Posts Tagged ‘thoughts and ideas’

I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I want to personally think you for inviting me into the Neothink Society. When I received your invitation I was already on a personal journey and mission of fulfilling my true essence. My best friend and I had broken away from society and left our homes and jobs because we knew there was a better way to live life. We left a life of lies, negative relationships and lost hopes and desires. We had basically had enough of the lies and financial draining from those that we thought were our loved ones for whom we had lived our whole lives with including some family members and relationships. My friend and I had come from different families but our situation was the same and upon joining forces gave us the strength and wherewithal to break away.
I had always been a lost soul looking for my way but it slowly occurred to me that I was always living my life for the benefit of others who took advantage of my ignorance. This realization occurred only after I had left because I was so much blinded by the false life that I was in that I could not see clearly. Upon reading the multigenerational manuscripts my mind started to clear of all the false data that I was operating under. At times all of a sudden thoughts and ideas would became so crystal clear and it made me feel happy and more secure in my understanding of life. It’s takes a little while for your mind to process the information and clean out the false data but it is an on going process and each time you understand life a little more and your awareness comes up as well. Happiness fills your soul because you’re finally breaking free to be who you were meant to be.
I feel like my life has been blessed for having an association with the Neothink Society. At last I am with an honest group of people who want so badly to live life to its fullest. We are very much so fortunate to have the guidance of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. A new world is right in front of us. Let’s all just grab a hold of it and don’t look back. The TVP is beyond reform. It is the beginning of the Twelve Visions World. Let’s all be proud to be the first humans on earth to shatter the past and break free from all of the political lies and blast our selves into this new and exciting era for the rest of mankind.
Best Regards, William L.

When I was introduced to the Neothink Society…

to who it may concern,
i think the twelve visions is a good foundation for society to follow in their lives. the Neothink society has a lot to offer society. their thoughts and ideas help people realize their potential in society. one to follow their Friday night essences and help themselves improve their lives through thoughts of accomplishment in their lives.
two to improve their health in realizing their freedom to improve their life style.
three to follow their dreams as to the life they want to live and prosper in dealings with life. these are a few of the influence the society has to offer to every person in the society. government has too strong restrictions of life improvements trying to control a person’s life and actions. so many rules and restrictions to govern the public.
leaving people to lead stale lives with no advancement to think for themselves.
its time for a change politics as we know them has down nothing for the working people
because without the workers in society no tax base would be continued and the rich do not contribute to the tax base because they write off their expenses and lay the burden on the workers. these are a few of the lessons we have learned by thinking for ourselves. i thank Neothink society for giving food for thoughts and opening our eyes to this problem of our society in the present time.
When I was introduced to the Neothink Society, I had just lost my wife to cancer a few months earlier. I kept to myself and didn’t say much about anything. It was affecting my job. I was on the verge of losing my job. Neothink helped me change that. I took my life back. I started thinking for myself. I have become a leader at work. I have coworkers tell me they could see a big change in me. Many people come to me for help.
I believe in the Twelve Visions Party because we need a change in the government. We are losing are freedoms one at time and most people don’t see it. TVP is going to put an end to this. We will get our freedom back. TVP is for the people. My thanks go out to Mark Hamilton with all of heart.
I can’t wait to see what the future brings.
Thank you Mark Hamilton,
Mike T

I read the Neothink manuscript…


Dear Mark

In answer to your request I sincerely hope you will not get shut down. I read the Neothink manuscript and I can’t tell you how long I have waited for someone to put into words what we all suffer throughout life but could never really fully express. It is so eloquently stated in your manuscripts. I have believed in your thoughts and ideas long before I ever saw them in printed word. I just did not think that such a huge undertaking of a life’s work could ever be put into the written page. I am so glad you were able to do so and in so doing are giving of yourself so that others will also have the ability to see as clearly their life’s path and the many directions it can take with a little push and some clear knowledge and understanding.

No matter if the media and all the nay-sayers oppose your work the main message that comes to me loud and clear is that to have a beautiful life you must understand the value of the life you do have and make changes if you want to make it even more amazing. This gift of of life is so precious that to give in without fully understanding this gift is really truly a sad state of affairs in this world we live today. I can only hope you will continue your amazing work that has so enriched my life already and made a lot of the principles of life even more valuable than I had ever realized before. You make the purpose of life abundantly clear in the written and spoken form in which you present your visions. If a multitudes of people had more access to your work perhaps their wouldn’t be so many depressed and despondent souls out there in the world.

I truly and honestly encourage and support all the work you do now and in the future. I pray this will not be the end of your life’s work for you have reached so many, but yet so many more still need to be reached in what ever available format necessary so that your work will not die.

In my life your words have already become a part of my life. And I am very grateful.

For me your words and the work you have done will never die.



Thank you Mark Hamilton!

Thank you Mark Hamilton!

          Thank you Mark Hamilton! Your Heirloom books have been of tremendous benefit to me. They have enlightened me in a myriad of beneficial ways. I am now able to recognize those who truly have my best interests at heart. The information in your literature has helped me to be able to “connect the dots” regarding so many of the basic questions I have always had about our purpose of life here on earth. As a result of my exposure to your writings, I am now a more positive person, with a renewed focus on enjoying life while looking forward to a happy, healthy, and prosperous future.

          I really enjoy my association with the like minded people I have discovered as a member of your Neothink Society. I feel the other Neothink Society members I have met are good people. I believe their main purpose is to contribute to making this a better country and world, with happiness for all people their ultimate goal. I always leave our meetings feeling uplifted and better off because of the interchange of thoughts and ideas intended to make our lives better.

          I am looking forward to the growth and expansion of the Twelve Visions political Party. We have gotten away from the ideals of our “Founding Fathers” who created the near perfect United States Constitution. The current state of affairs is evidence that it is time to get back to the “Founding Fathers” wonderful plan and guide. Of the existing political parties, I believe only the Twelve Vision Party has the spirit and substance that will get this nation back on track so “We the People” can live the lives we were meant to live!

Thank you,

~ Bruce A.

March 2025