Posts Tagged ‘stagnation’

Rick M’s Testimonial

Rick M’s Testimonial
I felt defeated, I felt confused, I felt betrayed, I felt abused, and I felt anger. These are the feelings that have been a part of my life for many years. I felt defeated because I could never get ahead. I felt confused by the hypocrites telling me how I should live, but not living that way themselves. I felt betrayed by the promises of eternal happiness and prosperity that our political and religious leaders guaranteed and never happened. I felt abused by the powerful elite who keep sucking the life blood out of me to further their own wealth and happiness. I felt anger toward all of these people who have cheated their way to control and never deliver any value to me or you.
Then a letter came, I ordered some literature and I was introduced to a new life paradigm by a man named Mark Hamilton. It became clear to me right away that here was a man who has spent his entire life understanding the way people tick and what makes them do the things they do. Mr. Hamilton opened his heart and discoveries to those of us who were willing to see another point of view; an Honesty based system for successful living. This other point of view is called Neothink®. With mentoring from Mr. Hamilton I have taught myself how to open my inner workings and discover who I am meant to be. I discovered my passion for business and I am pursuing that essence with all my heart. I understand that success is not measured by my intellect but by my passion for what I do. It is measured by my discipline, thought and control of my life and my actions. I also have learned to see through the illusions that our current leaders have created to lull all of us into a death trap of stagnation and disease. I have learned that I am in control of my life and that there is no mystical entity charting the path I take.
I am one of Mr. Hamilton’s 300, chosen to take my new understanding to all people. I am on a quest of awakening for myself and all other humans. It is an enormous task and requires clear thinking and understanding every step of the way. The first step is to understand and accept the one-ness, the I-ness that is you. The next step is to integrate that understanding into your daily life using the tools and processes outlined by Mr. Hamilton in the literature. You must begin to plan your life from what you learn of yourself. This is what I am doing now. We all must change the way we live and think about living and dying. That is the first step in Neothink® ®. Mr. Hamilton has guided me to that understanding through honest and pure love interaction with me! I am now doing what he has done by replicating his processes to share with others.
Next, in order for us to live freely and to guarantee that humans live a prosperous and happy life, we must change the way our government is being run. We must find a way to take control away from the self-serving politicians. This task requires that we agree to one basic fact; government’s only purpose is to provide the conditions by which individuals can fulfill their purpose to prosper and live happily. Mr. Hamilton has established a new party to cultivate that change. It is called the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®). When I attended the TVP® convention in July as a delegate from Virginia, I was stunned and then elated by what the bylaws of the TVP® are promising. Those bylaws make it perfectly clear that our government should and will be run like an honest and value-creating business. Being selected to serve in our new government will not be determined by elections whose outcomes are a result of how much money you spend on campaigns and by the lies woven into promises that never come true, but by your PERFORMANCE. You will be asked to serve our government as a person who has demonstrated your capability to be honest and deliver the values you promise to deliver. Only Mr. Hamilton could have come up with such a near perfect model for our government. Imagine, as I have, a government made up of a CEO and board of directors who have a real stake in the outcome of honest governance. This is a 180 degree turn from our career politicians who use lies and promises to steal millions and billions of dollars from you, the citizens to fulfill their own get rich and stay rich schemes based on lies and deceptions. And imagine, as I have, the profit potential for all Americans who invest in our new government model. We are all very familiar with the billions of dollars in bailout money taken from us to save the banks and big auto manufacturers. You may also recall that we were told that our bailout money was an investment in the banks and auto makers. Here is a question that uncovers our hoax based government in its most infectious state, “If the bail out of our banks was funded by investments of money taken from us, its citizens, where are my stock shares in those banks?” Have you received stock certificates as evidence of your investment? What about the bailout of GM and Chrysler? Where are my shares in those companies? Only by making the fundamental changes in our current government that Mark Hamilton has suggested can we hope to regain our freedom as honest humans living our dreams.
Using the tools and processes given to us by Mr. Hamilton, I have used my essence to establish a Neothink® Business Alliance to provide a value to business owners who want to use their new understanding to build Honest and Pure Love businesses; to create and share real value without the need to lie and cheat their way to success. This alliance is building honest relationships between its members. It is establishing scientific, artistic, business and professional “think tanks” or master mind groups to uncover the basic Neothink® ® bullets of business and to use those illusion busting bullets to out compete Anti-civilization businesses. Every business that is a member of The Alliance is contributing to The Twelve Visions Party® to help elect Neothink®/TVP® humans into our government.
In conclusion, what Mark Hamilton has brought to the table is a super puzzle of integrated values designed to free humans to regain their dignity and I-ness. Mr. Hamilton is an honest and pure love human who I love and accept as a dear friend. Is it so wrong for a human being to want all his human brothers and sisters to be happy and prosper? This man has presented himself to us knowing the dangers that await him from the leaders who continue to cheat us out of our dreams and who will do anything to stay in control. He simply wants all humans to live freely and prosper and he has shared his thoughts with all who are willing to see through to the essence of being a human. I want to invite every human to do as I have done and give Neothink® and Mark Hamilton a chance to open your mind to who you are and what you are capable of. Do not continue to tread water in an environment designed for your failure. Take a stand and take control of your life and help us to make the changes that we must make to ensure our survival as a human race. Do not let our current leaders continue to drain your life away with taxes, social programs and government controlled industries. The current government controls our banks, major industries and is about to take control of the health care industry. If we let that happen we are doomed. We must support Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party®.
Thank You,
Richard E. M
A Neothink® Man

Those who attack Mark Hamilton…

If you search back throughout your life, I trust that you can find one moment of real happiness. Everyone should have at least one moment in his or her life, for at least a split second, when everything felt right with your life. It’s sad to imagine that there are people who have never had that experience, but looking around I think it must be true; the Burden of Life hangs heavy on so many people. Feelings of failure and that all worthy goals are impossible to reach keep people addicted to their prime time escapes from reality. Those who attack Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party have a vested interest in keeping people drunk and dumb while commercials define what is needed and wanted.
But the Geniuses of Society cannot be stopped. We are creating incredible opportunities for anyone who would like to unplug from a life of stagnation and decay, and tap into a whole new world of excitement where everyday can be the BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE! What will life be like? Imagine discovering a new passion, a game that is so fun and stimulating you can hardly break yourself away from it, and imagine that by playing this game not only do you have FUN, but you also GET RICH! and not only that, by playing this new game, YOU MAKE OTHER PEOPLE RICH TOO! Finding and Creating such games is what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party are all about! Such games ARE POSSIBLE and more are being created EVERYDAY! These new games will obsolete many aspects of modern society; everyone who currently benefits from degradation and addiction and violence and force feels threatened, because the NEW MILLIONAIRE games of the future will take away their market share. Little do they know that they will benefit beyond their wildest dreams, as all people will, as these new games are unleashed!
What will these GAMES be like? How do they work? What is the secret? Each person will find his or her own version, many examples already exist! Every Artist has already found it! Skilled Artists are DRIVEN by the Fire of their Passions to create incredible works, as they hone their skill and elevate their subject matter, they attract larger and larger commissions; their creativity enriches the lives of their patrons, as they grow wealthy themselves! They have found the KEY: VALUE CREATION that aligns with their PASSION!
Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts can show ANYONE how to find their Passion and turn it into a VALUE and PROFIT creating BUSINESS! I’ve DONE IT, and SO CAN YOU! The Twelve Visions Party is the political party formed by Value Creators and Geniuses that will ensure that EVERYONE has the opportunity to FIND the GAME that is right for him or her that will not encroach upon the rights of others to Discover and Play their own GAMES of VALUE CREATION!
Whenever ANYONE creates a new MILLIONAIRE GAME filled with Passion and Creativity, EVERYONE benefits! I would be HONORED to help you find yours!
See through the illusions, and see who is REALLY CREATING VALUES, Defend the rights of VALUE CREATORS to start and operate their Businesses with the least Burdens Possible, Enjoy voluntarily doing business with them, Discover GREAT DEALS on the Incredible Values that they produce.
The WORLD of EXCITEMENT that Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party represent is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen! But 300 Million Millionaires All DRIVING on their PASSION, playing MILLIONAIRE GAMES that drive the wealth and standard of living of EVERYONE beyond our wildest dreams… THIS IS REAL! IT’S COMING! You can HAVE IT NOW! And with each new MILLIONAIRE GAME that is discovered, it will become increasingly obvious that the NEW WORLD STIMULATIONS will out-compete and out Stimulate the old decaying world of stagnation. DITCH IT NOW! DISCOVER THE LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE! This IS what LIFE IS ALL ABOUT!
– Yon C

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.
My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.
And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!
In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!
One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.
Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.
I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.
Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.
for information.
I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!
With love and honesty,

I am very impressed with your books

Dear Mark,
I am very impressed with your books and theory about building a new society and bringing wealth and happiness into the world. I would like to share with you some of my ideas that I believe may be useful for Neothink marketing.
There are about 2 million Russian speaking people in New York and millions more throughout the U.S. The Russian speaking population of the former Soviet Union is close to 290 million. Most of them have spent their lives in stagnation and unhappiness. Many became addicted to alcohol and drugs. At the same time, Russian people are striving for new ideas and are eager to overcome stagnation and find true happiness. Therefore, I would like to offer you my ‘ten seconds miracle’ of translating your books into Russian and managing the Russian department of Neothink society website in order to spread your ideas into the Russian market.
Please let me know if you are interested in my proposition and would be willing to discuss it further.
Meir Z

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark,
I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.
I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.
Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.
Lucine K

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.
My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.
And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!
In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!
One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.
Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.
I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.
Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.
for information.
I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!
With love and honesty,

Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.

My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.

And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!

In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!

One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.

Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.

I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.

Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.


for information.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!

With love and honesty,

Who would you help?


Another breakthrough moment today!

I just discovered another thing that I LOVE about the Neothink® Society and it’s incredible Business Alliance!

If you had a gift that you had to give to someone else and you had a choice of giving that gift to one of two people, who would you choose:
1) a person who would enjoy your gift a little, but then go about his or her life still stuck in a life of non-productive/non-creative stagnation, or
2) a person who is also making efforts to be a value creator, and who will take your gift and use it to expand his or her value creation.

It’s obvious, you offer your gift to #2! Because your gift is MORE VALUABLE that way! The benefits go out to more and more people! It is SO EXCITING to suddenly find myself surrounded by Neothink® Society Members who are all STRIVING to CREATE VALUES for themselves and others through honest efforts.

When I think of who I want to help the most, it is OBVIOUS who is going to get my best support -> those that are going to DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT!

I can see our values growing faster and faster! This is SO EXCITING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for founding the Neothink Society, for introducing me to so many incredible people! for inspiring me to want to create value – and MORE than is paid for! And for writing the Multigenerational Manuscripts that have fueled this incredible rocket ride into success and friendship and prosperity that I see around me… and more and more everyday!


Thank You Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C and I wanted to express my most deepest
gratitude to Mr. Mark for helping me to be the person who I am now.
I embrace the journey that I toke more than 5 years ago……
the prime literature the continuous support that I received from Mr. Mark
helped me to get out the stagnation.
now I am different person I do thanks to Neothink Society because has been
a tremendous blessing to me I can’t conceive living without it!!
also the TVP party that is my hope for a better tomorrow I can taste the
freedom that will have when the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD TAKE
place full of joy and happiness.
Mr. Mark thank you for all the goodness you will bring to me
sincerely Mike C

Where Would I Be Without Neothink®?


Now that is a thought I do not want to think about. Since becoming a member of Neothink® in 2007, I have begun the most adventurous, exciting, positive, and wonderful journey I have had in my life to date. First let me share a little about myself.

My name is Cate, and I have been a single mother for many years. I never before knew how to have the “right” man in my life, I have always been hard working, yet was never happy or satisfied in what I was doing, needless to say I wanted more from life, yet could never figure out how to get what it was I wanted.

And then came Neothink®…since becoming a member and reading all of the multigenerational manuscripts (MGMs) I have been on a wonderful ride of prosperity. I have done things that I never before imagined! I have created a holiday that is celebrated by people from all over the globe! I have found my true love, a man I respect and love passionately! I own my own business and work from home, something I have always wanted to do, yet never knew how. I have met friends from all over the world, and have found them to be the most positive, and honest people I have ever known. My children are more secure and aware of how the world honestly works and are learning how to deal with situations effectively. In fact I am now able to home-school my children and provide them with an education that is based on honest fact, something that I am deeply grateful for!

In effect, Neothink® has helped to transform my life, from a life of worry and stagnation to a life filled with possibilities and promise that I can now teach to my children. Mark Hamilton has and always will have my deepest respect and love for what he is doing with his books and knowledge. Helping to set people free…to live lives they always knew we possible!

One last subject I want to discuss is the Twelve Visions Party (TVP). I am a proud member of this party and I am going to tell you why. For many years I have felt that there was something wrong with our country. Not necessarily with the people in general, but in how things were run. How is it that the government can run in debt? I cannot run my business that way. How is it that the people who make the laws are not subject to obey them? Aren’t we a country where all men and women are created equal? This is what I have read in the Constitution.
As with all things in life, when something is not working effectively, you have to look for another way. Now I have looked at other parties, and have never found the solutions that I thought would help our great country. Yet, what I found when reading the TVP, were common sense solutions. Not promises, solutions. This is what I think our country needs right now more than any thing…solutions.
The Prime Law Amendment is one example and has three parts.
The first part states no one has the right to use force, fraud or coercion against any person, group of persons or contract.
Well that makes perfect sense to me. I teach my boys everyday, to be honest, and not to fight or hurt each other. In fact we live but the motto: Treat others how you want to be treated. No one wants to be hurt. This is common sense to me. So what happens when someone comes after me? How do I defend myself?
The second part states that force is morally justified and legal for those who break rule #1.
Great! So when a burglar comes to my house and is going to attack my family I can defend my family without fear. As any parent I am sure knows, you come after my children, you are going to have to get through me first! Well what about all those terrorist people? What about them? And the companies who are more concerned with money than people? Well wouldn’t they be using force, fraud or coercion against others? Therefore, they would be in violation of rule #1. So we would have a moral obligation to defend ourselves and those companies and people would be held responsible. I am sure that once word got out that people were not going to tolerate that kind of behavior many companies and people would think twice before acting and solutions could be found peacefully. We could resolve these matters intelligently instead of wishing and hoping they would be resolved or ignoring them.
Now part 3 states that there are no exceptions of any kind. Period.
I love it! There are no excuses for hurting others. My dog was sick, I was having a bad day, I got up on the wrong side of the mattress, oopps…I didn’t mean to do that…none of that baloney would be able to be used. People would THINK before they acted. Now isn’t that what we all teach our children anyway? I know I do.

Now some people may say that third parties don’t work. Well of course they have not worked recently. None of them have offered the common sense solutions to make our country stronger like the TVP. And if you look back in history, third parties HAVE worked! How do you think our great country was founded in the first place?! By a small group of people who believed there was a better way! People who were willing to stake their lives on this belief! Not because they wanted to be martyrs, because they wanted a better life for their children and their children’s children.

I am proud to say that I am one of those few; I believe there is a better way! I would not be a good mother if I did not do everything in my power to help bring that better way into reality for my children and their children.
They deserve better than that. We all deserve better.

Go and look for yourself and see how you can help yourself and your family.


for information.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad you did!
I am!

With love and honesty,

January 2025