Posts Tagged ‘thirst for knowledge’

My take on Mark Hamilton is that …

Hello Mark,
I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in the late 1980s. I, then, was exposed to some of the discoveries this brilliant man made and published. I admit that some of the materials went over my head . Back then, I did not have the discipline and the knowledge that I have now possessed. I see things in a very different perspective now. Also, my priorities have shifted as I learned about how this world really operates.
Perhaps the general public is just not aware , because of having been purposely “dummd down” by the poor public education system, or people just do not care much past there own instant gratification needs, or simply because they live in a world where they are never exposed to information that is truly shocking, or have no thirst for knowledge, or expanding their purpose for a better life for mankind in this cursed creation.
My take on Mark Hamilton is that , finally, here is someone willing to do something good about interrupting the way innocent people are being manipulated, exploited, lied to and who knows what else by the media and the people who control them and everything else on the planet. So for the sake of a better future for ourselves and the rest of mankind, use your discernment skills a bit, and do your homework. Stand up and take a stand with Mr. Mark Hamilton while it is still possible. Do not believe everything you are being fed by the infected media. The truth shall set us free. Seek and you shall find.
Régis S.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society



My name is Avery W, I can hardly express how excited I am to have found the writings of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. Prior to this I have always been a seeker which lead me on a wild ride. I was baptised Catholic and raised in an Anglican home so I don’t have to tell you how screwed up I was. I got into sales at twenty years of age which increased my thirst for knowledge, I read many sales and psychology books.

Some were more helpful than others but they all seemed to be missing something. After I made over twelve millions in business and yet finding myself dealing with the fact that I was about to lose everything I worked for, I realized something was definitely wrong and the seeker in me went deeper. Then I found spirituality, talk about another blind religion filled with mysticism. I made another four millions and still found myself struggling financially. When I received the first letter from the society, it spoke to my heart. I got the first book and could hardly put it down, I felt someone knew my heart and I thought wow! I am not crazy. There is actually someone else who feels that the system we have created is screwed up. I have since read many of the Neothink literature and now have renewed excitement and determination to assist in bringing forth the Twelve Visions World on earth. I now know why and how far I know who I am, why I am, where I am and what I am. Thank you.


A True Worthwhile Discovery



Neothink puts me in a comfort zone. I simply wish I had discovered these honest truths sooner in life, but it’s never too late to start living.

I have rarely discovered anything as passionate, heartfelt, and sincere as these new discoveries provided to me by Mark Hamilton through the Neothink world. 

I now want to live life to the fullest. I am more happy about waking up each day knowing that the world truly is my oyster … And I feel strongly about this. This is not just a cliche anymore.

Neothink helps me to relax, disseminate illusions, and view through smoke screens to the core truths about everything. It’s as if I now have a head start on living life to its fullest. A heavy burden has been lifted. I feel the joys as I once did as a kid eager to go outside and ride his new bicycle the day after Christmas.

I now see clearer and understand life’s meaning. There is a difference between living and existing. In the past I felt that I was simply existing and the hand you were dealt was the inevitable hand destined for you. I now feel really good and have a true passion of being a part of life. I am determined and striving to build a winning hand at life.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to realize that there are like-minded people that I can trust to see the beauty and honesty of this world. Those who I can know will do the right things regardless of the pressures of the anti-civilization. Those, who with the assistance of the laws of nature, can make a positive impact on a much larger audience.

You have helped to lift a heavy burden off of my shoulders. Imagine, thinking no one appreciates your honesty, sincerity, passion for others, nor your drive to make the world a better place. Well, that is no longer my disposition – Pessimism is no longer a part of my thinking. I am more steadfast in my mission to be a Value Creator than ever before because I know that I am not alone.

My thirst for knowledge has grown and my work status, social life, and marriage has much improved as a result my current thinking and actions.

I only wish I could have shared this with my Father before he died.  He and I both would have been at peace as he shared his dying words with me on his death bed. He would have known of the limitless knowledge and happiness I was capable of accumulating through the writings and revelations associated with Mark Hamilton. 

His dying words, “Take Care” would have been more resounding and said with more confidence and conviction. His last words would have been more like a demand rather than a parting wish. I am sure of this! 


Being a Neothinker allows me to achieve and walk with a true passion for life, a true love and desire for others to achieve their goals, and a new-found drive to contribute effectively to society.

My association reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child – that gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years, and its reinsertion in the consciousness of my being as an adult – That I am not only a part of the “Here-and-Now”, but that I am also part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.   


Love and Prosperity,


L. D. S

March 2025