Posts Tagged ‘state of alaska’

Running for Governor

Again, for those who tried to call into the teleconferencing center today for our monthly TVP®AK call, I apologize for not being there. I had entered the A-Team conferencing center and waited ten minutes before realizing my mistake. I was working on a schedule for an A-Team meeting when I realized it was about time for the TVP®AK call and dialed the A-Team conferencing center instead.
Anyway, I wanted to announce that if no one steps up into the Alaska political arena, I will put out my bid for the State of Alaska Governor’s position. Last Friday, I had an emergency meeting with State and Federal engineers about closing Brevig Mission’s New Health Clinic Project. At that meeting I can see through my mind’s eye, the dishonesties. I know they were putting on a “show” for me because I was told that there was nothing else that I should hear. Not in those words, but their actions. The next day, the project superintendent said that something must have happened because they were all chippy and happy when they called him. At the meeting they were pressing the Project manager for more information which pertained to unauthorized expenditures. The contractor, whose company has grown “rich” through many State and Federally funded project, (mainly in rural Alaska), had tried to put the blame on the City of Brevig Mission for the cost over-runs. I did not say anything about that because I had spoken with the Federal Engineer prior to the meeting and he knew my reasons why the cost over-runs were there. The project managing company has been sending materials in no order, we even got the roofing materials before we got the foundation material, not to mention the wrong parts that had been sent. The Superintendent had at one time, left the construction site, paid $500 each way to Anchorage to get a part in order to get the project rolling again, etc.
That was my defining moment to run for Governor of our state if no one else in Alaska’s NTS membership is set to apply for the position. I will be preparing myself.
Love You All,

Do WE really want this to become a reality in our Country???

 In today’s World with the World Economy the way it is, State, And City Governments Struggling to meet their Budgets, and Failing Terribly, reminds me of Alaska’s New Governor proposing to eliminate the 12th grade as a requirement to Graduating from High school, in order to save Millions, and bringing the State Budget into Balance. Excuse me. Whatever happened to the Quality of Education. WE are supposedly one of the Wealthiest Nations in the World, But at the same time America has the worst educational system in the world, and yet Alaska’s Governor wants to Handicap Alaska’s’ upcoming Future. It is not just the State of Alaska’s Future, but the whole of America’s Future, If we the People allow Politicians like Alaska’s Governor to prevail.. If I recall the News Media was playing it up as a necessary option for the voters, and the Students of the Future. Do WE really want this to become a reality in our Country???

March 2025