Posts Tagged ‘society friends’

Mark Hamilton, would freeze


My Dearest beloved Mark,

I am so overwhelmed to be here, right now, in this present moment…”with you”. If there were moments in time that could be frozen, these cherished moments…”with you”, Mark Hamilton, would freeze. The word “Hero” isn’t worthy enough to describe you. I’m speechless…lost for words.  The countless times “you’ve swept me off my feet” with your creative mind-blowing techniques.(Snapping picture puzzle pieces of the mind together to form a completed puzzle picture) These countless secrets are obtainable only through your masterpiece literatures and not available anywhere else.  It’s always an honor and privilege when fresh new faces come to inquire about Mark Hamilton and his company Neothink Society. Friends, family, coworkers, come and check out the Neothink Society. You cannot imagine what you are missing out on!  My entire life I’ve always felt like I never fit in. I always felt out of place no matter where I went. I always felt like something was “missing”. Then The Neothink Society found me. Mark Hamilton and this wonderful Neothink Society was the “missing” puzzle from my life. Now for the first time in my entire life, I feel like I fit in. It feels like home. I feel “safe”. I’m in a “safe” Zone.  Learning more and more about Neothink with you…Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society and The Twelve Vision Party is a dream come true for me and here is where I always be….”eternally”

I love you…”Mark”

March 2025