Posts Tagged ‘testimonial’

Mark Hamilton and the Heirlooms

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa
I’m here to leave my testimonial .
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration to life I have gained since I got exposed to the heirlooms and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started playing making my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind, finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier knowing where I’m at and knowing where I’m / we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier and wealthier and healthier than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life, to be and have all of this will be gained by being with this society and become knowledgeable with the heirlooms.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck by allowing my self to except Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefore I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the heirlooms.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark
and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME

Mr Mark this is Mike Covarrubias this testimony is for my mentor Mark with my most deepest respect. This a great honor to have a mentor like you your kindness the love you share for US is great!!
Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME
Mr Mark you are the GREATEST of the greatest I’m whit you even if I’m slow in technology I’m just an old man who believes in your guidance.I deposited my hopes in you Mr. Mark
your prime literature is priceless at list for me.Mr Mark whatever the storm or turbulence maybe!!! let’s walk through it with courage.
let’s see the light of truth in the other side of the STORM YOU Mr Mark you’re are going to give us the greatest GIFT of get rich program in HUMAN HISTORY.
This testimonial was written by a 66 year old NTWARRIOR

Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad

Hello to all that reads this letter of testimonial to the Neothink society. Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad. There is no anger, revolt or any sort of negativity what so ever with this system of knowledge. This is no cult or religious group, and only has a positive approach to many things in this world. This group of people can only create a better society for all of us, as an advancement into a productive and loving system. I highly recommend this system and what Mark Hamilton has tried to do. If some people who purchased the books were not happy with them, this does not make the Neothink system wrong in any matter. I have a masters in psychology, and I can speak from my own experience, that it wakes up the sleeping areas in some brains and gives self confidence to all. This always has positive and negative reactions as so does many things. There are many things in this world that can be dangerous and wrong for us humans, but this system is a product of each individual, not the system itself. In other words, it is the person themselves that react to a product, and it is them who makes it what it turns out to be for themselves and only themselves. I hope this gives a light into what is proposed. Thank you for taking the time to read – and be well to all…..David Brockway

Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality

Letter To Mark Hamilton:
My name Is Dyrl, and I am a member of the Neothink and clubhouse. I have had a three year testimonial.
I have had a five year history with the Heirloom, which has enlighten my life and has given me insight to how my life should be conducted, with style and satisfaction, above all knowledge. Mark Hamilton has uplifted my personality.
The Testimonial generates is priceless, I also learned the miniday and schedule has helped me with my Business. Mark Hamilton Thank you Again

Thank you Mark Hamilton for everything you’ve done for me


Hello my Prime Mentor,
I would love to share my testimonial with you.  Thanks to you, I now have a place to call home–from the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting me be apart of Neothink.
What Neothink has done for me is that my visions and aspirations have been enhanced by a thousand fold.  I knew when that letter hit my mailbox, it was my calling from the very beginning.  Now, I’m achieving some success thanks to the deeply-rooted common sense of Neothink.  I’m now currently in college on my fourth class–looking forward to obtaining all three of my college degrees in Accounting–which is my Friday-night essence.  Without NT, I would be an unfulfilled hack.  I live, eat, sleep, think, and breathe Neothink daily, although I know “monetary” success is to come my way.  Thanks to Neothink, I now found love with a Neothink woman and now enjoying every single second of it.  This is what I live for, to help accomplish first the monumental task of helping the Twelve Visions Party become victorious.  Thank you Mark Hamilton for everything you’ve done for me,  I can’t thank ya enough.

Your Apprentice,
Keith Dixon

Thank you Mark Hamilton


This testimonial has been a long process for me as I am still searching for my FNE.  I have spent the winter reading and rereading the heirlooms and the mini heirlooms still searching for my FNE.  I see many opportunity’s for this coming year ahead of us.  The training has been a wonderful journey allowing me to grow and expand my knowledge.  I am looking forward to using this integrated knowledge to benefit others in our society.  I thank you for the knowledge and mentoring this past year for now I have the tools to forage ahead and be there for others who also want to learn how to overcome the uncertain time the lie ahead.
Thanks for this wonderful journey.   James Perry

This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor


This is my testimonial for Neothink and Mark Hamilton my Mentor

Since receiving the first. second and the third books from Mark. I have seen my life change for the better. After starting over twice, this has not been the easiest and very slow But they are happening. As I look back at my life after reading those three books, I see that all my life I have felt like an outsider. Wondering what was wrong with me. But now, I see why. After putting the pieces, of what I have learned, together in my life together I see that I have always got down to the essence of everything. These books have shown me how to live my dreams, the ones I always knew where going to come to reality.

I can see that, with those that get involved with Neothink, their lives will transform into the life they have always dreamed of.

I am in a transformation period right now, but will start to implement more of NT after I get moved in to the new house. I believe this move is going to be very propelling for NT and business in my life. I look forward to sharing NT with everyone.

Live Honest & Prosper

Thomas L. C. V.

There is nothing like Neothink

I had a problem beyond my control and i failed to send my testimonial after drafting it(09 09 009). I had technical problems, and lack of knowledge had a big hand. Since then i received no emails from you. I was a NEOTHINK from my mothers stomach. Your literature has motivated me, I have always wanted to live forever in flesh but was afraid to say it.
Please think about the journey i have travelled since 2006 and endless love I have for the society. Could you please give me another chance. there is nothing like Neothink. My family asked me why i am no longer interested in TV. I am always in literature.
I am not yet helped financially
Percival N

Mark Hamilton I owe you my life…

My name is mike c. I live here in Madera CA .
I would like To share my testimonial I’ve been in this Society for more
than 5 years. Currently I am 63 years old….Deep into religion I provably
related to Tracy Alexander testimonial on NEOTHINK discovery the difference
between us is that I spent over a 1/4 Century looking for answers, and HELP
Mr. Mark the knowledge I gain in your prime literature is priceless!! I am a
different person may be I haven’t achieve success Yet…BUT this new
knowledge of neothink it’s helping me to achieve my goals.
Mark Hamilton I owe you my life thank you to open my EYES I see the life way different
now. This a journey to freedom this is a journey to the REAL KINDOM
OF GODMEN Mr. Mark you game HOPE you give hope to my love ones. and
to the people I know.
THis is an awesome JOURNEY for me this wisdom that I acquired
in you prime literature goes beyond anything else BEYOND any monetary
Mark I am 100% with you in this mission……..
Not to worry Mark we will WINNN!!!
Twelve Visions World

Mark Hamilton

I understand the urgency of the testimonial . I am out of time for now. I must juggle my activities around for the days to come. I will be like the Calvary ridding to the rescue. You already know what they will find on line. Acknowledge that it is miss representation and not reflective of whom we really are as a society. Those who know our societies are not saying anything about the secret society. Those who are talking think they know the secret society. The secrets of the society will remains secrets. We and our secrets belong to this society likes the thousands of other Americans in exclusive memberships. We have done no harm Why then do they wish to harm us? There is nothing to fear from us in this society. The future of the world is a scary place if you are not prepared for the future. Our Society prepares us for that future. I have an High Hope for the future. This is not my testimonial It will come later.
PS Stay in contact with Ross Prow for navigating the course.


March 2025