Posts Tagged ‘small time’

The Neothink society is no small time organization…

My name is Armando Vega, a proud Neothink member who has learned many valuable concepts that I could never learn in the ruling class society I live in. I have learned how to be an integrated thinker and an everyday value producer. This in addition to one day becoming a value creator which will enable me to finally fulfill my essence and the role of consciousness.
The Neothink society is no small time organization which looks to deceive people, quite the contrary it is the answer to problems in our civilization as we know it. To make business the fountainhead of all solutions and eliminate dishonest political market businessmen who continue to extract values from the value creators of the world. My benefit is in my new found way of integrated thinking to become a problem solver and create values for society as opposed to creating problems where none exist.
The TVP party will change this country and help make everyone including the poor wealthy. The cheaters of society are concerned about the movement because it threatens their way of being. A new world is upon us a place where geniuses can be freed from regulations and restrictions which for example, prevent the medical profession from making major scientific breakthroughs. We are approaching a time where the world needs change and prosperity for all people not just the select few. I know that the TVP will be the only party capable of making this dream of prosperity for all a reality.
As I have mentioned in my previous testimony I am a better person and truly complete with my integrated way of thinking. My ability to see through illusions is a skill I have developed thanks to the Neothink literature and clubhouse meetings I have attended. My desire is to continue learning more and fulfilling my potential as a value creator who can create more values for society. To prosper and teach others the Neothink way and hopefully in time the TVP movement will become the political party of choice. Those who want to take down the TVP and Neothink are fearful of the truth and are desperately trying to stop a train with lots of momentum. Long live Neothink and the TVP!

March 2025