Posts Tagged ‘teleprompters’

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive

When I first read Mark Hamilton’s first book to me, I felt something in me come alive. it was my way of thinking. i like everyone else on this planet have been brainwashed into their reality not our own reality. Simply put from our socialist president to all below him are ruled by the elite .the super wealthy who run the show on this planet. All they do is read their teleprompters to deliver the elites message to control us to our death. they choose to be puppets to the elites in order to control the masses. i am my own person and choose to take my life and health in my own hands. Every person on earth has a right to rule their own destiny in life, not to be forced into their web of lies and deceit. to Mark Hamilton. I first offer my deepest condolences on the murder of your father at the hands of the elites who do not want the truth be told as it would expose them as the criminals we know they are .the twelve visions party is our only way to free ourselves from the real demon, our own minds are capable to see our own future. do you want what has always been or the choice to make our new world. when the negative media launch their attacks on Mr. Hamilton and the twelve visions party ,ask yourself if you truly want to be lied to forever or use your mind to be free of this insanity forever . deep in my soul i know this is the only opportunity in my lifetime this change can and will happen. it has to ,or we will all perish under their rule of tyranny. open your eyes and see the beginning of our new tomorrow. sincerely paul b auburn me.

March 2025