Posts Tagged ‘testimony’

Freedom of Speech


Something we are all being stripped of. This I think is blasphemy because isn’t that what our country was founded on? This I see more and more of. “We the people”, are no longer a part of our society. Neo-Think is all of that. We are the last of ‘the people’ that recognize what we were in the beginning before we had the constitution in place. We were already one people in separate living areas that recognized what we had/have, and those who “know” this are those who want to destroy us and to take us for granted. This is my testimony, not just for our Neo-Society, but as an individual, and an individual that is happy with what the Neothink Society has offered me. Even though I can’t be in it as faithful as I’d like to, I am in it as much as I am. I am Neothink in my own society here in the Hawaiian Islands. I believe that without our “kind” this world would fall into its own demise.

AloHa, Momi M. W

Mark Hamilton


     I simply want to gather with all of the rest of your supporters and offer any assistance that you require. I am SO new to this group that I feel that my help is inconsequential, but I will do as you ask to show my support and appreciation of your hard work and leadership.
     I have only had the material for a few months. I have to admit my reading and consumption of the material has been below my own expectations. I expected to be done reading all of the material by now, and I haven’t gotten done with the 1st of the 3 books. I hate to even admit that, but my testimony would not be REAL if I didn’t tell the complete truth.
     I know that if and when I complete my reading and implementation of the principles and philosophies in the Neo-think material that my goals will be attained. I know this because of what has happened since I received the material.
     First of all the letter that was sent me talked about being able to (1) Read peoples minds and (2) Be able to predict coming events. I admit to being skeptical about both of those things, and sought out the material for some of the other things that were being offered as benefits of the consumption of the material.
     It was soon after I aquired and started reading the material that I discovered that I knew what people were going to say before they said it. Sometimes it was almost like I knew what they were going to say before they did. I know that it sounds too incredible to be true, but during a conversation, whether I was having it or just listening to it, I could almost carry the conversation on in my mind and know how each of the people in it were going to respond. I was already at the end of the conversation and they hadn’t even gotten there yet!!!
     The other thing is the prediction of coming events. This is so very simple and simple minded it is almost not worth mentioning, but I am doing this to prove the REALITY of this thing and how no matter what you have heard it is all true and not a hoax of any kind. I am as skeptical as the next guy, but I have seen these things with my own eyes and felt them working within myself.
     First off the phone would ring, and I would know two things. (1) I would know who it was, or more interestingly, I would know that I had no idea who it was. Now I know that sounds like sheer madness since most of the time under normal circumstances, you can’t know who it is when the phone rings, but what I am saying is, that when the phone rang I would know, like I could see them standing at the front door, “Oh, it’s Paul, or it’s Frank, or it’s Julie” or I would have the sensation of that the phone was ringing and the person on the other end of the phone was someone I had never met and didn’t know at all. In those cases when I answered it, it was a telemarketer.
     Secondly, I would know that the phone was going to ring, sometimes long before it did and then when it did I would know who was on it. I’d wake up in the morning, and before I even got out of bed, my mind would start summing up the events of the day. This one was gonna call, and then this one was gonna call, and then this one was gonna stop over. The more I kept myself in the material, the more ‘IN TUNE’ I got with things like that.
     I have had to slow my reading down as of the last few weeks, and I have noticed that my abilities, even tho they haven’t left me altogether, have started to dim or fade a little.
     Those really are the only things that I have experienced so far and write this to let anyone reading know that this movement is real and your connection to it is to your advantage.

                      C -Ya


My Testimony

I would like to say that Mark Hamilton is my friend, and i have read all of his literature, and have both enjoyed and benefited from his manuscripts, and I love the neothink society and look forward to being involved in the tvp party and political movement, for i have discovered a new way of using my mind that i did not know existed, as well as talents and powers that i did not know that i had. so Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have blessed me and i want to be a member forever. Carl

I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me

Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again.  I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do?  What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.”  When I started reading the neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the 12 vision party (TVP)  Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world.  Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in neothink who all want the best for every living being.  Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying.  Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.

Jeanne Meadows

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I definitely want to give my testimony about Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.   it has been a wonderful movement that has helped me in so many ways.  for starters in just a few months of reading the literature, it has changed me for the better in so many ways, i used to have this mindset that used to tell me that something great was going to happen with my life but i just never did anything about it I’d thought that when the time comes it would just fall from the sky, but with the help from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society i learned that i have the power within me to do great things, I don’t have to wait for it to fall from the sky, I have to go for it I can create great things, I have the capability to do it, no one has to do it for me.   Before Neothink i just used to have this dormant mindset that i would never put on much efforts to resolve, to invest, to create anything.  But with the tools given to me from Neothink Society everything is changing every day.  Thanks to Mark Hamilton and Neothink literature which have shown me to pierce trough the illusions to the essence of things, to what is really important.

thanks Mark Hamilton     

Jonete  a

Dear Mark Hamilton,

                 Here is my first Testimony. I will continue to create more. Thank you for everything your doing! You have truly changed my life for the better. I’ll stand with you through anything! Thank you!


                                                                                            Jason L

March 2025