Posts Tagged ‘starting my own business’

Mark Hamilton has helped me to realize…



The Neothink society as well as Mark Hamilton has helped me to realize my potential. I served five years in the military, finished my Bachelors degree, and I am in the process of starting my own business. I want to share my experience with the Neothink Society with everyone. I grew up in a family with an absent father and an alcoholic mother. I was taught little about value or hard work for that matter. My mother told me at age thirteen that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t bring the police home. This meant I didn’t have to get good grades in school, I could do drugs, and about a month later she took off. I spent the next few years bumping around from one sisters house to the next until eventually they kicked me out. My sister told me that I ate too much food and at the tender age of sixteen I had to stand on my own two feet. At this age this is a little difficult to do. I had no money and no one to turn to. For the next few years I stumbled around I worked at Taco Bell part time and sold drugs the rest of the day. I also dropped out of school. The only smart thing I did was to get my G.E.D. When I was nineteen I came into contact with Neothink. The Neothink society showed me something about  myself that I didn’t know . Mark Hamilton’s literature showed me that I had a purpose in life and that by following my passions I could accomplish anything.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart,

B. H

Louisville Ky

Mark Hamilton and Neothink is changing my life continuously

To the Humans of the World,
Mark Hamilton and Neothink is changing my life continuously.  I am feeling better mentally and physically every moment, and better every day.  My personal life and relationships are improving.  I am in the beginning stages of starting my own business, with the help of the Society.  I can’t wait for what is to come and I am very excited about encountering every moment.  I believe anyone will find the same results as I have by acquiring Neothink information, and ingesting the content.  I encourage anyone to make a small investment to find out more about where Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party are going to take you.  I know where we are going, and I can’t wait.
A huge thank you to Mark Hamilton and all the members of The Neothink Society!
Michael F

March 2025