Posts Tagged ‘stuff’

I grew up in a very small town with a population of about three to four hundred

I grew up in a very small town with a population of about three to four hundred. Very nice, now that I’m fifty five. It wasn’t so glamorous as a youngster. Although I go back there at least twice a year. I remember all the stuff we had to do before school and after. You know; we had animals and other things my Mother and father needed help with. Now when I think of how we lived life, I have a great respect for the ones who have passed before me. It was so

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink

I probably wouldn’t be alive today if not for Neothink. Before I was introduced to the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton I was deathly miserable. Back in those days I didn’t care if I lived or died. Death threats didn’t bother me all that much and sometimes I thanked the issuer of the threat and mentioned how much better off I’d be after it was carried out. I was never really suicidal but I never went out of my way to avoid death.
After reading Neothink stuff, I wanted to live. I want to live a long healthy happy life. That’s what the Neothink concepts and Mark Hamilton’s writings are really about. Long happy healthy life and pure love. The love I feel extends beyond just my life. It extends to my friends. Their lives mean so much to me. I can’t communicate how precious their lives are to me I love them so much. And I love Mark Hamilton for sharing his knowledge with me that allowed me to see how beautiful life can be and how irreplaceable and special human life is. His books illustrate love clearer than anything I have ever known.
A. Gipson

It is absolutely awesome and I am excited


Hello. I have been reading the material and the new synopsis (that is kool) through a clear mind, now that all the clutter in my life and mind is being organized and cut away, and this is genius stuff! It is absolutely awesome and I am excited about playing in the Group in the Meetings and becoming happy and wealthy.
I will be starting over as I would if I had ordered all 12 of the Meetings on DVD’s. However, and am dedicated to this group because now that my eyes are open and I can see what is going on in this world compared to our teachings, there is no way that anyone can prevent us from ruling the world soon. This is kool and personally, there is not anyone or any group that can compare to our teachings.
I just wanted to keep in touch by letting you know this, and thanks for any help. Thanks Mark.

Darrin Pegram

Neothink and the Neothink Society have brought me opportunity and knowledge

Neothink and the Neothink Society have brought me opportunity and knowledge–real world stuff I can use to improve my living standards.  Understanding Neothink gives me a real world competitive edge which provides me with opportunities not possible without Neothink.

March 2025