Posts Tagged ‘taking the time’

Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad

Hello to all that reads this letter of testimonial to the Neothink society. Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad. There is no anger, revolt or any sort of negativity what so ever with this system of knowledge. This is no cult or religious group, and only has a positive approach to many things in this world. This group of people can only create a better society for all of us, as an advancement into a productive and loving system. I highly recommend this system and what Mark Hamilton has tried to do. If some people who purchased the books were not happy with them, this does not make the Neothink system wrong in any matter. I have a masters in psychology, and I can speak from my own experience, that it wakes up the sleeping areas in some brains and gives self confidence to all. This always has positive and negative reactions as so does many things. There are many things in this world that can be dangerous and wrong for us humans, but this system is a product of each individual, not the system itself. In other words, it is the person themselves that react to a product, and it is them who makes it what it turns out to be for themselves and only themselves. I hope this gives a light into what is proposed. Thank you for taking the time to read – and be well to all…..David Brockway

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government teached us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In alot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and recieved my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamiltons first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the civilation of the Universe. Pat

Change my complete outlook

Hello all of future friends and family. To begin with, I have lived in the anticivilization for many years. I have never really been happy there. It is very difficult to live in a world where I found out that in my early 20’s the government taught us how to lie, cheat and worry about our actions. The “Hall of Justice” is really “The Hall of Money” In a lot of cases it isn’t what you know but rather who you know. So I wanted or rather needed to believe in something so I got very involved with religion and even to the point of planning my mansion when I finally died and went to Heaven as I was taught. I also had to endure abuses after I grew up and left my wonderful loving parents home. I learned to protect myself and in so cases children, animals, the homeless and the unfortunates. I worked in many positions and lived in several states and went to different schools. I finally worked for my GED and got it, then with the help of my parents went back to high school and received my diploma. I have been married 3 times. The first two lasted 10 years each. This time has been 25 years to date and hopefully forever. After recieving Mark Hamilton’s first invitation letter and studying it for a week (figuring it was just another scam) I decided to try again to have faith in something else that might just work. I purchased his first heirloom and read every word that took me one month. Then I read his second heirloom and finally the third, went through all twelve levels and joined NeoSpace where I met many, many friends that are totally honest in every aspect. I found myself and love every thing about me. I want to share my new knowledge and want to live in a world that is total honesty, love, healthy and eventually without the disease of death. Thank you Mark Hamilton for taking the time and caring enough to include me and my family in the Twelve Visions World. Pat

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped…

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society’s, Honest, Rational, Integrated thinking is most valuable. Rational Honesty allows me to view life in a reality exists, Neo – Think Mentality. By taking the time to think, I can avoid irrational choices that are emotion based.

Mark Hamilton and the Literature has helped to identify and purge dishonesty and self – deceiving thoughts and behavior within me, and as a result, thinking in a Honest, Reality Exist Perspective.

The TVP Political Movement will bring Freedom, Individual Freedom, for Myself, the Family and the World. Freedom is Myself, my Family and the People of this Country and the World being who we were meant to be, Happiness and Prosperity, by way of Creative, Productive, Business, to afford to have and do what we want, with Millionaire Incomes.

With the Twelve Visions Party, Minority, will no longer exist. Being regulated to what we can do will be non – existent. The only function of a government is the protection of IndividualRights.                                                                                                                           In contrast, without the TVP Movement and Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the poor has No Freedom and Prosperity. Sickness and Disease will quite likely reach DisasterousLevels.                                                                                                                      Me and my Family and all the People of this Country and the World, would Live a Life Unfullfilled. Instead of Happiness and Prosperity, the People of this World will continue to Struggle, and it can and will get worse, without the TVP Movement.         Without Mark Hamilton and his Literature, the People of this World, will not Discover the Potential they have to use the Brain in a new way, Neothink. The means to be the person you were neant to be, to discover that there is more to Life than each Individual has now.   Thank you Mark Hamilton for the Literature and my Membership.                                      Greg  K

Good job…

Mark, I not sure how helpful, I could be, but I have taking the time to read every page word for word as well, between every line of your writing’s.  The bottom-line is, what is and there’s no question about that,  within your writings one may find some value only if one can read between the lines.  I understand, your movement and your battle at hand but, I can guarantee you this within your Twelve Visions… I have come too understanding your movement first hand. Good job… I am looking too become one of the biggest bar and grills in the DMV and maybe you well be there to see from afar or you may take the time to just see the one and only of its kind.. .

Mr. Hamilton,

I am taking the time to write the testimonial of the value I have received from the Neothink Packages and the meetings that I have observed so far that you have been conducting.  My testimonial is short but I have to say that I have received a good deal of wisdom and other qualities from the Philosophies of all these materials those main qualities being Determination and the Willpower to get yourself up and make things happen, you the individual must make things happen and push and strive with your best attempts when seeking something out.  The individual has the potential to constantly improve, gain and absorb knowledge and absorb life’s experiences into the mind and all these things improve that individual. 

In my case I pushed myself to buy this computer so that I can view these meetings,  I never had a computer or much of any knowledge as to how to operate one but since I purchased this computer this year I have learned tremendously about using it, the internet, emails, etc.  I have learned other things also such as electronics  and heating and air conditioning concepts. And these are things that I always wanted to learn thanks to the correspondence courses. These computers and the internet is truly amazing. 

So I would have to say that those qualities for me would be my testimonial – Determination, Willpower, Strive, Steadfastness, Improve the mind with constantly absorbing knowledge – those have been my testimonial.

March 2025