Posts Tagged ‘tax money’

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty!

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty! I Feel more Powerful than any Government or Agencies! Remember, we act with highest levels of Integrity & Endurance! A Show of Hands will prove that we in Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, and Neothink Warrior know that we played our hand out beautifully in search of Justice For All! We are not some Government Bureaucrat Demanding More Rules & Regulations, More Tax Money! In which they slow down & even stop progress with regulation after regulation! Dimming our hopes to prosper & live happily, to live in Peace Of Mind! Joy & Happiness is Neothink! Together we can map out the future! Grabbing & placing the puzzle pieces so they fit with passion & precision! To use our minds to Think of something that brings The Greatest Gift of Creating Minds & Exploring minds! Helping others Think for The Better Of All Of Us! Not just some Government or Agency moving towards police states & fascism! Twelve Visions Party! The Prosper & Live Happily Party! Here Comes The Civilization Of The Universe!

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom …

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty! I Feel more Powerful than any Government or Agencies! Remember, we act with highest levels of Integrity & Endurance! A Show of Hands will prove that we in Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, Neothink Warrior know that we played our hand out beautifully in search of Justice For All! We are not some Government Beauracrat Demanding More Rules & Regulations, More Tax Money! In which they slow down & even stop progress with regulation after regulation! Dimming our hopes to prosper & live happily,

The Neothink Society has been so valuable to me


Mr. Hamilton,

I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for ALL you’ve done for me, my family and to the world. Since I was introduced to your Literature, I became more knowledgeable and became a more productive member of this society. I have learned so much from your great writings. My family and others around me have noticed the difference on how I approach reality and how I address issues concerning day to day problems that I am confronted with. I learned to integrate knowledge, thanks to your writing and analogies.

The Neothink Society has been so valuable to me. It has provided great tools to develop ourselves to become Value Creators. I know this is a treat to those parasites, POLITICIANS, who pray on our tax money to support their laziness and lies to our society. One think I learned, from Mark Hamilton’s Literature, is that those lazy politicians love to keep us in the dark to keep taking away our money and keep on living great lives without producing any values for our society. I encourage all readers of this testimony to become familiar with the Neothink literature and with the Twelve Vision  Party (TVP). Please stop the abuse of our career politicians. It is about time we live our own lives without following external authorities.

That is right! We work hard and create values for our society; therefore, we should live our lives the way they were meant to be (without the coercion of our politicians). 

Thank you Mr. Hamilton for being a proactive citizen with visions to guide this great COUNTRY and the WORLD to a better future and progress. I wish you a long live to bring to the world the piece and justice that we all deserve.



March 2025