Posts Tagged ‘society members’

Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wish to try express to you in words how truly grateful I am, to you and your family for this chance you have given me to change my life for the better. Without your help through your writings and my precious collection of M.G. Manuscripts I would not have ever been able to see through the illusions.
As I recognize my mysticisms and begin to rid myself of them, I feel a comfort inside of me that I have not felt before. Even though many areas of my past have disintegrated, as well as my old relationship, I see a new picture piece that will fit into place in this large puzzle and help to change many lives for the better.
I feel the most wonderful opportunity is right before me, without your writings I never would have seen the common denominators that helped me to see where I wanted to go. An opportunity that is so large, I find myself at times crying tears of joy. I also realize that I can have more than just one piece in the beautiful puzzle that we will integrate together through our efforts and values that we put into society, with the TVP and you Mark Hamilton us safely into a better world, and to the pure honest good of humanity.
I wish to give my thanks to the Neothink Society and to the many members who have put so much of their time and love into building and sharing their many values and integrations with other members. I will always honor this time in my life and look forward to meeting other members in the future.
With the Twelve Visions Party and all of the Neothink Society members I feel so much hope for the future of my family and my grandchildren.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton, Twelve Visions Party and Neothink Society.
Brenda H

Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW

Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW
Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government…
PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

My new Life

For over two and a half years now I have been reading the works of Mark Hamilton and I must say that his books have had a profound affect on my mindset. I now have a clear and exciting picture of my future and the future of this planet.
The Neothink Society with its’ hundreds of thousands of members all around the world, many of whom I have had the privilege of being in contact with through various forums, events, webcasts has been nothing short of life-changing for this loner. I thank Mark Hamilton for introducing me to my enormous lost family of like-minded Neothinkers.
With the launching of The Twelve Visions Party and the many State affiliates now formed or forming has resulted in an avalanche of communiqués with many of my fellow Neothink Society Members. The love, encouragement and support that fills those communiqués is such a blessing to someone like me who felt alone in the world. I can’t imagine what the people of this world will do to survive the economic times we are currently faced with. If the future I foresee does not have a chance to manifest its’ selve through the Visions of the Twelve Visions Party in any and all countries that have Neothink Society Members in their populace; I shudder at the very thought. I for one am glad to have had the chance to read and think about the reality of what is happening all around us.
I feel confident that there actually is hope for this country and those countries who follow in our vision of a truly loving and honest way of life as described in Mark Hamilton’s’ writings.
Utopia is a dream where foolishness dwells because of lack of direction and a solide basis of building such a world. The Twelve Visions Party has not only the awareness of this solide building base; but it also has a plan where-by it can actually become a reality in our life-time if only we will let it become a reality.
Let us all give HOPE and VISION a chance to pull us out of Darkness.
Raymond Desmarais

Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW

Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government…
PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark,
I can’t believe that the government is as stupid as they look, They are always trying to run our lives to benefit themselves and they think that they are doing us a favor, that goes for the religious liars as well, always god this god that, and they are the ones who proclaim to be a saint and they are the biggest crooks just like the government. if you look at my website you will see what we have done, to save peoples lives, that the government will not give us FDA approval because the Drugs companies will loose their ass, they have already shut us down, for helping over 30,000 people at no charge and given the people a second chance on life, cancer free, we are still struggling with trying to move forward. I hate them.
I have read all your books and I’m very happy with the results, I have been struggling for the longest time trying to find my path, and because of the man made religion and the government crap, that they try to brain wash you with it kind of left me in limbo, The books not only made sense but the application are truly amazing, I’m now on my way to the top.
I can now vision myself to the top and the right path, your visions are amazing and in time I shall vision further into the future as well as what i can produce in this life of our to help others and make this a better world. I thank you very much for finding me and giving me and my family this great opportunity. Thank you Mark.
Whatever I can do please feel free to contact me. I hope that all the society members have had the same great results that I’m having, Thank you Mark Hamilton. Frank L     

My words are:  Neothink brought out the little child in me who wanted the adult to play.
In the society today, adults cannot play. They are too busy working at dead end jobs to provide money to just exist, survive. Neothink shows you how to play, at work and enjoy the job of the future now.   With Neothink you learn to play and to survive, by playing. You learn much more in Neothink; but I feel learning to play as adults is a very important aspect that Neothink teaches; and adults forget.  When all people  understand Neothink as I do, they will want to join to   learn, grow, and become rich;
and be able to play as adults.  

Margaret L


Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW


Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government…
PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

Who would you help?


Another breakthrough moment today!

I just discovered another thing that I LOVE about the Neothink® Society and it’s incredible Business Alliance!

If you had a gift that you had to give to someone else and you had a choice of giving that gift to one of two people, who would you choose:
1) a person who would enjoy your gift a little, but then go about his or her life still stuck in a life of non-productive/non-creative stagnation, or
2) a person who is also making efforts to be a value creator, and who will take your gift and use it to expand his or her value creation.

It’s obvious, you offer your gift to #2! Because your gift is MORE VALUABLE that way! The benefits go out to more and more people! It is SO EXCITING to suddenly find myself surrounded by Neothink® Society Members who are all STRIVING to CREATE VALUES for themselves and others through honest efforts.

When I think of who I want to help the most, it is OBVIOUS who is going to get my best support -> those that are going to DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH IT!

I can see our values growing faster and faster! This is SO EXCITING!

Thank you Mark Hamilton for founding the Neothink Society, for introducing me to so many incredible people! for inspiring me to want to create value – and MORE than is paid for! And for writing the Multigenerational Manuscripts that have fueled this incredible rocket ride into success and friendship and prosperity that I see around me… and more and more everyday!


Mark Hamilton is a man who also pondered these injustices…


Throughout my life, I have wondered why inequity was viewed by so many people as an acceptable manner of existence.  The “Haves”, who truly believe themselves to be superior to the “Have Nots”, have for generations used their financial and political means to create a world that benefits themselves with complete disregard for the greater populace—the true creators of all that is value.   The “common man”, he who works for his living, is belittled, treated as unintelligent and inferior when, in effect, the knowledge and sources of knowledge that the supposedly superior society members have at their disposal, have never been available to the masses.

Mark Hamilton is a man who also pondered these injustices and pursued the reasons and causes for many years.   His determination to scientifically investigate, correlate, and evaluate the causes and effects, and integrate the criteria honestly and precisely into a formula has created Neothink.  New, neo, logic and knowledge is the catalyst I have searched for to create the changes which each of us need to truly know success in every aspect of our lives.  Neothink  has enabled my family to strengthen our business despite government projects that might have used “eminent domain” to take our land and effectively put us out of business.  Neothink  has shown us how to create desire fulfillment for our clients, putting our company in the thoughts of those who come to our store because they “feel” a connection to something that raises their good feelings.  Neothink  has reawakened a deep love and appreciation of each other for me and my husband and has strengthened our relationships with our children.

Mark Hamilton is responsible for the factual evidence of attainable changes that will bring forth the way of life those brave men we Americans call our forefathers envisioned when the Declaration of Independence created our country.  Mark Hamilton, through the Twelve Visions Party, shall bring each person the world we should have been members of for countless years.  We deserve to know the joy of life with our hopes and dreams being fulfilled and our minds free to create even greater ways for mankind to share this world.

Our prosperity and abundance, love, health, safety and life will be assured through the Twelve Visions Party and the knowledge Mark Hamilton has compiled in his multi-generational  writings.  I am greatly indebted and grateful for his concise guidance for all of humanity.

I await with true joy and pride the Neothink world!


To follow the Light or Create the Light?


Since joining the Neothink Society I have gone from a hard working person just struggle to survive to a very happy person creating training that I now know will help shape the minds of people for the future. Because of the material I was able to see layoffs coming at one job and find another job before the axe fell.

I am now developing training based on a lot of research that I probably wouldn’t have done with out the support of the society members. The feedback has given me great insight into many areas of thought and allowed me to formulate simple but effective approaches to teaching.

I am currently constructing 5 websites to put forth my ideas in different areas and I am also the adminsitrator for another site run for the Neothink Society to blog on.

It has been an amazing journey since I started a few years ago and the future is so bright! I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am creating the light for others to follow!!

Twelve Visions® world – needed NOW


Our countries’ and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink® Societies, Twelve Visions® movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.
To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party® arm of The Neothink® Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change…
Accordingly, I and other Neothink® Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions® Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government…
PROTECTION… against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

March 2025