Posts Tagged ‘spiral’

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you


Dearest Mark Hamilton,
I have just been reinstated by Yahoo.  I can now send mail from my account.
I am so………..grateful.

Hey, Mark, I need help in another issue.  I need you in the next lives thereafter in human form to watch after me.  I need in all our next lives (reincarnation), to be unconditionally loved and to be nourished emotionally deep.  I also want to look extremely beautiful — like a Goddess inside and out perfect in every way, having my health, and being very financially wealthy from my family, and much protection for myself, family, and close friends.  

In this life, Mark, I was so……verbally abused.  That set the tone for a spiral downward in my life.  Like I said, in prior email thank GOD for you and Jesus in my life.  

I want to have you in my life.  I love you deeply in the deepest religious soul and mind way.  I know you are with me.  I hear you talking wonderful, positive things to me:  ex:  “You will be restored”.  And then I experience visions which are lovely and light a lot of light.  This is incredible.

I want to meet you.  I want to embrace the Neothinker in you.

I am very very very…………………….grateful to you.

I need to know in what way I can help you — if you need it.  I will do my very best in helping you.  

And, Mark, I hope to see you run in the elections in 2012.  I will support you.
Love, Beth



Dear Mark Hamilton
Thank you very much for the three multigenerational manuscripts Package.I just finished reading it last night.
The best years fo my life has started,when I read the multigenerational manuscripts the third time.
What exited me the most was the love of the Twelve Visions World.
I learned to keep a cool head and not be negative,since I will not complete my quest in that state of mine.
I am very greatful to you for changing my life forever!
I now want to live forever.
I have lots of work ahead of me and will help in any way possible.
You are my hero Mark Hamilton!
The LOVE in the Twelve Visions World,which I am in now is awsome.
I was in a downword spiral for years,because of the anti-civilization
Everything is changing so fast.
I will be working closely with Raymond Desmarais here in Canada.
You are the best my friend.
The Twelve Vision Party will flourish in my Country very soon.
The love is outstanding in the Twelve Visions World.

Warmest regard,Robert C

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation

The TVP and The Neothink are the only ways we can correct our downwrd spiral as a Nation.The overburdened regulations that this present administration is putting upon it’s citizens is going to destroy this society as we know it.Neothink and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party) are the only ways we can correct this situation and really “free” man and create a true ‘utopian society”,where even death itself will be eliminated.Let’s look to the truth and unveil the illusions that the media and government are trying throw at us as a people.When people see the marvels of this society, it’s story will spread world-wide.With your help we can make it happen!!!!

March 2025