Posts Tagged ‘talents’

Thank You Again!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You again Master Hamilton for haveing confidence in my abilitys and talents and leadership capabilitys.
Thank you for inviting me years ago to the Neothink society, Pax-Neothink the 12 Visions Party and of course the
Neothink Warriors!!! You prove to me that I have talents, Value Creation and no age bias as the Anticivilized world has. I can hardley wait for the Depolitization of America, the world and all peoples even the poor and aged
to be rich, happy and useful to society.

Did you Ever Feel STUCK???

Did you Ever Feel STUCK???
Standing as if you are in a bucket of cement, deciding how I release myself, having your mind muffled regarding direction, decisions, which way should I turn, left, right, forward, possibly backward? But instead you are frozen and in complete bewilderment regarding your next step.
Questioning your decisions, judgment and future plans, Double Guessing Yourself
I was in this position. However, I received a letter, or should I say I was ready to open a letter. Yes, I received a letter, from the Neothink Society, a letter in an old fashioned looking special delivery envelope. An eye catching envelope caught my eye and my curiosity. I, many times, heard an old tale, curiosity killed the cat, but I figured I could take the risk.
And, yes, I am I glad I did. My recommendation: Don’t always believe in those old mystic tales, it can halt your growth, and even keep you stuck in the mind made cement.
Well, I opened the letter and was told that I was special and had special traits. I just needed to reveal these traits, talents, skills to myself and then know the right tools in which to use my talents, skill, and traits effectively.
A big secret: once I know myself and know I can take full responsibility for myself and my take actions, that’s right, you heard me, take action, I could move mountains and climb these mountains, as far up as I could vision in my mind.
Well, I believed the words in the letter and went for it. I purchased my first Heirloom Book and never looked back. Of course the words did not jump out of the page and give me instant fame, success, money. Another secret, I had to use the tools in the book and implements the tools addressed into my life.
Remember: I had to make adjustments; I had to get rid of old thinking and enter in new vibrant result oriented thinking. The Key is; I had to do it, yes, there is some elbow grease and mind thinking, but, by doing this, the good results would take care of themselves.
We’ll, guess what; the good results have been taking care of themselves, repeatedly, repeatedly and repeatedly.
By reading the Heirloom Literature, meeting and speaking regularly with other like-minded Neothink members, going to Clubhouses Meetings and connecting with The Neothink website, I was able to Blast away my mind made cement and mind made bucket, create my own road map with the correction directions for me and my purpose in this life. I am now charting my own course and building my own directions toward wealth, success, health and yes, even romance. I am eagerly moving forward, loving life because I have a purpose and a direction. Yes, by reading and actively bringing the tools, given by The Nothing Society, into my life, I am a happy, life loving man. Of course I know real happiness; Through Neothink, I know really know what makes a person happy,
Guess what! It is true/
Would you like to know? Well, read the Literature, the valuable information is in the literature. Do I have your curiosity, well, I hope so. I am not trying to just tease you much, I want to make you realize that you need to explore and find out the answers yourself; you will appreciate the wonder and the value, by your own discovery.
Oh! By The Way, Those Ten Second Miracles you hear about. Yes, they are real, very real.
Actually, I find the miracles come to me now many times in less than 5 seconds. I believe they are rapidly coming into my mind because I am aggressively using the tools offered in the Literature.
Ok, I just brought up that secret again…… You need to use the tools in the book, Get it…..
I did and I keep getting it.
I better stop now. I strongly recommend purchasing the Heirloom Literature and you can discover for yourself. (That is right you need to discover for yourself, anything of true value cannot be just handed to you) Please remember this.
I hope to be sharing the beaches of the world with all of you.
My Sincere Thank you to Mr. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society
Steve F

We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now.


I have been deeply distressed to see what the politicians are doing to our wonderful country. It scares me to think that they can take over as blatantly as they have and how they are destroying a vital country as we are. We need The Neothink Society more than ever right now. We need to know that business is preserved so that we can grow again into the generous and rich country we have always been. When the government gets involved in everything, we suffer, which brings the rest of the world down as well. By getting government and politicians out of the way and letting the people use their talents, we could be leading the way to a fantastically wealthy world. Neothink has taught me just what is really going on. Greed and power are taking over and we, the people, are suffering for it. It’s past time to take action. We need to stop the power and corruption NOW!


With Neothink one receives the opportunity

Hello Mark,

It is with great honor that I send this email to you to let you know the information that I have received has been most rewarding.  When I say most rewarding is the fact that somewhere in the back of my mind, the information turned on the light that I felt existed.  All the information was not new to me but reaffirmed that life does have true meaning and a chance to truly live. With Neothink one receives the opportunity to seek within oneself and find their God-given talents, not manmade duties. One receives opportunity to explore, and not remain in stagnation.  Although I am a newcomer and have not exhaled at this point, the information does enlighten my understanding of the world in which we live.  I truly support this information and hope to successfully become the person I am meant to be. The history provided seems so practical and responsible for the world in which we live in today. Ha, what a sad life.  If I can do anything to help enlighten or  increase the knowledge of the cause for our destruction and stagnation to man-kind and open the eyes of the innocent, so they will have a chance to live, I will be delighted.

Thank you,

Janet G.

My Testimony

I would like to say that Mark Hamilton is my friend, and i have read all of his literature, and have both enjoyed and benefited from his manuscripts, and I love the neothink society and look forward to being involved in the tvp party and political movement, for i have discovered a new way of using my mind that i did not know existed, as well as talents and powers that i did not know that i had. so Mark Hamilton and the neothink society have blessed me and i want to be a member forever. Carl

March 2025