Posts Tagged ‘survival’

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton "and friends" are …

I just want to say that Mark Hamilton “and friends” are among the rare, few human beings on planet earth that actually value humanity and the survival of mankind above all else. The “controllers” feel threatened and the “slaves” are waking up, thanks to Neothink.

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion …

Unfortunately, people need to understand that everyone is entitled to express their opinion or ideas, especially the ones that could benefit humanity and the survival of our planet! NEOTHINK or NEOTHINK (new tech and ideas) is around us on a daily basis!

I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind

Hello my name is Jason Paullin and I am honored to tell you that Neothink is the future of mankind. With out it I know we have little chance of survival. All our happiness depends upon the awesome knowledge contained with in these precious pages. Every one of my Neothink letters and books are treasures I shall value forever. I have seen the negative postings online and fell deep sorrow for those unfortunate people are not only missing out on complete happiness but are turning some people away with their words. Please take the risk it is infinitely worth it.


Having been independent-minded, I have seriously suspected for a long time that something was not right with this world. These suspicions were present even before I began accumulating Neothink literature over twenty years ago. The large amount of information from Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society/Twelve Visions Party has given me increasing: enthusiasm, independence, confidence and power. It is now so easy for any and all Neothink Society members to see what huge lies and absolute nonsense people have been led to believe for a very long time. Currently, it is not very difficult for almost anyone to be aware that “something is rotten out there”. So, if anyone is looking for solutions, you will find REAL and PERMANENT solutions in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Actually, REAL and PERMANENT solutions to the world’s growing problems cannot be found ANYWHERE else! The survival of the human race on this planet depends on MARK HAMILTON’S NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!! James G

the NeoThink Society Survival


I’m sure the Society will survive. People have been used to suppressing their true inner feelings out of fear of being put down as being outcasts, unpatriotic or some other kind of unpleasant labeling. I’ve always felt ostrised when trying to express myself. Now I’m finding out that many people feel just as I do. I have Neothink, Mark Hamilton and his father, Dr. Frank R. Wallace to thank for that. I already feel free. Thank you!
And we can thank our Forefathers for including free speech in the Con-
situation. Thank you all.

B. Finch

The constitution. Thank you all!

If not for you and Neothink I would not be here…

Dear Mark,

HI  I know we have not meet in person but I have talk to a few other if not for you and Neothink I would not be here right knows the battle of my  health and mind were at great stake till neo think pop in to my life most of all the health issues are under control with out the med s mind over matter I can heal and the survival of my kids as well people need Neothink / Also I have gone from being in a finical hole to now having thing straight and by the end of the year should be debit free as well have to fix me to move for ward the iron grip move in November stated to work 12 hour out of the month for my self on top of working a regular job of 40 hour s I have refinance my house so that I keep it I  have lost 40 pound there a lot more but I will keep moving for ward , Neothink is needed in many ways if people can just see the good of it all these are some of the thing with in the last 10 month that I have done , you have my support mark , I came from all  most losing what I had to stable now , much love Michelle

March 2025