Posts Tagged ‘society members’

Our country’s and most other political systems worldwide, are approaching chaos. A new, honest and effective, reality based approach is needed. The Neothink Society’s, Twelve Visions movement, created by Mark Hamilton, is the only achievable way myself, my family, my country and eventually the entire world can progress out of the present quagmire we are in. Obviously the current system is not working.

To improve my life and the lives of all Americans and eventually all honest people living on our planet, we need to change not only our dishonest leaders but our failing political system. The Twelve Visions Party arm of The Neothink Society is the vehicle to achieve this needed, reality based honest change.

Accordingly, I and other Neothink Society members believe and will actively work towards achieving, through the Twelve Visions Party, the one and ONLY valid purpose of government.

PROTECTION against initiatory force, coercion and fraud.

NT-Warrior Tom Kleinstuber


Having been independent-minded, I have seriously suspected for a long time that something was not right with this world. These suspicions were present even before I began accumulating Neothink literature over twenty years ago. The large amount of information from Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society/Twelve Visions Party has given me increasing: enthusiasm, independence, confidence and power. It is now so easy for any and all Neothink Society members to see what huge lies and absolute nonsense people have been led to believe for a very long time. Currently, it is not very difficult for almost anyone to be aware that “something is rotten out there”. So, if anyone is looking for solutions, you will find REAL and PERMANENT solutions in the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Actually, REAL and PERMANENT solutions to the world’s growing problems cannot be found ANYWHERE else! The survival of the human race on this planet depends on MARK HAMILTON’S NEOTHINK SOCIETY and TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!! James G

My Letter to Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Political Party

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wanted to send you a big “THANK YOU!”
A simple phrase. Yet with infinite gratitude.
Because for 13-years your work has given me so very much…
…From optimism for the future to business ideas that I can’t see an end to profiting from.
In fact, my entire life’s career has been guided by your work.
Your work…
…30 years of research and writing, from business and productivity, romance to politics, and much more.
And I intend to re-pay you in-kind.
I intend to contribute to your movement… because your movement is really my movement… everyone’s movement.
You see, around 1996 I received a promotion for your book Get Rich by 2001. It opened my eyes to the lies of big media, big business and big government.
It gave me ideas and tools for raising my intelligence, my creativity… encouraging great curiosity to uncover how the world works, and how I could profit.
And profit I have.
Financially. Professionally. Emotionally. Intellectually. You name it.
Right now I am building my independence via my website where I provide information on life management and career development…
I am a freelance marketer and writer… and I am traveling the world.
At present, I am in South America, Colombia to be exact… with time to work on my own value creations and indulge in the natural pleasures of being my own boss whilst exploring new cultures.
So you see, with the help of Neothink, my lifestyle has become enviable by many standards. I just wish more people had the chance to read what you have discovered and captured in your books.
Yet most people are still needlessly distracted by jobs they hate, relationships that hurt, or politicians they believe.
But now, with the work that I see Neothink Society members doing, such as Joshua and Trent Seymour, I think we will see more opportunity for us all to help build and share a new way of life (through respect and justice without politics, via the Prime Law)…
In fact, I can see that your ideas of a protection-only budget are accelerating the revolution, beyond the TEA Party, beyond Ron Paul, beyond Ayn Rand’s narrow-scope Capitalism, and into the Neothink world that you describe in your spell-binding work.
Every minute of every day I am working to balance my focus on short-term and long-term value creation in-line with the Neothink mentality, fueled through happy experiences during my global adventure.
The incredible thing for me right now is that whenever I am not feeling as happy as I could or should… or productive as I could or should… I know that your company’s information has the answers.
It really is amazing just how very much wisdom and how very many life advantages are captured in your work.
Mark, I thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do.
Yours sincerely,
Gavriel Shaw

Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton & Neothink Members

Hi Mr. Mark  Hamilton & Neothink Members:
Not sure what to say or really how to say all that has happened from 2005 up till now.  But let me be clear, I will try to be profoundly honest as never before. Ever since receiving the Neothink Orientation Booklet, Powerful Letters from Powerful Society Members, Neothink Heirloom 1, Neothink Heirloom 2, Neothink Heirloom 3, Boo’s Great Adventures, my life has gone through a complete transformation and continues to do so.
Let me preface this by saying I believe that the newly emerging Illuminati and society have been trying to get a hold of my Dad, Mom and my Father in law for some time.  I truly believe (and am still researching this)) that my family genealogy/line holds some powerful secrets, potential royal blue blood line from Europe and possibly Israel.  I have already found some connections to this.  Family crests, my middle name–which may go back to the Royal Edwards in England. Why do I mention this.  Because it is important to know and recognize the past in order to move into the future. In any event, I was the last member of my family to totally come into the possession of some of the most powerful and greatest secrets on the planet earth found in Neothink.
It was about 2005/2006 when Neothink came to me in full.  I absorbed the material like a sponge and continue to do so to this very day.  It is like my Shangri La, my hope in a dark place, my yearning for deeper knowledge, my oasis.  The powerful letters told me how I could be wealthy beyond compare, attract beautiful women, become powerful, famous, run with the upper class of the Neothink Society.  The letters indicated that I had power talents, abilities and that I would bring eternal secrets to the society that may have not yet been explored, that I also have double sine waves from Dr. Ian Scott.  The Letters are truly what keep me going to this day, because they talked so much about where I am and where I am going and where I will be.
The society gave me hope, confidence, inner strength like never before, power like never before, the ability to read minds and maybe influence them, attract women like crazy((which actually happened)), make me a genius, smarter than ever before(I studied, and passed 4 appraisal classes which were tough)).  In fact, even while married I did attract a beautiful woman and women.  One in particular I fell in love with, because of the deep connection-spiritually, physically(sexually), and mentally.  I have had deep profound moments of visionary dreams happening right in front of my eyes.  As Mr. Hamilton has stated it is like a vision is forming in front of you and snapping things together.  I have had deep moments of Neothink.  I have been able to foretell future events in my life with an uncanny ability.

I refused to put up with external/negative thinking and circumstances.  For the first time in over 15 years I did not feel stifled, snuffed out and actually felt exhilarated and freed from all of the crap going on in the world–stupid corporate America-stupid jobs–controlling, manipulative, domineering, demanding, abusive people.  You get the idea.  And I hate to say this, but my wife was one of these people.  You see we had been married for 16 years with 2 boys.  Two boys which I love dearly and will pass the society information to when they are ready. However, my wife did not exhilarate me any more, there was no spark, no love, no effort made in the intimacy department–only frigidity, abusive, controlling, toxic, demanding.  Sex maybe once in a great while every 3 months, to 6 months to longer.  It got extremely frustrated.  Plus I was Mr. Mom and working long grave yard hours when Neothink came to me.  This had been going for some time.  Well, I got tired of it and as you say in Vision 7–of Heirloom II –love died along with a lot of other things.

So here is all the bad stuff.  I had an affair, because the Neothink Info and power is extremely powerful and it does change you and make you into a internally strong genius creating powerful man which women love.  I lost my wife(got divorced), lost my kids to sole custody, lost/sold my home.  I also lost the job I had been for over 3 1/2 years.  As you said in your letters, I had a lousy job, lousy love life, lousy car–which I still have.  I went from 1400 square feet to probably 400 square feet which is where I am now–renting 1 bedroom apartment-lousy.

So again to recap–powerful calling, talents, abilities due to self awareness and power through Neothink.  Lost Wife, kids, house, money and now I am losing my job with a county government(which may work itself to be a good thing) but we will see((I am still in the middle of dealing with)).  The society also saw powerful writing ability in me, (maybe noble stuff).  I did publish one thing a while ago, but yet to start on any new writing projects–but moving towards my downstream focus-essence.  Trying to find this desperately.  So life stinks.  Love life died, no money, no job and the economy right now is in the crapper.  I am just being honest here.  Now I have to search again for another stupid job.

So, but, the beautiful thing is that Neo think will save me and has already done so.  I know that my boys((Boo’s Great Adventure)) will inherit the Hoffman Dynasty.  I know that all that the society has told me about myself will come to pass.  I know that I have double sine waves, my name means something, belong to royalty and will bring that Royalty on through to creativity building and values through Neothink, that the powerful Hoffman Dynasty will be built by me and help from the society and its members. That I will help millions achieve their downstream focus and help them to reach the exhilaration found in the Twelve Visions World.  That I will bring all of the secrets I now know and more to the society.  I know that I will live the life of luxury, cars, cash, suits, houses, women or one good loving, gentle woman that believes in me(gifts, talents, my history and the values I will bring to this life and world), the good life will happen.  I am still moving in that direction and waiting with more action on my part.

I will utilize my genius and creative ability to bring powerful secrets, medically, possibly scientifically and most certainly spiritually.  After line of King David.  See I don’t regret the past or look at the Bible as immoral necessarily–but I do believe that religion(external circumstantial blocked and mystic thinking is what puts most Christians in a box unable to think outside that box)) I could go more into that, but will stop at that point.   However, I believe the society has only made my faith, abilities and power even greater.   I will help to bring the eternal secrets and know where to look.  I do not forget about my line through King David, King Solomon and all the immortals prior to them and after them even now.

So where does this leave me today……I don’t know really.  I continue to study like never before the secrets of the universe in all areas, study Neothink  as never before and hope like the great Neothink Celebrity man, that I get the woman, the house, the freedom, the luxury, the wealth, the downstream focus, the ability to create wealth and keep it and help countless millions achieve their dreams as well.  Along with achieving the 1 big secret stated in Miss Annabelle’s Secrets (The Third Heirloom Package).   I also want to buy the CD’s/Tapes from the last letter.  I am serious about the Neothink Society and am looking to move into the Society that runs parallel to the masses now that I am single and have the opportunity to create great values.  I hope this gives you help, hope, inspiration Mr. Hamilton.  It is because of you and your great Members before you, alongside of you and now the great level 12 apprentices that we will move the world whether they are ready or not into the Twelve Visions World.  My life has gone through entire turmoil.  So I know it will only get better, thanks to the society. I just hope that I get everything back to me seven fold.  I can hope and dream always because of you and this great membership to the Great Society that is older than dirt.

Yahoo, that is my dream and my hope.  I hope and believe that I will arrive and get there with all of your help.  Thank you for all that you and the society have done up to this point and can not wait to meet all of you soon.


WEH (Mr. Hoffman)

I also had the monthly essence meetings with Mark Hamilton…


From:  Georgia Hunter – NEOTHINK SOCIETY Virginia
I could write for days trying to express all that the Neothink Society has brought to my life, how much I have grown, and the incredible future I am creating for myself with all that I am learning.  
When I received the invitation to join the Neothink Society I thought it was just too good to be true, but I had been searching for so long that I decided to take one more chance.  I found myself anxiously watching for that first book.  I sat for three days reading, laughing, and crying as I realized I was not alone in my thinking, I was not crazy, and there were good, solid explanations for the thoughts and feelings I had never shared with anyone – ever!  As each additional book arrived, again I read, barely stopping for sleep.  The books had an enormous impact on how I looked at myself, my life, society and the future.  To help me integrate this new information I also had the monthly essence meetings with Mark Hamilton, the web-conferences with members nationwide, and the monthly gatherings with NEOTHINK SOCIETY members here in Virginia.  My life has been altered forever, and I know that I am creating a future that is filled with love, purpose, and immense happiness.
Before NEOTHINK SOCIETY I was a confused combination of unhappy, frustrated, angry, and lonely.  My life seemed an endless search for that “something more.”   I was trapped in a prison I had allowed society to build around me, and I didn’t even know it was there until the Neothink Society showed me how to break down the walls and find freedom.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY taught me that its OK to color outside the lines.
Many of my ancestors were Shenandoah Valley preachers and the entire family always revolved around the church.  I was constantly being punished and/or lectured because I didn’t want to go – I didn’t like it, it didn’t feel right.  It became crystal clear when I graduated from Sunday-school to Church and went from singing Jesus Loves Me to hearing I would burn in Hell for my sins.  I remember thinking “what the heck is this?”  From that point on I became aware that everything around me seemed alien or just plain wrong.  Until NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I spent my whole life bombarded with accusations of not fitting in, not doing what was expected of me, of standing out from society.   I doubted my sanity at times because my thinking was so diametrically different from my family, friends, and co-workers.  I was alienated from my family, never kept a long-term friend, never found the love I hungered for, and never found the financial success I knew I was capable of.
Now at last, thanks to the Neothink Society, I understand and I am free.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY rekindled the fire inside me, reawakened childhood dreams I thought long dead.  I wake up before my alarm now – anxious not to miss a minute of the day and what it might bring.  I find myself smiling and whistling for no apparent reason.  I no longer need drugs or alcohol to deaden the pain – there is no pain.  I am now a non-smoker.  I have lost 40 pounds.  I found a way to quit a well-paying job I despised, and have started a small home business doing what I enjoy most – creating value rather than producing value for others.    I have discovered that my mind is a wonderful thing capable of far more than I ever dreamed.
I’m still new at this, and every day is a wonderful learning experience.  The Neothink Society has started me on a journey and I can hardly wait to see where it takes me.  My days are spent finding ways to bring happiness, not just to myself, but to those around me.  The future is now a truly wonderful thing and I welcome it.
It feels as though NEOTHINK SOCIETY reached inside my head and heart and said, “There you are, we’ve been looking for you.”
Words can never adequately express the joy that NEOTHINK SOCIETY has brought to my life.  I urge anyone who knows deep inside that there should more to life to investigate and learn about the Neothink Society.  There is a wonderful and beautiful world out there.  NEOTHINK SOCIETY is your map.
I don’t waste my time regretting the past, I spend my time working toward and anticipating our future.

Patrick Bundys testimonial of his life journey in the permanently valuable Neothink Society (R):


When I first began I was dishonest, hated, loveless, moneyless, womanless, depressed, lazy while pushing my camouflaged failure down into a downward spiral of dishonesty. I was defaulting in nearly almost every area in my life yet I just could not “get it” when I was making some effort to becoming rich and successful.

Now all that is happily forever behind me.
I have discovered the indefinitely valuable life advantages to universal wealth, health, romance, happiness, safety, peace, creation and universal power.
Each of my own heirloom packages planted just the right seeds of knowledge to forever allow me to jump directly into the most exciting journey of my whole life.

I have discovered for myself the secrets of the worlds smartest individuals on our planet.
This is NOT hype as NEOTHINK SOCIETY members have already discovered on their own. I have too. I am SO happy about this.

When I laid eyes on the secrets to eternal sexual-romantic love I was amazed at just how easy it will become for me to experience such an eternal value.
I was uplifted as to WHY so much failure exists in the world when it is all SO easily avoidable.
I am now fully armed with the NEOTHINK SOCIETY secrets to romantic-love creation.
Because of this I have attracted the love of a very special woman whom I want more than I have ever wanted any woman before.
She responds to my character.
I want her. Applying the sexual-romantic-love secrets I am witnessing her with my own eyes her desire expand for me.
She and me will be together soon enough.
I love being so patient while watching romantic-love prosper in my life and feeling my happiness with her already.

I have discovered the stimulating career of my dreams.
I now have a real life business working with real business people in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
All of my life checking out MLM’s and other marketing models I could not do them because my heart was not with it.
My heart is FOREVER WITH the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Business Model.
I believe in my heart that my business will make me more rich than most of the countries richest people are today.

I now know the essence of conscious beings, value creation, happiness, love, humor, conscious life and many many others.
Knowing this I am now able to profitably control the essence of MANY things so that me and others may experience indefinitely expanding happiness for life.

I have found a home in the National NEOTHINK SOCIETY.
I feel pure love existing all around the serious minded NEOTHINK SOCIETY members that are taking the NEOTHINK SOCIETY to ever newer levels.
During the National Meetings I feel the friendship, harmony, love and respect existing as we all create the most important values that bring lasting meaning in our lives.
I realized and accepted that ALL members that are getting in now are going to experience these very same values if they really take an active participation.
The happiness, joy and happiness is beyond what we all knew before.
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the love that I now permanently live with.
These people that feel like family to me are the men and women that are adding so much valuable and relevant knowledge to my life.
I cannot begin to tell you how much ripe and fresh knowledge that we all uncover on a day to day basis. I am overwhelmed with pure love everyday as I watch my life reach new heights never before dreamt of.
Just take an active part in this life changing group of like-minded people and you will see for yourself all of the exclusive action that takes place here all the time.

I used to feel scared that I would fail in life.
Now I KNOW that is completely false.
I KNOW that life is exactly what I intend to make it. Now that I am a life long member in the Neothink Society (R) and am using the secrets, all jammed packed in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Heirloom Packages, I live without the fear that plagues most people today. I live with increasing peace and eternally happy pure love in my heart.
I am taking action towards the life I am meant to live each and every single day.
One way that I KNOW that I cannot fail in the long run now is because the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Visions and Powers took the author 25 years to create this prime literature. They arose from factual experiences of real life people who had part in adding eternal value to these heirloom packages.
I own the original copies of these two pieces of the prime literature.
The prime literature puzzle is beyond what currently exists on our planet.
Actually I feel scared from time to time but when I consider the fact that I am OK now with my friends, I melt with loving feelings for life.

I used to despise and hate myself.
When I look back on this I look back somewhat with disbelief at how I used to be.
I now love myself with every fiber of my being in existence.
I love life.
I understand and am knowing how to succeed.
I am gaining the ability to acquire massive and extensive resources in my own life.
I have never been as dedicated to anything as much as I am to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the members, the prime literature and my NEOTHINK SOCIETY life that I am living more and more everyday with sheer happiness.
I was never as SO excited as I was to learn that anyone can lift themselves out of their miserable existence and into the life they were meant to live.

There is SO MUCH MORE to this life I live that I could talk about so I sak right now: Go to my testimonial video and make good understanding of it.

In conclusion of my testimonial I must say:
I love myself and my life now. I have real and true fun now where once fun was gradually slipping away. I actually felt helpless to have fun as much as I once did again. Now I do…

Lovingly and Respectfully,
Patrick Bundy

“Who is Mark Hamilton?”


Dear Mark Hamilton –
First and foremost I want personally “Thank you for recognizing me as one of the chosen ones to embark on this amazing and historical journey.”  
In the past two months I have experienced a growth spurt within the Global A-Team and have had the opportunity to welcome some very amazing people to the team. Due to the recent growth it was decided that recently held meeting would be more of a social gathering, a coming together of the minds if you will.
I must say that it was quite an amazing experience and questions were raised. The question in which I am going to put forth to you is that of “Who is Mark Hamilton?” We are all aware that Mark Hamilton is the pen name of the author and publisher of the Neothink literature but no one could honestly answer just exactly who Mark Hamilton is.
The question was brought to light for several reasons. Prospective members and even current NEOTHINK SOCIETY Members have and will begin to ask. We are also asked to sign a contractual agreement with the Neothink Society®, which is headed by Mark Hamilton, if we wish to participate in bringing forth the C of U through Clubhouses and 12VP. Another point was the importance of the year 2012 and the insertion of an un-named NEOTHINK SOCIETY® presidential candidate during this important period.
If we are to build a society based upon fully integrated honesty and integrity how can we do so when it is not quite clear as to whom we are working with. You yourself, Mark Hamilton, stated the importance of not being afraid to get personal with each other because we should always know who we doing business with. Are we not doing business with you and your team?
There are several of us who are aware of the importance that the upcoming year 2012 holds. Some are more aware than others but never the less many are aware to one degree or another. Can you honestly say that it just happens to be a coincidence that the NEOTHINK SOCIETY® is planning on making a run for the presidency in 2012? Or is it because you and team also understand the importance of 2012?
Mr. Hamilton, we are all aware that Mark Hamilton Eric Savage, Dr. F.R.W., John Flint, and etc. are just pen names, which are not uncommon for authors, but we have a right to know who you are honestly. Yes we know that you are the author and publisher of the literature and may have been given little tid-bits of information throughout the text, mostly about the author known as Dr. Wallace, but we honestly have no clue outside of what you yourself has written,  published, or perhaps spoke of within a meeting.

Mr. Hamilton, I did not stop being the person whom I have always been when I accepted your invitation and absorbed your literature. I only continued to evolve into that in which I was already destined to be. In my development I have discovered that your literature, the Neothink  Heirlooms, were not the instantly gratifying answers for that which appealed to my human nature in your marketing but was merely a confirmation of the things that I had already known. I see Neo-Tech/ Neothink Society® being a KEY which will allow one to unlock the door to a deeper knowledge that lies within us all but has been forgotten.
If someone were to simply replace their current belief/thought system with yours yourself because you have showed them something different, you, your team, and those that have decided to follow you would still be doing no different than that which has already been done unto them before because they are still following – being lead versus being a self-leader. The Global A-Team feels as though it is important that we hear your very own personal testimony as to your personal experience, path, and initiation into consciousness and value-creation. You have asked for and received hundreds if not thousands of our own personal testimonials.
Think about it. How much more powerful would this movement become if we were to read/ hear the personal testimony of the man, not the author, who has created this movement. Account Home Page – The personal testimony’s of the Inside Circle of the Neothink Society®.
With all due respect Mr. Hamilton, may we please have you and the members of your team’s personal testimony, a reflection of your personal journey from the darkness into enlightenment – consciousness and value-creation.

Your Humble Apprentice,

Encountering Mark Hamilton…


Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.

Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.

Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”

Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.

The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.

My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.

Ndubuisi A

Encountering Mark Hamilton…

Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.
Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.
Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”
Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.
The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.
My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.
Ndubuisi A

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton.
I really owe you for the stage what I’m at right now, the stage where I’m a new individual ,happy .healthy and almost wealthy, before I joined the society I was ok or like the vast majority , but now with the new vision and new me I gained from reading your multigenerational manuscripts and learning from your mentoring and the society members, I can and live and visualize the bright future a wait for me and for all people, I really want to thank you for your great efforts of writing in fact creating the multigenerational manuscripts and for your devotions of having these multigenerational manuscripts available to me and the public , I want thank you for your support and your fathering me and all the society members as will as creating the Twelve Vision Party TVP, even thou that you’re younger than a lot of society members, you still feel and make us feel your honest fathering.
with Mr. Hamilton’s dedications and fathering of the society members and the TVP that will bring the happiness and the wealth to the mass ,
thank you Mr. Hamilton for your sacrifices of your personal assets to father and support us in the Neothink society.
Mr. Hamilton I’m not here to list all of your favors and dedications to the Neothink society and the TVP because your efforts are more than to be listed.
thank you Mark
The New Me

March 2025