Posts Tagged ‘Taxes’

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace?

If there are no taxes where does the government get the funds to provide protection of the country? Is that just privatized so private companies provide that service to the populace? Thank You
May. 31, 2010
Government could get its funding in many ways, which are all voluntary and in a direct value exchange dynamic. Government will provide the level protection that the citizens demand. Just like with any service, the provider (government) will tell the customer (citizens) how much it will cost. The payment for the service will come from those who desire the service, just like any other service. It is much like paying for insurance. If government gets underfunded it is the fault of the citizens for not providing the sufficient payment and demanding superior performance. It is most likely that the government, with its authority granted by the citizens, will utilize competing privately owned businesses to carry out the physical movements of protection. The specific details of how the government will get paid for its service is not an issue of concern and will probably vary among different jurisdictions, but it will always be a voluntary function.

There is a better way and that is the Neothink way

I want to let the world know that that you (Mark Hamilton)  and the other Neothink Society Members that there are Great things  you and your friends can attain to a better way of doing for yourself.  It is a better way in the Neothink way for a healthier and wealthier.   You can become the person you want to be from a better stand point.  And with the Twelve Visions Party once in place you will not have to worry about any more taxes as well.   There is a better way and that is the Neothink way.   This is coming from a person, which is me that has been a member of the Neothink Society for 2 years and discarding the Old me for ever, and not looking back at all.   Come join us its the best place to be.  I want to thank Mark Hamilton for what he has  done for me.                                                                                       

Yours and a Member of the Neothink Society for life,                                                       

Wolfgang  Lettenbauer

50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good

This testimonial begins and consists of the following episode. The episode itself is an intertwining or integration of two short e-mail exchanges between my sister and myself and between a newly found friend and myself. The common denominator, which binds them, is the final reply I made in both exchanges was identical.

Keeping the preceding in mind, first, here is the conversation involving my friend, David:

I tell him:

“If you get a chance, check out one of our new web sites. Just go to”

He replies:

“I read some of the T.D.P. you sent me and it seems like a bunch of rules to follow. I already know the rules. I have freedom of the mind. The prim law is not necessary for me.


Next would come my reply; however, before including that, here is the conversation involving my sister, Kandi:

No, I changed my mind. I will show you my reply to David right now. Although, as I said, it is identical to the one I ultimately gave my sister, it definitely bears repeating:


Interesting you should say this. Thanks for visiting the web site. Were you able to find the Prime Law? In knowing how the site is set up, I can certainly understand at first glance why you might think as you say. In reality, however, it’s quite the opposite. The potentially explosive progress of mankind has been held in check for over 2000 years by the elite ruling class — both religious and political. In order to satisfy their own self-serving agendas, they have been sucking us dry all these years, like leeches in a Florida swamp. Although, perhaps, not as influential today as it once was, the Church did its thing for the first 1000 years. They, of course, are known as the Dark Ages. Countless numbers of honest, hard-working people have lost their lives fighting wars for Church and State that never should have been fought in the first place.

Today, the madness continues. 50%-75% of every tax dollar out of our pocket goes to run programs for the so-called social good — most of which, when you really get down to it, are fundamentally unconstitutional, and have been put in place not for the good of the people, but for the good of the government, and those sneaky little turds behind it/running it. The Prime Law, which will immediately be put in place, as an amendment to our Constitution (it will otherwise remain just as it is) by our first Twelve Visions President, will instantly do away with all that. The critical idea is to de-politicize America, and return it to the rule of law, instead of the rule of flaw-filled man — as currently, unfortunately the case. I think if you can keep your mind open a bit longer to look a little deeper, you will see not more rules, but far less. Our government was meant to be for protection only. It needs to be returned to that ASAP!

Before going any further, I could go on for days, I suggest checking out the web site. The Prime Law, as simple, short, and sweet as it is, fills the home page, and can’t be missed. I think it a good chance, a clearer, less-muddled understanding, perspective, and appreciation awaits you there.


What effect does forced redistribution of wealth in the form of government bailouts have on the economy?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …It drains the economy because when companies are simply rewarded for mismanagement, they have no incentive to change their poor business practices. This increases inflation and taxes and promotes overall debt in general.

Will the government repay all of the forced backed property taxes with the great replacement program revenue?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …No.  It would not be repaid.  The money from the great replacement program will be used for repaying social security and the national debt will be the priority.  Additional uses of the money will be determined at a later time.

How will a government of protection collect its revenue?

Twelve Visions Party’s Statement: …Government funds will be voluntarily contributed and spent on the service of protection only. They will be gathered without initiatory force.

March 2025