Posts Tagged ‘target’

We are Entrepreneurs and Freedom Fighters Mark Hamilton!

Dear Mark Hamilton;
Words of encouragement to you personally.
Your writings and authorship took me out of a stagnated slumber and geared me up towards new hope for us, our children; grand children and a future worth living and co-existing in.
Your sincere words speaking a truth we all can relate to; except those who depend on predatory feeding to survive.
Authors and other artists has been the target, or envy by people who got a personal kick out of the efforts to destroy. Conflicts and wars has been created by those who wanted to maim and kill and make a buck in the process.
I know something about how the Press works.
I had personal front page attacks(national Newspaper) when I did human rights work in the past. I found ways to deal with the press. I filed a complaint to the Press Ethical Board(Norway) when being denied equal time in one paper. It came out alright; one needs to push back.
I made a list of all the papers I could find and sent out Press Releases regarding progress in Human Rights Case. (The US has quite a few independent newspapers left; unfortunately I don’t know all of them.
How about finding these papers and send them a Press Release containing the data in your ad. They’ll print it for free. I’ve seen recently that people are getting involved in newspaper-issues with their comments. It is mine and others perceptions that newspapers in business needs and wants contributions as they had to lay off staff to stay in business. READERS LETTERS are a good way to get positive exposure as well.
If it gets to the point that attacks occur; heavens forbid, there is a short to the point way to handle. Just counter one issue real fast with documentation to prove it’s wrong (a lie) and publish this as it will DISCREDIT the attacker and make his/hers words neutralized. (one word for it)
It is important to act fast and furious right away.
This should discourage the attacker(s) and prevent
a Black Marketing Campaign which takes a lot more energy to handle.
Now if you start with the independent papers (older readers; who gas a lot to loose as the have several generations to protect) you will build momentum and support. My tip is that freedom loving states that
strongly supported the Constitutional issues in the last election and has later followed up with legislation to protect States Rights like Montana and Tennessee
just to mention two examples. There is also 25 states
that has rejected in one form or the other the Real ID act (I don’t have the names of the States in front f me)(
What I’m trying to say is these Sates with their independent Newspapers would be where Press releases and Reader letters should go to gain gradual support.
I just had to respond to your plea of help Mark, and I believe this will be helpful. The above is just thinking
on my feet.
Mark the truth will prevail. I agree time is of the essence. You have more potential support out there
that would sign up for your TVP Party in a heartbeat,
that anyone could imagine. There is also a number of other groups that could and should be approached with your message. More Press releases; inexpensive and effective.! 1 1/2 to 2 pages with a bullet pointed HARD SHEET up front. We are Entrepreneurs and Freedom Fighters Mark Hamilton! Nothing can really keep us down.
Trygve G

Mark Hamilton – Neothink

When the letter arrived, I initially thought of two things. First, it was from someone from an experimental psychology class I had in college 35 years later, doing a follow up on the 20 participants, to see how they turned out. After finishing reading all the pages, however, that “no”, this is different and more importantly, for the first time I realized, I was not alone.
The revelation that there were other people out there like me, quietly doing business ”Their own way”, invigorated me at a personally challenging moment in my life. Neo-Think by luck (?) had found a prospect with their mailing, who was indeed the right target.
After reading the first Heirloom Book, I was truly amazed that even the example of how to organize a Direct Mail promotion so closely followed my own experience in my chosen profession. I had even organized my own operations and analysis of productivity, virtually the same way! From 10 second miracles, mini days to mini companies, power thinking to teaching “Power Thinking” within my own business, it was like someone had followed me around all these years documenting everything I had accomplished. For all the years that people in my own industry of Direct Marketing had thought I was doing things in a very unusual way by not doing it the usual way, suddenly I was so glad Mark Hamilton picked the list to test that included my name! As tough as this business is, I still am regarded as one of the visionaries and one of the most successful companies in the South.
I started all this in the late 70s and early 80s and when I recently read all this information, I knew I was destined to teach this concept. Without knowing it, I had and am constantly implementing the Neo Think way of doing things and they work beautifully as my own Mailing facility has grown from in 1980, from 1 person (Me) to 200 plus people today(2009). As I start a new division, I always use the picture puzzle concept to envision the variables and let the 10 second miracle put the pieces together. I have practiced this method for so long, that answers come to me very quickly and results are soon measurable. My newest endeavor will also most certainly be even more successful than everything I have done up till now
I look forward to helping others now find their calling in life utilizing all the principles of Neothink.
Norm P

Approximately one year ago an invitation came…

Dear Mark,
Approximately one year ago an invitation came to act on an opportunity to receive the Heirloom Package. I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed to be on target with recent events in my life.
Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Heirloom Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happened. Armed with the “Secrets”, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator”, that concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth. The plan is to create a living business with Neothink concepts and strategies. I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.
Cecil B

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity


Dear Mark,

Approximately one year ago a invitation came to act on a opportunity to receive the Package.  I chose to go forward, knowing the discovery, and the discovering cycle seemed  to be on target with recent events in my life. Upon reading the Orientation Booklet excitement filled the air. The Package arrived and after reading and assimilating the information a definite “ah ha” experience happen.  Armed with the Secrets, plans are in place for a start-up business that will bring great value to mankind. Understanding the meaning of “value creator” this concept will be implemented to achieve limitless growth.  The plan is to create a living business with Neothink strategies and Neothink concepts.  I must express my sincere thanks for you mentoring me on this journey.

Cecil B      Laguna Beach, CA

My Testimonial


I have been pondering about this matter for a substantial duration. The literature and the overall philosophy articulated provided the depth and scope of a new commencement in life for me.

Moreover, I lost my wife two years ago and the timing was so on target since I needed Mark Hamilton espousal on how to acquire the unstoppable confidence in this world.
Life can divided into two parts: the material life or physical and the spiritual life that sustains our complete existence. His thoughts were like purified energy that enhances one to obtain faith and trust to succeed without any hestitation.

I believe I am more confident to pursue any endeavor without any impediments. I can see the work that Mark has commenced-Neothink Society and the Vision will be essence of the entire world.

Your writings and authorship took me out of a stagnated slumber …

Dear Mark Hamilton;

Words of encouragement to you personally.
Your writings and authorship took me out of a stagnated slumber and geared me up towards new hope for us, our children; grand children  and a future worth living and co-existing in.
Your sincere words speaking a truth we all can relate to; except those who depend on predatory feeding to survive.
Authors and other artists has been the target, or envy by people who got a personal kick out of the efforts to destroy. Conflicts and wars has been created by those who wanted to maim and kill and make a buck in the process.
I know something about how the Press works.
I  had personal front page attacks(national Newspaper) when I did human rights work in the past. I found ways to deal with the  press. I filed a complaint to the Press Ethical Board(Norway) when being denied equal time in one paper. It came out alright; one needs to push back.
I made a list of all the papers I could find and sent out Press Releases regarding progress in Human Rights Case. (The US has quite a few independent newspapers left; unfortunately I don’t know all of them.

How about finding these papers and send them a Press Release containing the data in your ad. They’ll print it for free. I’ve seen recently that people are getting involved in newspaper-issues with their comments. It is mine and others perceptions that newspapers in business needs and wants contributions as they had to lay off staff to stay in business. READERS LETTERS are a good way to get positive exposure as well.
If it gets to the point that attacks occur; heavens forbid, there is a short to the point way to handle. Just counter one issue real fast with documentation to prove it’s wrong (a lie) and publish this as it will DISCREDIT the attacker and make his/hers words neutralized. (one word for it)

It is important to act fast and furious right away.
This should discourage the attacker(s) and prevent a Black Marketing Campaign which takes  a lot more energy to handle.

Now if you start with the independent papers (older readers; who gas a lot to loose as the have several generations to protect) you will build momentum and support. My tip is that freedom loving states that
strongly supported the Constitutional issues in the last election and has later followed up with legislation to protect States Rights like Montana and Tennessee just to mention two examples. There is also 25 states that has rejected in one form or the other the Real ID act (I don’t have the names of the States in front f me)(

What I’m trying to say is these Sates with their independent Newspapers would be where Press releases and Reader letters should go to gain gradual support.

I just had to respond to your plea of help Mark, and I believe this will be helpful. The above is just thinking
on my feet.

Mark the truth will prevail. I agree time is of the essence. You have more potential support out there
that would sign up for your TVP Party in a heartbeat,
that anyone could imagine. There is also a number of other groups that could and should be approached with your message. More Press releases; inexpensive and effective.! 1 1/2 to 2 pages with a bullet pointed HARD SHEET up front. We are Entrepreneurs and Freedom Fighters Mark Hamilton! Nothing can really keep us down.


Trygve G

March 2025