read the letter and something clicked for me…I suddenly felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time, I felt a glimmer of hope in my life.

Slowly I started to wake up from my confusion and I started seeing my life, and the world, in a completely different way.

I began to feel better and the feeling just kept getting stronger and stronger.

Well, to make a long story short, I was able to safely get through this traumatic time in my life and I can honestly say it was in large part because of Mark Hamilton and his works.

Today I am eternally thankful to Mr. Hamilton and hope to meet him personally someday and shake his hand.


James B

Brenda H


Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wish to try express to you in words how truly grateful I am, to you and your family for this chance you have given me to change my life for the better.  Without your help through your writings and my precious collection of M.G. Manuscripts I would not have ever been able to see through the illusions.
As I recognize my mysticisms and begin to rid myself of them, I feel a comfort inside of me that I have not felt before. Even though many areas of my past have disintegrated, as well as my old relationship, I see a new picture piece that will fit into place in this large puzzle and help to change many lives for the better. 
I feel the most wonderful opportunity is right before me, without your writings I never would have seen the common denominators that helped me to see where I wanted to go.  An opportunity that is so large, I find myself at times crying tears of joy.  I also realize that I can have more than just one piece  in the beautiful puzzle that we will integrate together through our efforts and values that we put into society, with the TVP and you Mark Hamilton us safely into a better world, and to the pure honest good of humanity.
I wish to give my thanks to the Neothink Society and to the many members who have put so much of their time and love into building and sharing their many values and integrations with other members. I will always honor this time in my life and look forward to meeting other members in the future.
With the Twelve Visions Party and all of the Neothink Society members I feel so much hope for the future of my family and my grandchildren.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.
Brenda H

Wake Up America!


I cannot explain how much the Neothinksociety has organized my business and my life. Before receiving the secrets that i now know, i was very unorganized and just another sheep in society. Now that i have the knowledge from NEOTHINK i am on my way to living a very SUCCESFULL LIFE.

Wake Up America!

About five years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, little did I know that my life was about to be changed from a life of stagnation to an exhilarating life of creation. At that time in my life I spent most of my time playing video games. I responded to the letter, Mark Hamilton sent to me and I ordered a book from him. When that first book arrived it was too big to fit into my mailbox so I had to go to the post office to pick it up. Except, to learn something specific I hadn’t read a book in 20 years, so as you can imagine when I saw this first book with over 1000 pages I was quite intimidated. I haven’t played a video game in over three years, because I don’t have time to waste in a life of stagnation.

I started reading and my life started changing for the better. I found myself so interested in this first book that I was reading 10 hours a day, instead of getting up in the morning and playing video games I was immersing myself in this prime literature I received from Mark Hamilton. I ended up ordering two more books, and both of them were very large. Inside the pages of these manuscripts I found that I had a desire to learn. I have continued to read and study every day to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

Because of Mark Hamilton I joined the Neothink® Society three years ago. Since joining I have met people from all over the United States, and Canada. The friendships I have made in the past three years are lifelong friendships filled with fully integrated honesty and love! Inside the Neothink® Society is a group of like-minded individuals who realize something just isn’t quite right with the way our government is running this country and we are working to correct the injustices and illusions that are being put over on the American people.

While reading the third manuscript, I became interested in the current political structure in this country. I no longer went along with the status quo; I began seeing the destructive nature of career politicians. I began understanding the need within myself, to help with restructuring, what is right now a corrupt government system in this country and bringing to it a fully integrated and honest system of government. With the Prime Law (see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform on the website) as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end an era of corrupt Career politicians and bring a New Beginning to the political arena filled with Honest Businessmen and Women.

We had our first Twelve Visions Party® National Convention on July 18, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. I was quite honored to have been the first speaker and the last speaker of the day at this historic event. I recite the Prime Law each and every day, the Prime Law is in my mind and in my heart; it has become an integral part of who I am. From this one Prime Law which is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will bring universal wealth, health and peace which has never before been known on this planet. Thank you, Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.

We have had over 200 years of career politicians, breaking down the United States Constitution and now our current government is attempting to bring socialism to this country. It is time for us, “We the People” to stand up and let our voices be heard. We can no longer stand by and let a government filled with career politicians, whose personal agendas are destroying the U.S. Constitution and taking away our freedom, which the founding fathers of this country fought and died to Create.

The media in this country is controlled by a parasitical elite class that wants to keep the American people, ignorant so they can be easily controlled. If you are among those who believe the propaganda the parasitical elite class (the media) wants you to believe, then you need to start studying Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature so that your eyes will be opened to what is really happening with the current political system in this country!

The Twelve Visions Party® with its Prime Law, written by Mark Hamilton is the only chance this country has to recover from the degradation that 200+ years of career politicians has brought to this country. Wake Up America and see through to what really is! Never before have we had this chance; let’s restore the U.S. Constitution to what it was in the beginning of this country, and with the Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution we will ensure that never again will a corrupt government be allowed to take away our rights, our freedom!

Wake up America, before it’s too late!

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes, and bringing me into a life of Value Creation.

Kenneth T

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society reached me at a crucial time in my life.  I had gone through some pretty tough times up until then, with failed relationships, financial troubles, and depression.  Mark Hamilton’s first letter reached my mailbox at just the right time.

Organized religion was doing nothing for me.  Instead of sending me the positive message of love that was meant for us, there were fat cat neocheaters pounding their pulpits telling me just how worthless I was.  To top it all off, after making me feel lower than I felt before I walked into their buildings, they begged me for my money at the end of it all!  How dishonest is that?!

Our government was doing my family and me no favors, either.  That was during the “stimulus check” (so-called tax rebate) time.  By the government’s simple calculations, I was a single parent with two dependent children and a good paying job.  I should have been handed a fat check for $900.  Instead, I was penalized.  According the fine print (they always get you with the fine print), I made too much money.  So, they deducted percentages for that.  Second, my son was 17 years old (and in high school); therefore, he was not considered a dependent child under their guidelines.  So, I was “stimulated” to the tune of about $130, while lazy, dishonest government dependent zombies were getting full checks!  Since that time, it’s only gotten more dishonest and hypocritical.

Shortly after Mark Hamilton’s first letter, I was reading my first Neothink® Society text.  I knew I was stepping out on a limb, but WOW!! It was an eye-opener.  It opened my eyes to the farce that is organized religion.  I realized I didn’t need someone to scream and yell at me to know what was good and right for me.  I knew it all along!  I didn’t need some talking head with a “D” or “R” attached to the end of his name to tell me what was right or wrong with our Great Nation. I knew it all along!!  I realized how churches and governments have been ruling mankind for centuries through false guilt, contrived fear, and brute force, often hand-in-hand.

My life has improved drastically since my introduction to Neothink®. I no longer believe in the lies set before me by government officials from either of the major political parties.  I know that their real job is to keep us divided with hot-button, polarizing issues, while they keep lining their pockets and exercising their dishonest power for personal gain.  I no longer submit to the will of false speaking religious leaders.  I, instead, listen to my own conscience, with the full knowledge of right and wrong that I was born with.

Neothink® is not atheism, as religious leaders would have you think.  It is SEEING through to what is real and claiming responsibility for your own actions.  Neothink® is not anarchy, as government leaders would have you think.  It is self-governance and doing what is right all of the time, without loopholes and dodges. It is the death knell of petty bureaucracy and political fiefdoms.  It is seeing and defying false external authority in your life.

The Twelve Visions Party is coming!  Are sick of the status quo?  Do you want honesty from your elected officials?  Do you want accountability? Do you want your government to stop spending us all into the poor house? Then TVP is for you!  TVP candidates will be people who understand and live Neothink®.  They will be men and women of honor who do what is right.  They will be honest in their words and actions.  They will not seek office to “lead” you.  They will seek office to work with you and for you to bring us out of this anti-civilization we now live in.

Lloyd W


Wake Up America!

I cannot explain how much the Neothinksociety has organized my business and my life. Before receiving the secrets that i now know, i was very unorganized and just another sheep in society. Now that i have the knowledge from NEOTHINK i am on my way to living a very SUCCESFULL LIFE.

Wake Up America!

About five years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, little did I know that my life was about to be changed from a life of stagnation to an exhilarating life of creation. At that time in my life I spent most of my time playing video games. I responded to the letter, Mark Hamilton sent to me and I ordered a book from him. When that first book arrived it was too big to fit into my mailbox so I had to go to the post office to pick it up. Except, to learn something specific I hadn’t read a book in 20 years, so as you can imagine when I saw this first book with over 1000 pages I was quite intimidated. I haven’t played a video game in over three years, because I don’t have time to waste in a life of stagnation.

I started reading and my life started changing for the better. I found myself so interested in this first book that I was reading 10 hours a day, instead of getting up in the morning and playing video games I was immersing myself in this prime literature I received from Mark Hamilton. I ended up ordering two more books, and both of them were very large. Inside the pages of these manuscripts I found that I had a desire to learn. I have continued to read and study every day to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

Because of Mark Hamilton I joined the Neothink® Society three years ago. Since joining I have met people from all over the United States, and Canada. The friendships I have made in the past three years are lifelong friendships filled with fully integrated honesty and love! Inside the Neothink® Society is a group of like-minded individuals who realize something just isn’t quite right with the way our government is running this country and we are working to correct the injustices and illusions that are being put over on the American people.

While reading the third manuscript, I became interested in the current political structure in this country. I no longer went along with the status quo; I began seeing the destructive nature of career politicians. I began understanding the need within myself, to help with restructuring, what is right now a corrupt government system in this country and bringing to it a fully integrated and honest system of government. With the Prime Law (see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform on the website) as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end an era of corrupt Career politicians and bring a New Beginning to the political arena filled with Honest Businessmen and Women.

We had our first Twelve Visions Party® National Convention on July 18, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. I was quite honored to have been the first speaker and the last speaker of the day at this historic event. I recite the Prime Law each and every day, the Prime Law is in my mind and in my heart; it has become an integral part of who I am. From this one Prime Law which is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will bring universal wealth, health and peace which has never before been known on this planet. Thank you, Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.

We have had over 200 years of career politicians, breaking down the United States Constitution and now our current government is attempting to bring socialism to this country. It is time for us, “We the People” to stand up and let our voices be heard. We can no longer stand by and let a government filled with career politicians, whose personal agendas are destroying the U.S. Constitution and taking away our freedom, which the founding fathers of this country fought and died to Create.

The media in this country is controlled by a parasitical elite class that wants to keep the American people, ignorant so they can be easily controlled. If you are among those who believe the propaganda the parasitical elite class (the media) wants you to believe, then you need to start studying Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature so that your eyes will be opened to what is really happening with the current political system in this country!

The Twelve Visions Party® with its Prime Law, written by Mark Hamilton is the only chance this country has to recover from the degradation that 200+ years of career politicians has brought to this country. Wake Up America and see through to what really is! Never before have we had this chance; let’s restore the U.S. Constitution to what it was in the beginning of this country, and with the Prime Law as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution we will ensure that never again will a corrupt government be allowed to take away our rights, our freedom!

Wake up America, before it’s too late!

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes, and bringing me into a life of Value Creation.

Kenneth T

March 2025